You wanted a scorching hot-take for a Monday morning, didn’t you?
Vice President Harris was interrupted by a heckler while she was speaking in a Pennsylvania church on Sunday meant to highlight her faith in the battleground state nine days before Election Day.
From the lectern at the Church of Christian Compassion in West Philadelphia, Harris was referencing the biblical story of the Apostle Paul when someone began shouting. Harris stopped speaking and clapped, as the church band sounded music to drown out the heckler, who was not captured on event cameras.
“That’s why we fight for democracy,” Harris repeated as the heckler was escorted out. (snip)
The interruption was over in less than two minutes and Harris continued her message. At the beginning of her remarks, Harris had suggested that voting for her fulfills God’s will.
“In just nine days, we have the power to decide the fate of our nation for generations to come. And on this day, then on this beautiful Sunday morning, I am reminded God expects us to help Him,” Harris said through laughter, garnering applause. “We got work to do.”
Does anyone think that God would want people to vote for someone who advocates for unfettered abortion on demand? Who wants the State to be the religion, not that of God? Communists are anti-religion. And Harris has been against religious freedom. I’m always shocked that people come to hear political speeches at Sunday church. It’s not the place.
“So let us answer not just with our words, but with our works. Yes, with our prayers, but also with our pressing. Yes, with our faith and also our faith, but also our feet. As we walk to the polls,” Harris said. “And yes, in these nine days, these next nine days will test us. They will demand everything we’ve got. But when I think about the days ahead and the God we serve, yeah, I am confident that His power will work through us. Because, church, I know we were born for a time such as this.”
She’s trying to be inspirational, but, she’s no Obama, no Martin Luther King, Jr. And she is right on the cusp of Word Salad. Oh, and
BREAKING: Kamala Harris unveils a new accent at a black Philadelphia church
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 27, 2024

Same Kamala that had a POF (Person of faith) ejected from one of her events for saying “praise Jesus” and saying “you are at the wrong rally”? That Harris? The Democratic party has been hostile to historic American Christianity for about 35 years and Harris is the poster child of that leftward drift. But 1 week before the election, she expects everyone to forget that?
really? god wants us to help the politicians steal more from us?
Time to wake up!
Bwaha! Lolgf
The democommie rally the other day was so revealing. They had a gaggle of abortionist “doctors” on stage when some dude in the crowd threw an attack. The doctors, being adept at only killing people called for “a doctor in the house” to save this poor unfortunate moron. Hopefully they failed. Irony you know. But at the same event they realized the cocksucker couldn’t get a crowd like Trump so in typical democommie fashion they lied to everybody and told them Beyoncé was gonna perform. Just like the election wasn’t stolen she showed up, spoke 5 minutes and left. Liars will be liars. Now multiply that by what she’ll do as fellatist in chief.
Pretty bad campaign optics to remind all your voters that you are a liar who promises big but has no intention of delivering.
You cannot be a Christian and support the candidate who favors a national, unlimited abortion license.
Most of the things this commie candidate supports cannot be supported by a Christian. Why do you think Elwood hates Christians so much?
“The vulgar are always taken by what a thing seems to be.”
CarolAnn and Dana,
I view religious fundamentalism, whether Islamic or Christian, as an assault on peaceful co-existence.
Of course, you can be a Christian and support abortion rights. What did the Holy Bible have to say about abortion?
Can a woman who has had an abortion receive grace and go to Heaven?
You’re being overly melodramatic. I do not hate Christians. I DO dislike authoritarianism and bigotry. I do view most religions as dependent upon the supernatural, but I could be wrong.
That said, I am not obligated to follow the rules of your religion, regardless of how you interpret them.
No one is forced to have an abortion. As the courts have said, governments DO have a vested interest in children and births – this is our future. But the notion that fertilized ova are persons is not supported by science, as over half are ‘disposed of’ naturally. Roe v Wade was a compromise that protected the fetus in the 3rd trimester. ‘Unfettered’ abortion was only for the first trimester. States could make law limiting abortion post ‘viablility’, typically 20 weeks’ gestation or so. Over 90 percent of abortion take place in the first trimester.
Claiming, and especially, making law, that no Christian can support abortion is a fundamentalist position. Would you ban ALL abortions by law, if you could?
Next topic: same sex marriage!! Let fly!!
And Rimjob did it again.
The vulgar are always taken by what a thing seems to be.”
Mr Pissant doesn’t understand what Machiavelli was saying.
And he proves it.

“The vulgar are always taken by what a thing seems to be.”
Mr Teach typed: She’s trying to be inspirational, but she’s no Obama, no Martin Luther King, Jr.
Or even a Bill Clinton, or Ronald Reagan. Few are. Oprah is inspirational, as are Tom Hanks, Jon Stewart, Suzy Orman, Joyce Meyer, Merrill Streep, Tony Robbins etc. But not for president!!
But she’s not running against any of them, she is running against “the enemy within”, Donald Trump.
Rimjob again.
“The vulgar are always taken by what a thing seems to be.”
Well, I guess you guys get to blame GOD when Kamala defeats Trump by 100 electoral votes, crushing him in every swing state as the cheating machine goes into overdrive.
We are fighting forces that we cannot fathom how powerful they are. Bill Gates is horrified that If Trump gets in office, the Epstein files will be opened and released. Several leftist billionaires on that list will stop at nothing to protect themselves.
God told them to do it. Cheating is acceptable because Donald Trump is EVIL, and therefore, EVIL must be defeated at any cost.