This infuriates Democrats who want to keep counting and counting and counting
Georgia Supreme Court rejects extension for late ballots in Dem heavy Cobb County
About 3,000 people who received their absentee ballots late in a heavily Democratic county in Georgia may not have their votes counted if they aren’t returned before polls close Tuesday.
The Georgia Supreme Court ruled Monday that the absentee ballots sent out late in Cobb County won’t get an extension granted by a lower court.
Last week, after foul-ups by Cobb County election officials caused delays, a lower-court judge ordered absentee ballots to be sent to voters by overnight delivery. He also ruled that ballots postmarked by Election Day would be counted if they arrive by 5 p.m. Friday.
But, in a 5-3 decision, the state’s highest court appeared to nullify that extension. In a brief order, Georgia’s highest court said ballots that come in after the normal 7 p.m. deadline Tuesday but before Friday afternoon won’t be counted, although they will be set aside and preserved, presumably to allow future litigation.
Interestingly, these voters can, in fact, go vote in person since the Democrat run voting district farked up. Fun fact: in 2000 28 of 29 Florida voting precincts with issues were run by Democrats. The other was Independent.
The Georgia Supreme Court ruling came at the request of Republicans seeking to maintain a firm deadline for the return of absentee ballots. In 2020, Cobb County — which includes the northwest Atlanta suburbs — favored Joe Biden over Donald Trump, 56 percent to 32 percent. Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes.
Civil rights groups who sued to seek relief for the impacted voters said those who received their ballots late should try to vote in person if feasible or to return their ballots by overnight mail.
See? They can go vote! What Politico and most Credentialed Media outlets are leaving out of their pieces is this
(Fox News) “Consistent with OCGA § 21-2-386, the Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration (the ‘Board’) may count only those absentee ballots received by the statutory deadline of 7:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 5, 2024.” the order reads.
That’s what the law says. Don’t like the law? Change it. But, until then, it is the law. There must be law which establishes the rules, and they cannot just be changed on a whim. We saw way too much of this in 2020. How many votes came in that should never have been counted? That were not real?
(Breitbart) Several states, including some Democrat-run states plagued by Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in 2020, have readied the National Guard in case violence breaks out on Election Day.
Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee announced on Friday that he has activated some National Guard members to be on standby Monday to Thursday in case they need to assist local law enforcement. Seattle, Washington, was the home of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) that far-left rioters established after the death of George Floyd.
Oregon has the NG on standby. Portland is surging the police (well, those who are left). D.C. is likewise surging their police into certain areas (which will mean lots of crime elsewhere in the city). Why are they concerned? These are not Republican areas. Are they so concerned over a Trump will? Are they just getting ahead, or, are they seeing things that concern them about Cackle’s chances?

Although state board of election officials are elected locally they operate under the laws and regulations made by the GOP majority legislature in Tallahassee. Those regulations preclude the local officials of deciding on issues such as the number of polling places. In 2000 the voting was suppressed in areas that the Dems were presumably majority like urban areas. This resulted in 3 to 4 hour long waiting in lines. Because of that many voters went home without voting.FL electoral votes went to Bush because of a 536 vote plurality. 9 months later he was reading to a kindergarten class when 9/11 happened. Remember the look on his face ? After he was explicitly warned that bin ylsfen was planning on attacking the USA. With hijacked planes
As best I can tell you are going on about Bush. I hate to tell you but that was a long time ago and Bush is irrelevant. In fact, most conservatives don’t like the guy. He only had two talents, he was not Gore and he was not Kerry.
Neither Gore nor Kerry would have started or continued the war in Iraq, costing us thousands of brave Americans, TRILLIONS of dollars (which we’re still trying to pay off) and American prestige. President Bush was not a bad man, just a weak one. The war dogs dominated him.
Once the nuConservatives took over and fell head over heels for Orange Jesus, no garden variety (e.g., normal) conservative was acceptable. Eisenhower, Rockefeller, Ford, Bush, McCain, Romney, Flake, Collins, Christie, Whitman, etc… Donald once identified as a ‘Rockefeller Republican’, LOL. Whatever it takes.
Now Donnie answers the siren call of the authoritarians.
Do all democrats have ADD/ADHD? It seems to be really common among Party commenters.
Dear Voters.
IN the case a woman who needs an abortion because her life is in danger, she is allowed to get one. A recent ad broke by a progressive PAC that claimed Republicans want your wife to DIE rather than have an abortion.
This is a lie. The Supreme Court returned abortion to each of the 50 states to DECIDE for the people in their own state.
In California, for instance, it is enshrined in their constitution that abortions are legal, accessible, and easy to get. Every GOP state that has voted on new abortion laws has decreed that a woman can get an abortion if her life is in danger.
Trump has repeatedly said he will NOT SIGN A NATIONAL ABORTION BAN….because his favorite daughter would disown him. Very few Republicans want that in the grand scheme of things. There are some, but they are becoming a growing minority within the MAGA GOP.
So remember one thing. The Democrats have no compunction about lying to win. This ad is so full of lies that it is hilarious. Sadly, it misinforms low-propensity voters who WANT TO ignore politics and the first thing to go in politics is the truth.
To defeat literally Hitler? Of course they would lie.
Of course they would cheat. Of course they would use every lever of government power against their opponents. Of course they would attempt assassination. Of course they would declare the results invalid. To control how over $4Trillion per year gets spent? Of course they would. To ensure their access to millions of slaves? Of course they would. To safeguard themselves and their friends from prosecution for their pedo habits? Of course they would. For Democrats, there is way too much at stake to not lie, cheat, steal, or kill, if it comes to it.
“would” is past tense.
Use “will.”