Irony can be pretty ironic
Electric fire truck burns down brand new German fire station
Unfortunately, homes and businesses burn down every day. However, you don’t often hear about fire stations loaded with vital firefighting gear and professionals burning to the ground. That is, however, precisely what happened after an emergency vehicle with lithium-ion batteries like those in an electric fire truck caught fire and spread quickly.
The Feuerwehr station in Stadtallendorf is new. Really new. In fact, the new fire station opened its bay doors less than one year ago. The station could accommodate 10 fire engines and many firefighters. However, a tragic fire destroyed the station, despite its firefighting purposes.
According to euronews, the fire originated with “an emergency vehicle belonging to the fire department, which contained lithium-ion batteries and an external power connection.” Unfortunately, the electric emergency vehicle’s blaze destroyed at least 10 fire truck models and caused around 25 million Euros (27.05 million USD) in damage.
Well, that sure blew out a lot of money simply because politicians who mostly do not drive EVs are forcing EVs on everyone else, and not caring if this all makes sense when it comes to protecting people’s homes and lives.
Here’s the kicker, though. The brand-new, cutting-edge Feuerwehr station didn’t have a functioning fire alarm. I know, I know. A fire station with no fire alarm? The International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF) reports that first responders were outraged to find out that the expensive new facility lacked an alarm system.
Maybe it should be a paraphrase of the Jurassic Park quote “Your politicians were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”

Lemme guess, ICE fire trucks burn down fire stations at an order of magnitude more frequently…
You’ve missed the point: those lithium batteries are very difficult to extinguish once they catch on fire, far more difficult than a diesel-powered vehicle.
No, you missed MY point. Every time there’s a story about an EV battery of any kind causing a fire, some leftist DS comments that internal combustion vehicles catch fire at 10X the rate of EVs. I was just trying to get out in front of that nimrod. And he is a nim-effing-rod!
Can you think of a word that begins with “f” and ends with “uck”? It’s firetruck!
This is _not_ what FIRE truck is supposed to mean.
Alright, what manufacturer made the EV? Let me guess. The big German one?
Isn’t it ironic…
According to FEMA
Volume 1, Issue 19
May 2001 (Rev. December 2001)
Fire Station Fires
* Fire station fires most often originate in fire departments’ vehicles
(44%); 37% of fires are structure fires.
* The leading cause of the approximately 150 fire station fires each year
is attributed to “electrical distribution,” although “cooking” is the leading
cause of structure fires.
* Electrical wire is the leading material igniited, most often due to short
* Too often, fire stations have no damage insurance or are underinsured.
from 2001, no less.

Hell of a catch, Rimjob.
Lil Pissant from Obssession TX,
It’s our understanding that there existed precious few EV firetrucks in the US in 2001, yet we were seeing 150 fire stations bursting into flames a YEAR!!!
Just a litle balance to Teach’s story about Germany.
Balance? Oh… Another miss by Rimjob.

Bwaha! Lolgf
But none from ICE trucks! Now the firemen can look forward to their truck exploding into flames. BTW, showing that 150 fire stations “burst into flames” (your silly statement) has nothing to do with EV fires do they?
If you knew anything you’d know that fire houses contain many chemicals used in the business of fighting fires. They also cook dozens of meals per day at each location. Ya think these have anything to do with it?
But what do I know? I’ve only been a fireman for 21 years. LOL
About a year ago, the 3rd floor service department of a just opened BMW dealership in Wesley Chapel, Fl, caught fire, in the middle of the night as a result of a brand-new EV BMW catching fire.
The point is that fires are common in fire houses. And not just from EVs. Are you certain no gas or diesel trucks have never caught fire?
It’s estimated there are some 7000 truck fires yearly in the US, including some fire trucks.
Try harder, Pissant!
hello hy ok