Say, Could Yapping About Climate Doom Help Harris’ Campaign?

Warmist Bill McKibben pops his head up at the New Yorker, a city that could not survive without fossil fuels for planes, ships, helicopters, trucks, cabs, limos, and cars

Could Talking About Climate Change Now Help Kamala Harris’s Campaign?

No. Period. Fully stop, as they say. Does Bill think Kamala is capable of having an adult conversation on this? Does he realize the word salad that would spew forth? Does he think this will play to anyone but the most fervent Democrat voters? Does he think that the average voter who has seen their cost of living skyrocket during the Biden-Harris admin cares? Or the ones seeing the border overrun with illegals/migrants shipped to their towns causing all sorts of issues care? Or that WWIII is just around the corner care?

Kamala Climate ClownNot that you’d know it from this year’s Presidential campaign. Vice-President Kamala Harris, since becoming the Democratic nominee, has spoken very little about climate change. To the degree that a transition from fossil fuel has been discussed at all, it’s been in the form of her assuring Pennsylvanians that she won’t interfere with fracking. She has spoken about creating green jobs, but not much else. The reasons are fairly clear. First, the Democratic Party essentially had no primary season. Biden faced only token challenge, and when he stepped down Harris was nominated by acclamation, so activists had no chance to elevate climate change to a crucial electoral issue, as they had done in 2020. Remember the backdrop: Greta Thunberg’s movement had crested in the fall of 2019, with some six million people marching in protests around the world. In this country, the Sunrise Movement was pushing a Green New Deal. The governor of Washington, Jay Inslee, who was also briefly a Presidential candidate, called that time a “magic moment” for climate politics. NBC reported, “Climate change has recently shot to the top of polls of issues that Democratic voters care about in the presidential primary, rivaling for the first time longstanding bread-and-butter topics like health care.” Harris, in her primary bid, said that global warming “represents an existential threat to who we are as a species.” Biden, after winning the nomination, secured Senator Bernie Sanders’s support by committing to work with him on climate initiatives.

Yes, that is all one paragraph. And, yes, Jay Inslee flamed out badly in the 2020 primaries, because no one cared that his entire focus was climate doom. No one cared in reality in 2020, not with COVID still raging, and with economic conditions collapsing.

If Harris’s team thinks that supporting fracking in Pennsylvania is key to winning over undecided voters, then so be it. But, especially as polling still shows widespread support for climate action, it wouldn’t hurt to send a broader signal of concern about this most crucial of issues. The 2012 Presidential election was similarly quiet about global warming—there was no mention of it in the debates—until Hurricane Sandy hit the mid-Atlantic, in late October. Michael Bloomberg, New York’s Republican-turned-independent mayor at the time, used the occasion for a surprise endorsement of President Barack Obama, saying that the devastation had brought the stakes of the election into “sharp relief.”

Bill is cool with Kamala lying about her support of fracking, which, if elected, she will immediately look to ban fracking in Pennsylvania and everywhere else. Yapping about it will only help with her hardcore base. It won’t move the needle anywhere else.

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8 Responses to “Say, Could Yapping About Climate Doom Help Harris’ Campaign?”

  1. Dana says:

    With Mrs Emhoff’s campaign struggling, it’s time for the Hail Mary pass, so why not?

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    I don’t know but I saw an ad yesterday where Kamala was giving away the kitchen sink and the house and the farm and her children and grandchildren to the middle class if she is elected. She was Donald Trump on steroids, cocaine, and fentanyl.

    I would vote for her if I were poor, not realizing she can’t do anything unless Congress votes for it. The same is true for Trump.

    but Trump can declare another emergency again and build a wall. Force Mexico to hold them in place and they can round up the violent offenders and send them back. He is NOT going to round up every illegal. Most of them are great, but seeking asylum means you go to the country bordering your own and begging for asylum because you’re in danger in your own country.

    It does not mean traveling worldwide, marching 2000 miles, and then sneaking over the border into the USA. That is not asylum. That is criminal.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    After all, “yapping” is what women do.

    On the other hand “Big Donnie” spend time talking about Arnold Palmer’s big dick.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    After all, “yapping” is what women do.

    On the other hand serious man, “Big Donnie”, spent time talking about Arnold Palmer’s big dick.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Why are MAGAts obsessed with male genitals? Discuss amongst yourselves.

  6. Doom and Gloom says:

    In other news. China is gearing up for war. XE told his people to prepare for war many years earlier than his target of 2029. South Korea has now mobilized its entire army, including reserves, and yet we hear NOTHING about any of this.

    Ukraine just launched a 110 drone attack deep into Russia. Russia claims they shot down all the drones as footage leaks out of Russia of drone strikes hitting several targets deep in Russian territory.

    Russia responded with drone attacks of its own. I am now fully on board with giving Ukraine money to continue this war. Only because no one has any idea how to combat drones, the entire Navy could be sunk using a massive wave of Drones from the Chinese navy or coming from the coast of Iran. 1000 drones that are camera fed are an impossibility for any naval force to down.

    Ukraine has taught us a new and unique way of fighting a war; now, we must learn how to combat it. Think of the Ukrainians as R&D money spent.

    Im telling you these drones are a nightmare for any military and the first ones to figure out how to defeat them has a huge upper hand. Right now our military advantage is GONE. That is why the USA which used to get to within a few hundered miles of Iran or China now stands off a 1000 miles, ready to run for it because these drones are gaining longer and longer RANGES.

  7. Matthew says:

    Could Talking About Climate Change Now Help Kamala Harris’s Campaign?

    Well, considering that talking about anything, other than the candidates and their actual positions on subjects that would make a tangible difference in our lives, can help muddy the waters, probably. At this stage, what has the left got to lose?

    The whole question though, is a non-story, because McKibben doesn’t care, he’s just feathering his nest, as usual. He hitched his wagon to the climate change gold rush on the ground floor, it’s been his ticket to everything worth anything in his life since he was in his twenties and going nowhere fast. He’s a one trick pony but he can perform that trick in his sleep and will do so anytime and anywhere he can wring a dime from it.

    So the real question is: Could Talking About Climate Change with regard to Kamala Harris’s Campaign (or any other current event of the day) allow McKibben to make a buck? The answer of course is “You bet!”.

  8. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Saw the brilliant and beautiful fat shit Lezzo supporting Kameltoe at some bullshit leftist “thing” over the weekend. She stated that kameltoe is gonna “do to America what was done to Detroit” or some such shit. Do these morons ever listen to themselves? Like Elwood obsessing about Trump and genitals and MAGAT’s. Some sort of insanity has spread through the leftist population.

    One can see the fear and terror in Toe’s face every time she speaks in pubic. The broad is an idiot and she may be starting to realize it. Meanwhile the dems are trying disparately to tell everyone the election is a dead heat. Counting the 4 million illegal ballots.

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