To reiterate, I’d believe it was a crisis if the people who tell me it’s a crisis acted like it is a crisis with their own lives, not have 30K Warmists take long fossil fueled trips to the fossil fuels nation of Azerbaijan for COP29
Climate change: UN report says planet to warm by 3.1 C without greater action
Current climate policies will result in global warming of more than 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century, according to a United Nations report on Thursday, more than twice the rise agreed to nearly a decade ago.
The annual Emissions Gap report, which takes stock of countries’ promises to tackle climate change compared with what is needed, finds the world faces as much as 3.1 C (5.6 F) of warming above pre-industrial levels by 2100 if governments do not take greater action on slashing planet-warming emissions.
Governments in 2015 signed up to the Paris Agreement and a cap of 1.5 C (2.7 F) warming to prevent a cascade of dangerous impacts.
“We’re teetering on a planetary tight rope,” U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in a speech on Thursday. “Either leaders bridge the emissions gap, or we plunge headlong into climate disaster”.
Global greenhouse gas emissions rose by 1.3% between 2022 and 2023, to a new high of 57.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, the report said.
Teetering! Teetering I tell you. The temps have gone up 1.6F since 1850, and, we’re supposed to believe it will go up 3.7 in 75 years? Would you like to buy a bridge? Funny how we have all these Believers yet “emissions” keep rising, and what with all the government action. Here’s cBS on the UN report, which always comes out around this time of year to scaremonger
Global climate disaster inevitable if emissions aren’t drastically reduced by 2035, U.N. warns
Scientists and experts have been warning for years that if average global temperatures rise by 3 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times, it will be “catastrophic” for people across the world. Now, after a year of record emissions, the United Nations is warning that there are just 10 years to dramatically change policies to prevent the worst impacts of climate change.
In a new report published on Thursday, the U.N. warned that the world is now in “climate crunch time” as greenhouse gases — which trap heat in the atmosphere that warms global temperatures and fuels more extreme weather events — have hit “unprecedented levels.”
Calling it “one of the most urgent climate warnings to date,” the U.N. said that humanity now has just a few years to minimize the worst impacts of climate change.
I suggest a law that restricts any US citizen who goes to Azerbaijan from using fossil fuels while in U.S., which would also disallow any attendee from flying to the U.S. in a fossil fueled airplane.

Democratic Party has put up no resistance to the return of their old Trotskyites comrades. The same people who were marching around in the streets, banging their pots and pans over the Bush wars in the Middle East now wear Ukraine lapel pins. Without a trace of irony, they accuse Trump fans of disloyalty for not supporting the Ukraine war or the Israel wars. There is a last scenes in Animal Farm quality to all of it.
Of course, this raises the oldest critique of America’s two-party political system, that it is just a show put on for the masses. The real decisions are made outside of public view by the powerful interests who control the system. One of those powerful groups are the neocons, who work with the Israel lobby to control foreign policy. Given what we have witnessed over the last decade, that old critique is vindicated. The people in charge are immune the ballot box and operate as an alien overclass.
The entire Democrat party has gone communist and now more closely resembles the Borg from Star Trek. They no longer tolerate any individuality.
I observe the more the Democrats call Trump “literally Hitler” and those of us who support him Nazis and fascists the more free thinkers join us.
Do you guys think Jeffery Keene and his army of commie comrades will make one more attempt for trump’s life before Nov.5? If Harris wins will she have Trump and his entire family incarcerated? All his property, money and investments seized? And now what about Musk? A concerted effort to ruin and bankrupt him as well. We all know how vindictive and nasty those patriot hating bastards can be.
Well Rimjob has indicated that that scenario wouldn’t bother him in the least.

0.21 C per decade X 7.5 decades ~ 1.6 C or 2.8 F, if the rate of warming stays constant. There’s no reason to expect the rate to slow or stop.
BTW, Mr Porter Good , his cowardly Phat Philly Phuck and the entire Repubic party has gone fascist/nazi and now more closely resembles the Third Reich than anything. They no longer tolerate any individuality.
