UN Warns Doom From ‘Climate Change’ Soon If You Aren’t Made To Comply

To reiterate, I’d believe it was a crisis if the people who tell me it’s a crisis acted like it is a crisis with their own lives, not have 30K Warmists take long fossil fueled trips to the fossil fuels nation of Azerbaijan for COP29

Climate change: UN report says planet to warm by 3.1 C without greater action

Current climate policies will result in global warming of more than 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century, according to a United Nations report on Thursday, more than twice the rise agreed to nearly a decade ago.

The annual Emissions Gap report, which takes stock of countries’ promises to tackle climate change compared with what is needed, finds the world faces as much as 3.1 C (5.6 F) of warming above pre-industrial levels by 2100 if governments do not take greater action on slashing planet-warming emissions.

Governments in 2015 signed up to the Paris Agreement and a cap of 1.5 C (2.7 F) warming to prevent a cascade of dangerous impacts.

“We’re teetering on a planetary tight rope,” U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in a speech on Thursday. “Either leaders bridge the emissions gap, or we plunge headlong into climate disaster”.

Global greenhouse gas emissions rose by 1.3% between 2022 and 2023, to a new high of 57.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, the report said.

Teetering! Teetering I tell you. The temps have gone up 1.6F since 1850, and, we’re supposed to believe it will go up 3.7 in 75 years? Would you like to buy a bridge? Funny how we have all these Believers yet “emissions” keep rising, and what with all the government action. Here’s cBS on the UN report, which always comes out around this time of year to scaremonger

Global climate disaster inevitable if emissions aren’t drastically reduced by 2035, U.N. warns

Scientists and experts have been warning for years that if average global temperatures rise by 3 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times, it will be “catastrophic” for people across the world. Now, after a year of record emissions, the United Nations is warning that there are just 10 years to dramatically change policies to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.

In a new report published on Thursday, the U.N. warned that the world is now in “climate crunch time” as greenhouse gases — which trap heat in the atmosphere that warms global temperatures and fuels more extreme weather events — have hit “unprecedented levels.”

Calling it “one of the most urgent climate warnings to date,” the U.N. said that humanity now has just a few years to minimize the worst impacts of climate change.

I suggest a law that restricts any US citizen who goes to Azerbaijan from using fossil fuels while in U.S., which would also disallow any attendee from flying to the U.S. in a fossil fueled airplane.

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2 Responses to “UN Warns Doom From ‘Climate Change’ Soon If You Aren’t Made To Comply”

  1. Kye says:

    Democratic Party has put up no resistance to the return of their old Trotskyites comrades. The same people who were marching around in the streets, banging their pots and pans over the Bush wars in the Middle East now wear Ukraine lapel pins. Without a trace of irony, they accuse Trump fans of disloyalty for not supporting the Ukraine war or the Israel wars. There is a last scenes in Animal Farm quality to all of it.

    Of course, this raises the oldest critique of America’s two-party political system, that it is just a show put on for the masses. The real decisions are made outside of public view by the powerful interests who control the system. One of those powerful groups are the neocons, who work with the Israel lobby to control foreign policy. Given what we have witnessed over the last decade, that old critique is vindicated. The people in charge are immune the ballot box and operate as an alien overclass.

    The entire Democrat party has gone communist and now more closely resembles the Borg from Star Trek. They no longer tolerate any individuality.

    I observe the more the Democrats call Trump “literally Hitler” and those of us who support him Nazis and fascists the more free thinkers join us.

    Do you guys think Jeffery Keene and his army of commie comrades will make one more attempt for trump’s life before Nov.5? If Harris wins will she have Trump and his entire family incarcerated? All his property, money and investments seized? And now what about Musk? A concerted effort to ruin and bankrupt him as well. We all know how vindictive and nasty those patriot hating bastards can be.

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