Democrat cheaters and illegals hardest hit
Citizen-only voting amendment on the ballot for NC voters
North Carolina voters are being asked to approve a constitutional amendment this year that would reaffirm existing state rules that ban non-citizens from voting.
Supporters of the amendment have, for the most part, acknowledged it wouldn’t change anything in practice. Many say it’s simply needed to show continued support for the idea that only citizens should vote in elections. Others say they believe the new language is a more legally solid way of wording the rules, in case it gets challenged in a future court case. They’ve cited examples of a handful of cities in other states that let non-citizens vote in local races such as city council or school board.
Some opponents of the amendment say it risks spreading misinformation by tricking voters into thinking non-citizens can vote in North Carolina. Other opponents say that the way it’s worded could potentially lead to the future disenfranchisement of people who became U.S. citizens by being born here to parents who are citizens of other countries. That right of birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but some Republican politicians including Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump have said they want to get rid of it.
The North Carolina constitution currently says: “Every person born in the United States and every person who has been naturalized, 18 years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this Article, shall be entitled to vote” in the state’s elections.
If the amendment passes, it would change that language to instead say: “Only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age and otherwise possessing the qualifications for voting shall be entitled to vote at any election in this State.”
This would restrict any who are not citizens, including those who are here on work and school visas, from voting, and it is primarily aimed at local and county elections. Sure, on the surface it seems that the original version stops them from the get go, but
(NC Newsline) Wake Forest University professor John Dinan, who specializes in state constitutions, wrote in an email that the bill will have no effect on federal elections, such as presidential and congressional races, where federal law explicitly prohibits noncitizens from voting. The only question is whether there exists any ambiguity in North Carolina law, which courts currently understand to prohibit noncitizens from participating in state and local elections.
Proponents say the change is needed to prevent future reinterpretations of the current constitution that could open the door to state and local voting by noncitizens. Opponents say the existing language is unequivocal, and that the proposed change only serves to raise anti-immigrant fervor and deter legal voters from participating in elections.
Yeah, well, in other states Democrat run cities have figured out a way to allow non-citizens to vote despite similar language in their state laws/Constitution. Consider that 72.4% of Democrats in NC are polling for passage. In the NC House 32 Dems voted for this, 12 against, and 4 were not-voting. In the Senate 10 for, 4 against, 6 not-voting.
This amendment simply tightens the existing amendment up, making sure there is no wiggle room. If you aren’t a citizen, you do not vote. Period. This is a pre-emptive strike against the far left who would look to try letting non-citizens vote in local elections. One would think this would not happen in NC, even in far, far, far left Asheville, but, with all the Northern carpetbaggers moving here to escape the terrible policies they supported up north, you never know if they’ll do the same down here. There are many hardcore Progressive groups, such as Carolina Forward, Common Cause North Carolina, Democracy North Carolina, and, surprise, Carolina Migrant Network and El Pueblo. Both of those groups support illegal aliens/migrants.
We have a joke: if you don’t like the way we do things in NC, 95 and 85 go north and south. 40 goes west. Pick a direction.
Many states, including lefty Colorado and California, have Constitutions that say the same thing. And California cities still try to let non-citizens vote. Iowa, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Idaho, South Carolina, Missouri, and Oklahoma are trying the same thing this year.

