Isn’t this the same guy Democrats have been calling literally Hitler since 2016? How he was going to do Hitler stuff? But, of course, not during his first term, totally his second
"Trump is literally Hitler" is her Hail Mary, October surprise, last ditch desperation play.
She's done and she knows it.
Donald Trump for President! 2024! MAGA!
— Gays For Trump (@GaysForTrump24) October 23, 2024
Yeah, yeah. This was the lead story for the 630pm news from ABC and NBC (Planet Fitness didn’t have a CBS station on where I could see, which was simply looking between sets while doing balancing yoga). I’m not going to bother with any of them, and, really, CNN isn’t even bothering with a top page story. The NY Times has a tiny little middle of the page piece. The Washington Post does have a near the top of the page one. But, they all ran something without bothering to do News. None demanded that John Kelly prove his assertion, where Kelly said he “believed the former president was a fascist and that Trump had told him multiple times Adolf Hitler had “done some good things.””
And, of course, Cackles took it much further, as the video above shows
(Breitbart) The Trump campaign on Wednesday issued a statement slamming Vice President Kamala Harris’s “dangerous rhetoric” after she delivered an address from her official residence claiming that former President Donald Trump “invoked Hitler,” citing a debunked hit piece from The Atlantic.
The Trump campaign said in the statement:
Kamala’s dangerous rhetoric is directly to blame for the multiple assassination attempts against President Trump and she continues to stoke the flames of violence all in the name of politics.
She is despicable and her grotesque behavior proves she is wholly unfit for office.
One has to wonder why Kelly trotted this out now. He didn’t do it in 2020. He waits till there is less than two weeks till election day. This is completely desperate, and Kamala shows her desperation.
Mark Esper — former Defense Secretary and no fan of President Trump — says he has never heard Trump say anything that John Kelly is claiming he said.
Worst October surprise
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 23, 2024
I wonder if it’s possible for Trump to sue Kelly and Harris for defamation?

Trump has already said that if he loses he will blame t he e Joos
American Jews vote 80% Dem. Hate the Dems, hate the Jews
WASHINGTON, Sept 20 (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that Jewish-American voters would be ****partly to blame**** if he loses the Nov. 5 election to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate.
The Jewish vote only matters in a single state.
In the crucial battleground of Pennsylvania, for example, there are over 400,000 Jewish people, in a state Biden won by 81,000 votes in 2020.
This is the context of the speech in which said reference was made. Unfortunately no one on either side wishes to be honest.
Trump has made some modest inroads with Jews in PA, while at the same time the ground game for Trump has gone after the Amish vote garnering nearly an 80 percent lean (R) rate to offset loses of some of the Jewish vote. It is why in PA for example the polling underestimates Trump because the Amish are never polled due to their shunning of telephones.
From Religion Unplugged polling. In fact, this untapped pool of 80,000 voters — the same number by which Trump lost to President Joe Biden in 2020 — could result in the former president winning the crucial battleground state of Pennsylvania and indeed the entire race.
And now you have some real truth and perspective on why Trump is leading in PA and why Trump consistently under performs in polling.
The most believable accusations of Trump’s admiration of Hitler are coming from John Kelly his longest serving chief of staff. Kelly is a retired 4 star Marine General. Teach thinks he is a liar.
Good catch, Carbon Boy-John Kelly was so shocked at how much Trump admired Hitler that he forgot about it for 5 years and conveniently remembered 2 weeks before the election! Please tell us you’re just faking this cluelessness…
Ahhhh but you are forgetting that the Joos are doing other things besides voting to defeat your Mr Trump. Have you forgotten their global wide control of media? We often were told by the right about that. And also money ! the international bankers like the Rothschilds, how often have they been the boogey man of the right wing. And the Italian satellites, what about them? They are controlled by SOROS, didn’t he use them to start the wildland fires in Cali? and use them to change the election results in the Dominion voting machines?
well jl Kelly first said that in his book that he published back in 2021
jl perhaps that vehicle accident caused some injuries to your brain.
Please tell us that your memory will be checked soon. Hopefully your memory spasms will be attributed to extreme partisanship and not actual brain damage.
will we continuing this discussion topic? I have some extra time my morning math class was cancelled
Johnny-it’s simply John Kelley saying that’s what he remembers happening. It wasn’t recorded, or heard by anyone else. It’s a he said, she said, sorry.