Do you guys think Porter Good, that cowardly Phat Philly Phuck and the Repubic army of brownshirts will shoot up any more Democratic offices? If Fat Donnie wins will he have the Bidens, Emhoffs, Clintons and Obamas and their entire family incarcerated?
Stop with the hallucinogens. They aren’t helping. Or do you have any evidence outside of your own head to present?
The Irony is strong with this one.
Says the commie from MO. Let me ask how many PRO-LIFE dems are there? How many dems don’t buy “man made global warming”? How many think people should pick their own cars, stoves, light bulbs and BBQ grills? You people operate like little nazis all goose stepping in a line but your policies are commie. You are a political novelty but as basic socialists you will start piling up bodies sooner or later.
Hell, it took me 5 years to figure if you were the Nazi or the commie. You are an enigma. I settled on commie because of your economic ignorance. Even Nazis know government shouldn’t run the business, just take its profits. You’d make a great Krupps, Porsche or Shindler but alas as a commie it is not meant to be.
Every Dem I know is pro-life, just not pro-forced birth like the AFP (American Fascist Party aka The MAGAts).
You’re a fascist, as are all of today’s Repubicuns. You’re The Fascist from Florida.
Like Fat Donnie, you use threats of violence in hopes of quieting the “enemies from within”.
Fascists such as you, Fat Donnie, Elon the Illegal want the tentacles of their businesses entwining the government.
What about the Fat Donnie From Florida is NOT Fascist Filosophy?
You throw around your own made-up slang names so much and change them so often I can’t figure out who you’re talking about. Who the hell Porter Goods “Phat Philly PHUCK”?
Then you vomit out : “and the entire Repubic party has gone fascist/nazi and now more closely resembles the Third Reich than anything”. You may thing yourself clever but you’re not even close. The democommie party put out the “use Hitler/Nazi memo last week
so by now every freedom hating commie in the DNC has heard it, used it and repeated it. Can’t you come up with something original that hasn’t been group tested by your betters? How about this: The Repubs now want to double taxes on those making less than 100k and use it to pay illegals not to work. See how that lie flies with you others. We all know you commies hate fascists so they’re your go-to when trying to insult us but you forget we are either capitalists or libertarians and no sane, educated person could think they are fascists. Besides you’ve thrown out that nonsense for so long it lands on deaf ears. You gotta freshen up your act.
Your typings make more sense when you use the AI program. When it’s your own drivel it comes off kinda dumb. No disrespect.
Trump is still floating the threat of a massive consumption tax while eliminating income taxes (personal and corporations). That’s stupid even for Fat Donnie Camelbutt.
ANYONE who favors Fat Donnie’s economic plan is economically illiterate. Donnie is counting of your 1) hatred 2) fear and 3) ignorance.
The incensed Mr Dowd, angered that someone else used his real name, decides to do the same with our esteemed host:
It’s been over a decade, but at least when I met him, our raconteur restaurateur, John, was certainly not “phat.”
More, he served in Vietnam, in actual combat in Vietnam, so “cowardly” isn’t accurate, either.
Mr Trump’s supporters wanted the lovely Mrs Clinton locked up, but during his four years in office, his Justice Department never charged her with a crime. When he had the power to try to incarcerate his enemies, he never did so.
The Democrats are another story. They conflated a three-hour protest rally as virtually Civil War 2.0, charging people with all sorts of offenses, and imprisoning them. They treated the Capitol kerfufflers worse than the United States treated the people who led a four-year-long actual Civil War, one which led to a million deaths.
The multiple thousands of rioters who burned American cities in support of the methamphetamine-and-fentanyl-addled previously convicted felon who died while he was resisting arrest? Only a couple of them were ever charged with anything.
