“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
How Bay Area Churches Are Becoming Hubs for Climate Change Solutions
Black churches in the Bay Area are taking the lead on retrofitting their buildings with clean energy to become ‘resilience hubs’ in the event of a major storm or climate-related event. It’s part of a national movement called Green The Church, an organization merging the Black faith community and environmental justice.
The rest is simply a podcast. Which is pretty cultish. One of the things that Green The Church is about is amplifying green theology. Shouldn’t they be amplifying the Word Of God? That is the purpose of a Christian church, right?
Green the Church is a sustainability initiative designed to tap into the power and purpose of the Black Church Community and expand the role of churches as centers for environmental and economic resilience. As the Environmental Organization of the Black Church, we strive to teach faith communities, environmental organizations, and individual practitioners how to work in concert in order to “Green” The Black Church. Green The Church was created and developed by Carroll Ministries International.
Sounds like it is part of the Cult Of Climastrology, making the teaching of the Bible and Jesus second fiddle. Seriously, the whole thing sounds like a leftwing scam designed to replace religion with that of a state sponsored doom cult, and we’ve seen over the years how the left has been trying to replace religion with worship of the State.

Trying to push the elitist, wealthy white ideas about how to Save Mother Gaia from
global warmingclimate change onto the poorer “Black Church Community” has the obvious problem of trying to persuade people who can’t afford Teslas to buy Teslas.Almost nothing in California, especially San Francisco, has borne any relation to reality for decades and the place just gets more insane and detached by the day. It used to be a joke, now it’s just the punchline.
They like to have rituals and priests, but hate Jesus. It’s only natural that they would cater to a different “God” so they could pay the rent.
The median home value in San Francisco is 1.4 million. It went up about 6% last year.
Market value equates to how much people are willing to spend to live their.
Preacher Teacher types: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Is he implying that his God supports global warming? Is he taking a swipe at MAGAts who worship the Florida Orange God (FOG)?
In fact, all major religions see the reality of global warming.
It is also a fact, that most of us Earthlings have more pressing matters to occupy us. Chinese hill people are happy to get the electricity supplied by their coal-fired, CO2 emitting power plants!
Pope Francis remarked: “Unfortunately, we have gotten to a point of no return. It’s sad, but that’s what it is. Global warming is a serious problem. Climate change at this moment is a road to death.”
Most traditional Protestant churches understand the threats of global warming. As do the Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic faiths.
The Evangelical Christian Cult (ECC) is the outlier, reversing their 1970s, 1980s environmental concerns with the conservative message that the economy is more treasured than the Earth.
Rimjob: In fact, all major religions see the reality of global warming.
And that “reality” would be?
Pissant: And that “reality” would be”
The reality that the Earth is warming resulting from CO2 we humans have added (and are continuing to add) to the atmosphere.
Every major religion, government, corporation and scientific organization and body recognizes this. As will you, if Big Daddy Don tells you to.
But Rimjob you were asked for proof of your theory then you conveniently claim theories don’t need t9 be proven.
Pissant: We’re hardly responsible for your belligerent ignorance, are we? I’m not interested in debating issues that you won’t or can’t understand.
Scientific theories are always conditional, meaning they can be falsified. This is why no theory is proved. There are FACTS that serve as evidence. When new evidence is found, either pro or con, the theory can be changed or discarded.
The Earth is warming. Carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation (heat). CO2 is increasing. The source is burning fossil fuels. Nights are warming more rapidly than days. etc etc
There is no evidence for magic or miracles.
If you can’t prove CO2 is responsible for “global warming” then maybe you should just STFU about it.
Just sayin’.
He keeps saying it, just can’t prove it….
CO2 causing massive changes in the climate is not a theory. It is nearly an amusing suggestion. There is zero correlation between CO2 and global warming. Man is thought to contribute only 3% of carbon.The concentration of CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere. Plant life begins to die at 0.02%. Saying stupid things over again does not make them true. Oh, I forgot, the only acceptable remedy for so called carbon excess is global communist government and eliminating western wealth.
They don’t want to eliminate Western wealth. They want to steal it. Communism has always been about theft. All that fluff about Workers unite and means of production ownership is just to keep the peasants focused and willing to die so that a few thousand people at the top can live like kings.