Will they dink and dunk around the real reasons?
Why Are Democrats Having Such a Hard Time Beating Trump?
Whatever happens Tuesday, it’s fair to say this campaign has not gone as smoothly as Democrats expected.
In the wake of the midterms, Donald J. Trump appeared to be finished. He may still lose, of course, but he clearly wasn’t “disqualified” — as many expected — by Jan. 6, several criminal indictments or an overturning of Roe v. Wade by his Supreme Court appointees. If voters disqualified any candidate in 2024, it was the sitting president, not the felon who attempted to overturn the last election.
How is Mr. Trump still so competitive? The simplest answer is that the national political environment just isn’t as conducive to a Democratic victory as many might imagine.
Democrats clearly face headwinds in this election. In the last New York Times/Siena College poll, only 40 percent of voters approved of President Biden’s performance, and only 28 percent said the country was heading in the right direction. No party has retained control of the White House when so many Americans were dissatisfied with the country or the president.
Hmm, that’s a hell of a good reason. Then you have a guy with serious mental breakdown, who then gets replaced with Word Salad who has never had a good approval rating, did nothing but open the border and go with everything that Biden’s handler’s wanted.
The polls suggest the challenge for Democrats runs even deeper. For the first time in decades, Republicans have pulled even or ahead in nationwide party identification. Polls also find Republicans with the an edge on most key issues — with democracy and abortion standing as significant exceptions.
Could it be that Democrats who have been in the White House since 2001 and controlled the Senate have messed things up that bad?
The Democrats’ challenge appears to be part of a broader trend of political struggles for ruling parties across the developed world. Voters appear eager for change when they get the chance. The ruling parties in Britain, Germany, Italy, Australia and most recently Japan all lost power. Mr. Trump himself lost four years ago. France and Canada might well join the list.
Oh, see, it’s the same around the world, not the horrible agenda of the Democrats and how bad Kamala is, right?
On issue after issue, Democrats have responded by moving to the right. Most obviously, Ms. Harris had to back away from positions she took when the progressive cultural ascendancy was near its peak in 2019 — a ban on fracking, Medicare for all and so on. But the Democratic shift isn’t simply about backing away from positions taken during a Democratic primary. Across the board, Democrats have de-emphasized policies they preached with confidence to a general electorate only a few years ago.
Nah, they’ve lied about their positions, and Kamala and her Comrades will go right back to their real positions. Really, though, this article is mostly about Orange Man Bad and how dare people support him!
How wokeness could cost the Democrats the election
This time around, Hillary Clinton is not lamenting Republican ‘deplorables’. She has chosen instead, along with Kamala Harris, to label Donald Trump and his supporters as out-and-out fascists. Different words but the same meaning: anyone who backs the GOP candidate in next week’s US presidential election is an enabler for modern-day blackshirts or stormtroopers.
But for many Americans, the real ‘deplorables’ are to be found among Harris’s backers, such as the tech oligarchs who dominate the economy, the financiers of Wall Street or the moguls of mainstream media. Think of the likes of Bill Gates, who just forked in $50million to the Harris campaign.
Even more detested by most of the public are the ‘progressive’ activist class that has embraced Harris and shaped her past record. This group, as the author Musa al-Gharbi writes in his new book, We Have Never Been Woke, constitutes ‘a new elite’. Trained as ‘symbolic analysts’, these often flailing graduates and professionals now represent a revolutionary class pushing the Democrats towards the ideological loony bin. As long as Harris and the Democrats remain in thrall to the activists’ progressive ideology, they will be tarred with their widely unpopular views on everything from climate change to transgenderism, race quotas and immigration.
And therein lies a big problem: a small number of Elites are trying to run everything, and Fuck You Stupid Plebes for not going along with it.

IOW, they have to lie to get elected. Can everyone see my “shocked!” face?
Amazing how the article fails to mention how abysmally bad Democratic party policies are, and instead focuses on voter feelings. Article fails to also make the connection that the parties loosing in Europe are all the same as the democratic party here and trying to do the same to those nations as the democrats are doing here. It is the people of those countries rising up against the connected 1% who wish to rule over them.
Well they are easy to steal and they suck.
The Kia Kumala

Bwaha! Lolgf
The modern conservative movement actually sprang from a Republican-Southern Democrat congressional majority that opposed President Roosevelt’s New Deal and its social programs and constraints on businesses. The New Deal put limits on child labor, workplace safety, hours worked, minimum wage, worker’s programs and unsafe bank investing practices. All the programs included benefits for negroes and women, not just white men.
Without FDR even American conservatives would be speaking German today.
Since the New Deal the US conservative movement has largely opposed these programs. To them, the New Deal was the beginning of the end of their America. The idea that negroes and women and gays were equal to white men was anathema to their mythology of what made America great.
You are one stupid son of a bitch.
The New Deal prolonged the Depression by more than a decade.
“Negroes and women and gays” were of absolutely no interest to FDR.
You are one stupid son of a bitch. You nuconservatives have been fed a diet of shit for a couple of decades now.
Don told you the election was stolen and you go along with it. How fucking stupid are you people?

Bwaha! Lolgf