NBC News Upset Over Michigan Muslims Supporting Trump

Or, at least, refusing to vote for Cackles Harris. Here’s the shot

And the chaser

‘You lost this vote’: Arab Americans in Dearborn struggle in an election where they don’t feel heard

Orthopedic surgeon Adam Fahs burst into tears as he recently recounted the horrors of what he saw in Gaza when he traveled there last December to treat wounded Palestinians. Fresh in his mind, he said, were the European Hospital’s wards full of women and children who had been maimed, and doing his best to treat them with grossly inadequate access to medical supplies.

“I remember talking with one of the health care workers and he was telling me that there’s a tradition now that the Palestinians have where before you go to sleep, you say goodbye to your family because you never know if you’re going to wake up,” said Fahs, a Lebanese American. “And you say your testimonies of faith, in case you pass away in your sleep.”

That haunting reality weighs heavily on Fahs, now back home in Michigan, a key swing state that holds outsize weight in determining the next president, making every vote crucial. With Arab Americans making up a significant part of the state’s electorate, their support could be decisive. Fahs says he’s disaffected with both candidates — former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. The way he sees it, it doesn’t matter who is in office — no candidate cares about Gaza or Arab life.

Here’s the thing: does Trump really want the full and complete support of the Muslim community in Michigan? Electorally, sure. But, how many of them are pure radicals who side with terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, along with Iran. The first person you see in the NBC News photo is Linda Sarsour, an extreme radical shown to be a Jew hater on par with Hitler. The Women’s March cut all ties with her when they realized she was a Jew hater. Biden disavowed her (before hosting her at the White House). Rashida Tlaib is a Representative from Michigan, and represents the area which has the most extremists.

The entire article focuses on all these Michigan Muslims who essentially hate Israel and Jews and support terrorism without quite saying it. Does Trump want these people voting for him? Does he want their support? I suspect that the endorsement by some Muslims in Michigan is causing a great rift in that community, as Trump has unabashedly been supportive of Israel and Jews and anti-Muslim terrorism groups and Iran. If they are seeing Trump as the one to end war, which includes in the Israel region, in Ukraine, and in Yemen, great, but, they should understand that Trump will not side with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, or the Houtis.

So, what do they do? Will they sit it out? Will they refuse to vote for anyone for president, and simply check the boxes for other races? Or just stay home? That could be really bad for Democrats down ballot. Hoping they do.

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4 Responses to “NBC News Upset Over Michigan Muslims Supporting Trump”

  1. Dana says:

    The way he sees it, it doesn’t matter who is in office — no candidate cares about Gaza or Arab life.

    Perhaps, just perhaps, if the Arabs in Gaza hadn’t celebrated rape, murder, and kidnapping of Israelis, some of us could generate more sympathy for them.

    The attack by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The residents of Gaza thoroughly supported the terrorists all along, providing them with food, shelter, and concealment ever since 2007, and realistically before that. Hamas are like any other guerrilla force: they depend on the larger civilian population among which they hide for everything they need.

    Did the ‘civilians’ of Gaza tell Israel where the tunnel network entrances were? Did the ‘civilians’ of Gaza report on the tremendous diversion of resources required to build more than 500 kilometers of underground tunnels? Did the ‘civilians’ of Gaza protest to the United Nations and the various countries, including the United States, about how the international aid being sent to that [insert slang term for feces here]hole land were not being used for food or development, but for weapons and military supplies and equipment and concrete to line and reinforce those tunnels? Did the ‘civilians’ of Gaza, after the war started reveal to the IDF where the hostages were being hidden?

    The ‘civilians’ of Gaza enabled Hamas just as thoroughly as the civilians of Germany enabled the Nazis.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      There are no innocent civilians, so it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing innocent bystanders.
      — Gen. Curtis LeMay


  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    I finally agree with NBC. I too am pissed that any muzzie would see anything in supporting Trump.

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