Surprise: World Bank Lost Track Of $24 Billion In Climate (scam) Funds

These are the same grand poobahs of the climate cult who want trillions redistributed from taxpayers in 1st World Nations

World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more’

Bungling World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24 billion bankrolling the battle against climate change, according to a bombshell report by a left-leaning charity group.

An investigation by Oxfam revealed “poor record-keeping practices” by the DC-based international lender that resulted in anywhere between $24 billion and $41 billion in misplaced funds.

The agency’s audit showed “a lack of traceable spending” over the past seven years — partly because of an oddball accounting practice in which the bank accounts for its climate financing at the time of a project’s approval rather than at the time of project completion, according to the report release last week.

“This is like asking your doctor to assess your diet only by looking at your grocery list, without ever checking what actually ends up in your fridge,” said Kate Donald, the head of Oxfam’s Washington DC office.

A World Bank insider, speaking on condition of anonymity, suggested the figure for the missing money “could be twice or 10 times more.”

How much of this money is ending up in the pockets of World Bank employees? How much goes to graft, especially in 3rd World shitholes?

“All the figures are routinely made up,” the source said. “Nobody has a clue about who spends what.”

This sounds like another international agency which needs to be cut of from U.S. funding unless they get it together and stop being shady.

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4 Responses to “Surprise: World Bank Lost Track Of $24 Billion In Climate (scam) Funds”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Not that big of a deal. The whole purpose of the World Bank is to funnel American money into the pockets of connected people in other countries. It was always intended to “disappear”. First this was used to buy off dictators keep them from going communist. Then it became payoffs to “friends of democrats”. With the end of the Cold War, this is indeed another thing that should follow the Warsaw Pact into the dust bin of history.

    It was a totally expected outcome that an organization whose function was to distributes money secretly would find ways for some of it to stick to their own hands.

    Of far bigger concern are the Trillions of dollars that democrats “distribute” in this country. Most of that just disappears with no accounting.

  2. ruralcounsel says:

    So in other words, the World Bank is doing exactly what it was designed for … facilitate official embezzlement and fraud at the expense of US taxpayers.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Democrats in the name of “the working class” have been stealing from that same working class since they found how easy taxing away our money is. They tax everything and now with the climate hoax even the air we breathe. Then they print money and distribute it to their friends banks and they “invest” it in the market. Profits go offshore.

    But they are more interested in bankrupting Trumps businesses to get him. Here’s the guy who helped build the NY skyline but he’s the baddy. How much do you think Kameltoe has squirreled away so far in numbered accounts? She may be a drunk but they’re never too drunk to lie, cheat or steal. It’s the democommie way!

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Rimjob says, “So what? It’s easy to do.”

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