God forbid cBS attempted to do some journalism on the things Americans really care about in practice, digging into things like this
This is why #Kamala should have never made it anywhere near the White House.
She raided parents with SWAT Teams and put them in jail – separating them from their kids – to protect the state of California's revenue.
…and cackled about it. ???????? pic.twitter.com/Up75zdia7K
— Emergent Perspective (@_emergent_) October 27, 2024
She laughed about it. But, maybe cBS could ask Kamala why she takes so many unnecessary fossil fueled trips?
Election Day is just days away and of all the critical issues at stake, there is one that has a fast-approaching deadline to get a handle on: climate change. If emissions aren’t drastically reduced by 2035, the U.N. warned last week, global climate disaster will be inevitable — but the impacts of climate change are already being felt in daily life in the U.S.
From maternal health and immigration to the cost of food, electricity and insurance, here’s how.
If you’re adding “here’s how”, it’s not news, it’s opinion, just like they started doing at Vox.
The economy is top of mind for voters this year, and experts say that climate change has the potential for “significant economic harm.” According to NOAA, the impacts of extreme climate events, including hurricanes, wildfires and floods, are costing the nation an estimated $150 billion every year. The University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute finds that climate impacts cost just under 1% of the nation’s GDP for every 1 degree Fahrenheit in temperature change, on average. Even “modest amounts of warming” will hurt the U.S. economy, researchers found.
They also do immigration, mining, disaster recovery, transportation, fracking, home insurance, maternal health and pregnancy (I though Dems wanted to abort all kids?), electric bills, grocery bills, and power infrastructure, all in a manner to prop up Kamala’s bad policies, saying if we don’t Do Something then all these things are doomed.
The American Society of Civil Engineers said in its latest report grading the nation’s infrastructure that this sector received a “C-,” with the organization’s experts saying U.S. energy infrastructure is aged and still being used half a century past its life expectancy. That age, combined with the increasing extreme weather events, could cost businesses about $150 billion a year. Blackouts pose additional dangers to human health, including blocking access to food and water, communication and emergency health care.
Yeah, well, Kamala and her climate cult comrades won’t let us build new natural gas and nuclear power plants.

JD Vance and Joe Rogan podcast drops – Joe Rogan Experience #2221
Do not become inebriated by the discovery of Lithium in the Salton sea basin. While it is true that there is a shit-ton of it, the problem is that the amount of water needed to mine it would completely drain the Colorado river and put the entire southwest into a dangerous water shortage of epic proportions.
It is like finding a million dollars in the road next to the overturned brinks truck with swat members closing in on you, yelling put your hands in the air. There might be Lithium there, but it ain’t worth anything because there is not enough water in the Southwest to mine it without creating catastrophic harm to the citizens.
Dig it up and take it someplace that has water. Iceland is a major exporter of Aluminum even though they don’t mine a single pound of ore. They do have excess electricity though so they do all the dirty mining and reducing in Africa, then refine it in Iceland.
According to data from the US Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office, one ton of battery-grade lithium can come from 250 tons of ore and 750 tons of brine, while one ton of battery-grade cobalt can come from 300 tons of ore.
SO ONE THOUSAND TONS OF GROUND to get ONE(1) ton of Lithium.
It would be mind-blowingly expensive, as you can’t just dig up the lithium. You have to strip mine the entire Salton Sea to get the lithium, much like panning for gold.
Not a bad idea on the surface but would be prohibitively expensive.
Oddly enough, in modern capitalist countries, we let investors decide for themselves what is “prohibitively expensive”. There are lots of other mineral mines around the country where hundreds of tons of raw materials are gouged out of the earth to produce only a few tons of valuable minerals. Look at the investments needed to put a deep water oil well in the North Sea. We know from the Alaskan pipeline that government involvement can multiply costs by a factor of ten. Yet the pipeline, with no government investment payed off many times over. If the lithium is valuable enough, investors will find ways. Gold for example mines 91 tons of ore to produce one ounce of pure gold.
If we did strip mine Salton Sea, would it refill as a usable fresh water reservoir?
In other news about cBS…
Former President Donald Trump wants $10 billion from CBS, accusing the network in a lawsuit of trying to tip the presidential election to Democrat Kamala Harris.
Lawfare, ain’t it great?
CBS was trying to alter the election. It’s the same shit they all pulled before. Now we need to go after these commies.
I think that one of the main reasons for the media hating Trump is that he shattered the ability of media to be the king maker. They have assumed that role since JFK.