But how about this-per the left’s rules can I say Kamala groped me in the DA’s office in 1997?
Were you in ithe DA’s office in 1997?
USMC Gen Kelly (he) is more reliable than Donnie Trump (she).
It is a lie. Suckers for Kamala w8ll believe anything.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Mr Ayers is a Republicun operative and strategist now working with Donald Trump.
Some evidence, Pissant.
So Rimjob you’re relying on a man who was fired for being an insubordinate bully.
What evidence do YOU have?
Guess you lying bullies have to stick together. Right?
Has any other president had so many of his own top appointees ( including Esper) make so many serious accusations against him?
Has any other president made as many enemies trying to clean out the corruption from the deep state? You are in the crowd yelling “Give us Barabbas”.
Carol Ann
so so hurtful comparing me to the Jews who wanted to kill your Messiah.
Corruption? Trump hired so many that later denounced him. That is a fact. Your obsessions of a “deep state” being controlled by SOROS, the Illuminati and Lucifer show you are basing your reality on your own intuition (much like that stable genius Trump) and not on facts
h, if the shoe fits you wear it. I never mentioned SOROS, the Illuminati or Lucifer, you did. You are another radical commie using your own projection to try and make a point you can’t make. I am basing my reality on the FACT that from day one all you criminals hated Trump because he wanted to clean you out. Before he did one single thing in office you hated him. Your hate is based in immature emotion and an irrational fear of the truth.
Kumala has spent a lot of time saying nothing with a lot of words…
Kinda like Rimjob and johnnie boy.

Nice try-“regressive tax on individuals..” Apparently these “Nobel Prize economists” can’t do simple math or research. Of course the fact is that the US has one of the most progressive federal tax systems in the world. The top 1% pay more than the bottom 95% of all federal income taxes. Seems these ”economists” are banking on the lack of intelligence in liberal voters. In that respect, they got that right..
Nice try. The said “regressive tax cuts…”. Tax cuts that accrue to the wealthy ARE regressive.
So we should take the word of an anonymous commenter on a “hate blog” over 23 economists who have won Nobel Prizes?
We get it. We get it. The level of reasoning on the American right today is all id based on the feeling that Donald J Trump is always right. Everyone else is always wrong. It makes “thinking” so much easier.
People like Trump and members of the right-wing media are banking on the lack of curiosity in conservative voters. In that respect, they got that right.
Ya really gotta stop with the “We got it” shit because you never do.
Tax cuts should only “accrue” on those that pay taxes and the more they paid the more cuts should “accrue”. Anything else would be communism.
First off: YES! If the anonymous blogger is correct of course you should. second, why should we take your word the “hate blog” is one? Once again you defer to authority knowing it is a logical fallacy. It wouldn’t matter if those were 2300 Nobel economists if they are wrong. You did the same thing during Covid and now we see how wrong you and they were.
Just because YOU take everything your leftist gods like the fellator say does not mean we do. We never marched in order like you clowns do. Ever. That’s why we’re populists. We don’t care about repubs or demos. We care about America.
Your inability to ever see anything other than your commie programming is astounding.
The last tax cut was for all brackets, not just the “rich”. And it’s not a “regressive tax cut” if the effect doesn’t regressively cut their taxes. The latest I saw was the top 1% paying 45% of all income taxes, so actually they’re recently paying even more of the taxes. “Anonymous commenter on a hate blog”. What commenter on what blog? The source is the IRS, professor J. By the way, what’s a “hate blog”, and who determines it? I thought so. “Take the word over Nobel Prize economists”? Why yes, because all one has to do is go to the source and simply read the tables. Your economists were apparently too stupid to do that simple task, or even more likely were simply pushing the false narrative on their clueless voters
That top 1% jl that pay all those taxes??? That doesn’t include Mr Trump does it? He is still too embarrassed to show how little he pays in taxes
Make America Great Again
Raise the taxes on the rich like before.
ohh and bring back paper straws, not those plastic ones from China
Yes, Johnny, the top 1% pay all those taxes. Look it up, if you know how..I have no idea what Trump’s tax bill is. “He’s embarrassed…”. So in other words you have no idea what he does or doesn’t pay in taxes. I could have told you that before you got up this morning..”Raise the taxes on the rich like before”. The rich pay more now than when the top rate was 90%. I read that in a “right wing hate blog”, just so you know…
Carbon boy-it looks like the thing that hit you in the head made you post the same thing twice. It happens…
Didn’t Paul Krugman, who has been consistently wrong about everything, get a Nobel in economics?