I don’t know how there could even be a question that non-citizens let alone illegals cannot vote in ANY of our elections, federal, state or local. If that were the case then unscrupulous traitors like democommies could go down to central and south America and bring up millions of assholes to vote democommie before elections.
WAIT! They just did that didn’t they?
Only citizens can vote in federal and state elections. Is there any evidence that dozens, much less MILLIONS of ‘illegals’ are voting? Didn’t think so.
The problem with Trumpists is that they believe the commandments of their Orange Savior. He’s lying to you to save his own arse.
So far, nearly 80 MILLION have already cast their votes! How many will vote today? Recall in 2020 that over 150 MILLION Americans voted, with President Biden winning, bigly.
Are you stating there are zero evidence of voter fraud, ballot stuffing, count manipulation?
We have spent the last 3 years showing your closed mind many different photos, videos, affidavits and testimony of voter/ballot fraud. You choose to ignore it all. Nice little groups of leftist AG’s colluding with corrupt judges but you ignore it all.
Talk to us tomorrow. Your operatives are busy creating as we type!!!!
By all means please reveal the evidence of ballot stuffing and count manipulation. FOX ‘News’ couldn’t do it and it cost them some $800 MILLION!
You don’t have to convince me, you have to convince Republican judges, Republican AGs and Republican Secretaries of State. None of them recognized your ‘evidence’. Not even Trump’s own hand-picked Supreme Court would step in and reverse the ‘obvious’ fraud.
If Trump loses you and he will make the same fraudulent arguments. He will likely declare victory tonight is he’s leading in some states well before all the votes are counted.
You stink of desperation and bullshit.
Even more than usual.
The party of fear!
Mr White/Kye,
Indeed, the Trump Party (TP) IS the party of fear. And rightly so! White Christian Americans must fear Muslims, Negroes, Hispanics, gays, lesbians, trans, groomers, wokists, atheiststeachers, liberals, Democrats, imaginary communists, Jews, women, abortionists… all who are trying to take your white, Christian, straight, male-commanded culture from you!!!
It’s no surprise the vicious left anointed (not elected) a Hindu-voodoo Jamaican-Indian-Negro priestess who married a divorced Jew!! This is America, dammit, not some 3rd World garbage dump! MAGA!!!!
Doesn’t matter. Democrats have proven that they are the party of “by any means necessary”. They cheat so often because they know with certainty that they will never be held accountable. There is no law that can be devised by men that the wicked cannot pervert to their own purposes.
Example 1: They can just get a federal judge to overturn the outcome of the ballot initiative as “unconstitutional”, just like they did in California for proposition 8.
Example 2: They can simply not defend the law when one of their friends brings it into court, just as they did with defense of marriage act.
Example 3: They can simply not enforce the law, just as they have been doing for 4 years with our immigration laws.
Example 4: They can simply reinterpret what the words of the laws mean to use it in new and novel ways, just like they have been doing with multiple accusations against Trump this year.
We are not a nation of laws when it comes to Democrats because they are above the law. But if you raise a squirrel in your home, the full force of the government will come down on you.
But have YOU proven the Dems cheated?
The Trump Party can keep pushing all the way to the Trump-friendly Supreme Court.
You need evidence.
Tell us Ellwood, or should I say Jeffery Keene of St. Louis, are you going to try and kill Trump after the election? You have been encouraging it for years. I wonder if the Secret Service or US Marshalls or FBI would be interested?
Call me whatever you wish, cunt-boy. I’ll continue to call you the cowardly pussy, Porter Good, who still lives with his imaginary rich mommy and daddy.
By all means, you big cowardly pussy, call the Secret Service, Us Marshalls and FBI. I welcome their interest!
Rimjob please.

Are your partners there DJThree Consulting LLC aware that this is how you spend your days everyday crudely berating people on the internet instead of hustling up prospective clients?
First of all you dumb fuck, my name is not Porter Good. I have no idea where that came from. I thought you were calling Teach that, not me. You’re a nut case. You do realize as a fire fighter being a coward is impossible. How many burning building have you run into to save another person? Yep! Figured!
Secondly, I don’t live with my parents who are not imaginary. You have shown yourself to be an unstable liar and a threat to the President since you brag about owning a cache of firearms including many assault weapons. You are deluded, psychotic and apparently quite violence prone.
You lie so prolifically and project so continuously you can’t even coherently argue any longer.
Ex fireman, right? As a teen, I did run into a giant flaming barn to rescue cows, does that count?
Do you believe that any American owning firearms is a threat? Also, I don’t own any assault weapons, although I might purchase one or three if Trump ‘wins’.
I was under the impression you moved back to your parents home since you lost the house they bought for you in the global warming scam. Lucky!
I did not “move in” with my parents. I took my girlfriends up there while I helped my fire company clean up the hurricane mess in Tampa. My parents own a lot of properties and I could move into one of his at any time.
You seem to be very jealous of anyone with money. Must be a democommie thing. You guys are always counting other people’ wealth.
Yay Trump!
This sounds more like Kumala and the dems.
But we already know these agencies would never ever “knowingly” (Clapper) lie to Americans.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Pissant Good please.
Are your colleagues there at your dad Porter Good’s job Leith Honda aware that this is how you spend your days everyday crudely berating people on the internet instead of hustling up prospective buyers?
Like the cowardly pussy LGB (Let’s Get Blowing), you hide behind anonymity. How brave you are! By all means contact DJTHREE. If any harm comes to anyone your dad Porter Good will be liable.
Maybe you can summon the courage to come here!!! The ‘brave’ anonymous Let’s Get Blowing the Fascist From Florida living with his mom and dad threatens to send in the Secret Service, the US Marshalls and the FBI! CarolAnn suggested SWATTing!!
Cowards all.
Does Dennis, James, and the other Jeffrey there at DJThree Consulting LLC approve of the vile language you direct towards others with whom you disagree with here at the Cove?
Are they even aware?
Contact them and find out, cowardly lyin’. Better yet, ‘Rod’, drive up here from East TX and ask them yourself.
Tell me, Porter Good Jr, do Todd, Reggie, Manny, Shavar, Sheila and Jason there at Leith Honda of Raleigh approve of the vile language you direct toward others with whom you disagree here at the Cove?
Are they even aware? Hmmm…
Rimjob be throwin’ a hissy fit. Keeps throwin’ out names and places as if they have any relevance to anything…

Speaking of relevance…
Truth Social: “A lot of talk about massive CHEATING in Philadelphia. Law Enforcement coming!!!” Trump wrote.
Do you believe it or did Trump just make it up??
Voter turnout in Philly was described as ‘record setting’.
Trump up 101 to 35 Electoral Votes!!