Harris Word Salads Her Way Through CNN Town Hall

You can bet she was given the answers beforehand in some fashion, and her answers were still ridiculous. But, were you expecting something different? Anderson Cooper started out by giving Kamala a softball, asking her what she would say to voters who support Trump, so, she immediately went to calling Trump a Fascist, because she really has nothing else, and it’s a nice bit of projection.

And then

(Yahoo) Asked by an Independent, undecided voter who was to blame, Biden or Trump, for the spike in inflation, and what she would do to bring grocery prices down, Harris started by acknowledging that “the price of groceries is still too high.”

She then added that it would be her priority to bring prices down, and touted her work as California’s Attorney General to take on price gouging as well as her new plan to enact a “national ban” to address the practice.

She also promoted her plan to build affordable housing units to bring rent prices down for the average American. “I bring to it my experience, knowing what has been happening in terms of corporations buying up blocks of property to diminish competition and then rents get jacked up,” she said.

What experience does she have on building homes? She’s not wrong about corporations jacking up prices by purchasing homes at absurd prices. She couldn’t build more than 8 EV chargers or connect one home to the Internet over the past 4 years of the Biden-Harris admin. Oh, and how did her work as AG help in the People’s Republik Of California? Their grocery costs, energy costs, etc, are totally low, right?

Harris then offered her first mild criticism of President Biden, saying, “for too long, frankly, both administrations, both administrations and both parties, Democrats and Republicans, haven’t done enough to deal with the issue of housing. We need a new approach.”

Cooper quoted Harris’s plan on price gouging, noting that it specifically related to times of emergency. “How does that help someone like” the man who asked the question? Cooper asked.

Harris said that price gouging was a real and ongoing issue in states like Georgia and North Carolina that are trying to recover from Hurricane Helene. “I took this issue on because it affects a lot of people,” she said.

Seriously, we are less than two weeks from the election, and this is all she can offer? 100% canned basic responses. No digging into the issues. And, really, if there was price gouging going on in western NC I would have heard about it. It would be all over our local news. Current AG Josh Stein would be all over it, regardless of him being a Democrat. The state has a long history of quashing gouging after disasters. Cooper forgot to ask her if she had any proof of this occurring in Georgia and North Carolina.

She was then asked about the border

A registered Republican voter who said he was leaning toward voting for Harris asked her how she would ensure that “every immigrant to the U.S. is integrated into American society safely” and what benefits and subsidies they would be provided with, whether American taxpayers would pay for them and how much would be spent.

Right, a registered Republican totally wants all those illegals/migrants integrated. Uh huh. She babbled on about the trash border bill, and, wow, Cooper demolished her for not doing anything in 2022 and 2023. Her answer was simply a basic talking point again. She’s really not good at this.

She also wants to end the filibuster to codify Roe v Wade, failing to realize that the Supreme Court would kill that legislation for being un-Constitutional. Congress doesn’t have the authority to impose this. Again, I’m 100% against the GOP passing legislation that ends abortion. Trump has stated numerous times that he wouldn’t sign it.

Another female undecided voter then asked Harris how she would combat “the growing trend” of anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses.

“We have seen a rise in anti-Semitism, and it is something that we have to be honest about,” Harris said, noting her work on the subject as attorney general of California. “Part of what we’ve got to do is talk with people so that they understand what are the tropes, what are the roots of what we are seeing so that we can actually have people be more understanding. We need to have laws in place that make those who would commit crimes on behalf of anti-Semitism and hate — that they pay a serious consequence.”

Harris then pivoted back to Trump. “I’m going to tell you what doesn’t help, again I invite you to go online and listen to John Kelly, the former chief of staff of Donald Trump who has told us Donald Trump said essentially, ‘Why aren’t my generals like those of Hitler’s?’”

So, word salad then Orange Man Bad. You know, the guy who worked to secure Middle East peace, did Abraham Accords, has visited the Holy Land and prayed at the Western Wall.

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7 Responses to “Harris Word Salads Her Way Through CNN Town Hall”

  1. Dana says:

    Our distinguished host wrote:

    Anderson Cooper started out by giving Kamala a softball, asking her what she would say to voters who support Trump, so, she immediately went to calling Trump a Fascist, because she really has nothing else, and it’s a nice bit of projection.

    How many of Mr Trump’s supporters does Mrs Emhoff believe will be swayed by her calling him, and by extension them, fascists?

    So, word salad then Orange Man Bad. You know, the guy who worked to secure Middle East peace, did Abraham Accords, has visited the Holy Land and prayed at the Western Wall.

    OMG, Mr Trump prayed at the Western Wall? He got the negotiations for the Abraham Accords started, and his Jooooo son-in-law guided them to a successful conclusion. Why, that’s probably enough to get the anti-Semitic left to vote against him!

    Heaven forfend, he actually wore a kippah for the visit!

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    LOL. Has Mr Teach NEVER heard Mr Trump speak??

    “The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human.” – Aldous Huxley

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach, regarding a federal law permitting abortion: Congress doesn’t have the authority to impose this.

    Congress cannot pass laws, to be signed by a President? The rot at the core of the SC would rule it inConstitutional???

    The nu-Supreme Court just might.

    • CarolAnn says:

      Of course Congress can pass laws, that’s their only job. If they are unconstitutional laws the SC will decide. We are well aware that any law you like is Constitutional and any you don’t like are un Constitutional. That’s how tyrants roll. Just like all your crying and rending of clothes over RvW being finally declared un Constitutional. It was always un-C from day one and if you were an honest man (LOL) you would have admitted it. You and your fellow commies are so busy trying to bully everybody you fail to see truth when it stares you in the face.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    “When Dad gets home, you know what he says? ‘You’ve been a bad girl. You’ve been a bad little girl, and you’re getting a vigorous spanking right now,” he continued. “And no, it’s not going to hurt me more than it hurts you. No, it’s not. I’m not going to lie. It’s going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me. And you earned this’”

    Tucker rules!


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

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