Oh Stormy,
No one is wrong about everything (except The Pissant). But yes, Professor Krugman won the Nobel Prize in Economics.
Krugman: “I wrongly believed that markets would look at [the Bush tax cuts, war efforts and Medicare drug expansion, and]… lose faith in American governance, driving up interest rates on our debt. Instead, bond investors discounted the politics, and acted as if they believed that America would eventually pull itself together and start behaving responsibly. The jury’s still out on that, but clearly my short-run prediction proved wrong.”
Don’t you find that refreshing? He admitted his mistake and admitting to learning from it.
It was Ralph Waldo Emerson who said:
Economist Paul Samuelson (Nobel 1970), often at odds with Milton Friedman (Nobel 1976), paraphrasing Keynes:
So Rimjob applied Krugman (Enron) economics to GALERA THERAPEUTICS and we see how that turned out.
“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler.”
Trump is an “idiot” and “reprehensible”.
from author, US Senator and VP Candidate, James David Vance.
What Donald John Trump has made clear is that he IS America’s Hitler. Maybe worse. BTW, To be more clear, Donald, Hitler was a bad guy. He murdered his own citizens and millions of Jews, Poles, Roma and children. That’s all bad stuff, Donald.
He said he would use the US military against the “enemy from within”, i.e., those who oppose him.
He wants to shut down the New York Times, CBS and ABC for not treating him fairly.
He said we should suspend the Constitution.
His “economic plan”, e.g., deporting 20 million residents, massive and indiscriminate tariffs, tax cuts for the wealthy results in massive debt, crippling inflation and recesssion –> depression(?)
Good thing J.D. admitted his mistake.
Mr Teach asks: I wonder if it’s possible for Trump to sue Kelly and Harris for defamation?
Of course it is! He can sue (and does) anyone he wants.
Can he win? Not a chance!!
Can Haitians in Springfield Ohio sue Donnie? Of course.
Can the people of Detroit sue Donnie? Sure.
Can Hillary sue Donnie? Yep.
Can Mike Pence sue Donnie? Indeed.
Can Vice-President Harris sue Donnie? Sure.
Democrats have been playing that tune since 2015. Boring.
Make sure you all get out and vote. It is very important for us all to do our part in selecting the difference between literally Hitler or a shadow government, which may also include literally Hitler.
The important part is keeping up the appearance that your vote matters. Or, as Democrats would say, “Democracy”.
Yoga! Yoga for Mr Teach? Sounds pretty woke to me.
VP Harris: “Trump has an ‘enemies’ list, I have a ‘to do’ list.”
Trump is a stupid, low IQ person.
“Hate the other” is the First Commandment of the nuConservatives.
Kumala has a “to do” list.
“Do” Willie Brown. Check.
“Do” Montel Williams. Check.
So many to “do” in so little time.

“Donald Trump is the MOST dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked about his mental decline, and so forth, but now I realize he’s a TOTAL fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country• FASCIST TO THE CORE!”
Former Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, appointed by Donald
Neither Mrs Emhoff or any of the Democrats have anything on which to campaign other than they hate Donald Trump.
from Republican David Frum:
It IS a political strategy!! Us vs Them is always (always!) a fascist political strategy! Big Donnie rarely discusses policy, but always describes the ‘other’ – immigrants, LGBTQs, libs, media, Democrats, women, Blacks, Jews, Muslims – with the most vile slurs. They are sick, perverted, animals, killers, rapists, stupid, low IQ, should have their heads examined, hate America, liars, thiefs, election workers…
While he hates who you hate, he also ignores the economy, defense, the American people, public health, housing, trade, justice…
According to low-T ED, vile slurs would include “stupid” and “low IQ”.
Also low-T ED: “Trump is a stupid, low IQ person.”
Apparently, it IS ok to use vile slurs, as long as you hate the object of those slurs.
Which would make it OK for Big Donnie to use those slurs against [insert special-status group here] since, according to ED, Big Donnie hates them.
So what’s your point, ED?