It seems that our St Louis County socialist got his talking points from Mrs Clinton, now labeling Mr Trump and his supporters as “fascist/nazi”, but it has been Mr Trump and his supporters who have been the greater supporters of the First Amendment and Freedom of Speech. The Democrats have called openly for regulation of speech on social media, and Mr Biden actually tried to create a
Ministry of Truth“Disinformation Governance Board” under the Department ofFatherlandHomeland Security.But the left always accuse others of doing what the left do themselves.
+1 Dana.
-2 Dana
Mr Dana should look up ‘phat’.
Why doesn’t Mr Kye use his actual name? Is he a coward? Is he afraid someone will cyberstalk him?
I get to the Philly area often and would happy to meet him. Same applies to Mr White and Ms CarolAnn who live nearby.
Would be happy to meet the Fascist from Florida (FFF) the next time I’m in the Tampa area (but after Hurricane season).
Kye wrote:
Nahhh, you’ve got that wrong! Yes, they accuse Mr Trump and his supporters of disloyalty, of treason, for not supporting American involvement in the Russo-Ukrainian war, but they do hate them some Jooooos, and march in support of the Hamas terrorists. The dummkopf from Delaware and crackpot from California have been trying to walk the thin line between not being blatantly anti-Semitic, and losing the Jewish vote, and appeasing the far-left loonies who want the terrorists to win. After the election, we might see a change in tone from Mrs Emhoff.
[…] Pirates Cove lays waste to the latest panic mongering […]
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They are going after MUSK because HE IS NOT PLAYING THEIR GAME.
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has called for an investigation into Elon Musk’s communications with the Kremlin after a Wall Street Journal report found that the billionaire X CEO and ****Trump donor**** has been regularly communicating with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022.
Clarence William Nelson II (born September 29, 1942) is an American politician and attorney serving as the administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Nelson served as a United States senator from Florida from 2001 to 2019. ****A member of the Democratic Party****
Of course he has since 2022 after Putin invaded Ukraine he said he was pulling out of the international space station and yet MUSK is tasked with ferrying astronauts to and from the space station and would have reason to communicate with Putin.
On 26 July 2022, Roscosmos announced that the decision had been made to withdraw from the ISS programme after 2024.
You commies best put fuking with Musk on your back burner. Does John Galt ring a bell? You’re fukin with the wrong guy.
LOL. Another right-wing threat. So someone criticizing Elon Musk better be on the lookout for retribution? What is wrong with you fascists? An 18 year old girl would kick Elon’s ass. He’s as petty and dangerous as Fat Donnie.
Elon believes he’s the real life version of the fictional John Galt, who can use his ‘genius’ and influence to rule the world. Fat Donnie is his political vessel. If Donnie wins it’s because of Elon, who has moved to Pennsylvania!
The fictional Galt (Atlas Shrugged plagiarized in part from The Driver) believed the global elites should enact a elitist ‘strike’ to show the masses how valuable those ruling classes were. The weak, sick and poor should be allowed to perish. Harsh but necessary.
A ‘John Galt’ figure is a necessity for the right-wing, who are always dependent on a ‘perfect’ father figure to lead them. They attribute perfection to their object, e.g., Galt (Rand), Netanyahu, Putin, Reagan, Limbaugh, Gingrich, Trump, Buckley, Musk, even when they are tragically flawed men. And if the cross the new ‘leader’ they can be tossed on the trash heap.
Way too complicated and too many unsupported assertions. Musk simply believes in free speech, hence X, and it drives the censoring party nuts.
Too much bullshit. Musk has lawsuits pending against those that criticize X.
Like Donnie, Musk uses his billions to shut up the opposition.
A federal judge (Charles Breyer) in California threw out the entirety of a lawsuit by Elon Musk’s X against the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), ruling that the lawsuit was an attempt to silence X’s critics
Musk has also sued the nonprofit Media Matters for America in federal court in Texas, and it threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League before reaching a détente with that group.
These groups quite truthfully pointed out that advertisers had their ads placed close to neo-Nazi, white supremacist and other hate-group posts.