Seen on X-
Harris HQ right now-
(checks notes) “Whats worse than Hitler”?
no response to my rebuttal showing that Gen Kelly USMC mentioned Trumps admiration for Trump in his 2021 book ?
That’s cause nobody cares.
Carbon boy-
Did you see?
Trump has two hands. Hitler had two hands, too.
HEADLINE: Generals who are Democrats don’t like Trump.
Generals who Trump appointed to the highest positions do not like Trump
I can not recall any time in the last 60 years when so many Generals and Admirals publicly stated their opposition to anyone running for POTUS
4 star General and special forces McCrystal fired by dem Obama called Trump dishonest and immoral
Seal Admiral Mcraven says Trump is a danger to America
yes he did say “partly”
but he also said
“If I don’t win this election – and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens………” so yes he did say “partly” but he also said “would really have a lot to do with that”
Facts Matter a closer look seems to indicate a certain amount of cherry picking in oinly using that one word “partly”
so who are you going to believe a 4star USMC General. or that draft dodger?
Milley was in the Army idiot.
Mr H was referring to 4-star General John Kelly, who is a Marine, idiot.
So you’re back to the insults, eh? Fear is in your comments. LOL
If you promise to stop calling VP Harris, Cameltoe, whore, slut, cocksucker, cunt etc I’ll not insult you again!! Fair enough?
But if you call someone ‘idiot’ you can’t object to being called an ‘idiot’ can you?
Bring on the insults, fatass.
Everyone is laughing at you.
(Except the former investors in Galera Therapeutics).
Such a shame. Him too.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Hate when that happens.
Were you in the military h? Have you ever served your fellow Americans in any capacity?
looks like the home town team got spanked badly today starting from jl not knowing that Kelly had written about Trump’s admiration for Hitler in his book years ago
Johnny-a week ago at the Al Smith dinner Chuck Schumer was sitting right next to Hitler, laughing at his jokes and having a good time. How could that be…?
Hairy and Jeff must be feeling pressure from the Party to get on the social media and get out all the messages. They are particularly active today. Thanks to early voting, a large number of the electorate have already voted.
Most election ads and social media campaigns are not focused on swing voters, undecided, or people who just didn’t know that Trump=Hitler and now that they heard some stranger on the internet say it, it changed their vote. Election ads are focused on getting the party faithful angry because that is the most reliable motivator to get the party faithful to go all in. Get them to show up and vote. Get them to take their senile relatives to vote. Get them to vote twice. If they are USPS employees, get them to throw a few hundred votes into the nearest dumpster. If they are an election observer, look the other way when a vote gets counted twice. That is the only way Democrats win. The modern democratic party is very strong in machine politics and getting their party faithful to commit various felonies with the promise that, if they win, they will be above the law and no one will prosecute them.
Nutty Perfesser Plump must be nervous about the election.
Anyone undecided at this point is not voting. The push is for a strong turnout to overwhelm the anti-democacy efforts of the Republicuns. It’s that simple. More voters, more democracy is always bad for the Repubic Party. Always.
Perfesser of what? Bullshit @ NorthEastern Kentucky Evangelical College? LOL
Does Perfesser Plump have even one scintilla of evidence to support his “feelings”.
Of course not, MAGAts don’t need no stinkin’ evidence!!
Thus far that promise seems to hold true. The democommies are incapable of truth or patriotism and show it every day. Just read the Elwood comments.
We all recognize that it’s the Republicun party that commits felonies regarding the electoral system.
Voter suppression? Check.
Fake electors? Check.
Attempted coup? Check.
Coercing state officials to change their vote? Check.
If Donnie J tRump had NOT lied about the vote, you wouldn’t have brought it up.
“St Don said it, I believe it, that settles it”.
He’s turned 48% of Americans against America. You should be ashammed. YOU are “the enemy within”!
And Rimjob just keeps bringing the stupid.

Fatboy can’t help himself.
Professor J-Can you understand satire? Using the left’s rule book, all I have to do is make the accusation-no evidence needed. She grabbed my ass! As in Kelly’s case, there’s no evidence but for his accusation. By the way, to keep you clowns from looking even mere foolish, remember Kelly continued to work for Hitler even after the alleged fake accusation.
Tomorrow’s byline:
“John Kelly thought it ok to continue working under a “Hitler admirer!”
Johnny-you better sit this one out…