“Sometimes it is unclear what is driving a litigation, and only by reading between the lines of a complaint can one attempt to surmise a plaintiff’s true purpose,” Judge Breyer wrote. “Other times, a complaint is so unabashedly and vociferously about one thing that there can be no mistaking that purpose. This case represents the latter circumstance. This case is about punishing the Defendants for their speech.”
Here’s why Musk is pissed. According to Fidelity, the value of the company, now known as X, is nearly 80% less than when Musk bought it. Musk himself has estimated that the company has lost 90% of its value. He turned twitter into a ‘garbage can’.
Just curious but what is the value of GALERA THERAPEUTICS now since you and those other two geniuses went public?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Speaking of turning a business into a garbage can…
Oh, Rimjob, never mind.
Galera Therapeutics, Inc. (GRTX)
Don’t you worry your fat head about it. Trump can surely afford it. You can’t. Perhaps had you spent as much time worrying and recording your own business affairs as you do about other peoples you wouldn’t have lost your business and would still be “Actually, life is good for me and mine. Free, white, rich, retired, healthy surrounded by memories, friends, kids and grandkids!”
Like most commies you worry about how much others have rather than doing your own stuff.
He turned Twitter into the vessel he needs to grow it. That’s his game. First get rid of the crap then build a new entity.
Musk is still the richest man alive and doesn’t need input from a peasant in MO. But it was nice of you to offer your deep, intelligent, thoughtful business sense that has served you so well. (sarc).
Jeered at me: “life is good for me and mine. Free, white, rich, retired, healthy surrounded by memories, friends, kids and grandkids!”
Still true. And my daddy didn’t give me a billion dollars to lose! Or buy me a house or a car or cash.
Elon got his start in the US as an illegal alien. He has fathered 12 kids, 6 by wife #1 Justine, 3 named X Æ A-Xii, Exa Dark Sideræl and Techno Mechanicus by his baby mama, Grimes. While he was involved with Grimes, he impregnated his employee, Shivon Zilis who delivered twins. He later fathered a 12th child with Zilis. His first child, Nevada, died of SIDS. One child, now 18, is trans.
Grimes claims Musk keeps her from seeing her children, even pictures.
Connies always worship, and most especially defer, to the wealthy.
We’re becoming a super-plutocracy. Let’s hope King Donnie is a benevolent ruler!!
JD and Elon will fight for the position of ‘Viceroy’ to the King.
What the hell is the matter with you crazy commies? I wasn’t “threatening” anybody. I was pointing out Musk is not the guy to fuk with but I see you are underestimating your opponent so I will say no more. Nobody wants to kick anyone’s ass but if he did I wouldn’t blame him.
Musk is doing more for America and the world than you or your commies could ever dream of. You are all fakes, grifters and liars and that last comment proves it. Keep hating. It burns good down in that fat soul less body. You vomit out your commie nonsense then stroll away from your computer feeling victorious for telling the big bad conservative Christians off. LOL.
Do most Republicans believe that the ability to fight effectively against attacks on free speech, wokism, open borders, grotesque levels of fiscal irresponsibility, the destruction of our military, etc., are more important than “nice tweets”? Yep! You bet. And beating an anti American whore is top of the list. She should get out of politics and go back to doing what she does best: sucking dicks.
BTW, not only is swallows Harris not “blacK’ her family (like yours) owned slaves.
As a child did you walk in on ‘mumsy’ sucking a black dick? Was he calling her ‘whore’? That would explain a lot.
FFF typed: beating an anti American whore is top of the list
Donnie ‘Raper’ Trump is an anti-American whore.
I have not heard that US Vice President Harris raped anyone. On the other hand Trumpy has raped at least one person and sexually assaulted dozens more. He has fucked sex workers and paid them to keep quiet. He cheated on every wife he’s had. He was sued for raping a 13 year old girl with his buddy Jeffrey Epstein.
Not all Repubicuns are misogynistic racists, but all misgynistic racists are Repubicuns. You too!
When Rimjob does like to write about dick sucking when he has no valid points to make.

Just lewdness and hearsay fabrications is all he has.
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