A goodly chunk of far left wankers aren’t taking Trump’s win too well, so, Warmists be any different?
This morning the world wakes to find it has slipped further into fascism as well as climate breakdown. Trump's win puts the lives of ordinary people at risk, everywhere.
Political systems that can be bought by big oil have no… pic.twitter.com/5OuFgH1B70
— Just Stop Oil (@JustStop_Oil) November 6, 2024
The rest of the tweet reads
Political systems that can be bought by big oil have no value as we face the biggest challenge of our time.
The only real winner of today’s election is the corporate power that controls the major parties in both the US and UK. They continue to ensure the interests of the fossil fuel industry will continue to be prioritised over the wellbeing of ordinary people.
It is only through people coming together to disrupt business-as-usual that humanity will stand any chance of minimising the effects of climate breakdown, and the social collapse that follows. In Spain this week, hundreds of bodies continue to be dragged from the mud – this is just a small portent of what is to come if we don’t change course immediately.
As long as democracy is hijacked by corporate interests and billionaires, it will fail to deliver the change people are crying out for.
This will always leave the door open for fake populists like Trump to exploit the disaffection many feel. It’s time for ordinary people to step up, organise and make change happen, because it should be clear by now, no political leaders are coming to save us. Just Stop Oil.
The funny part is that everything they were wearing is made from petroleum. Oh, and that the climate cult is pushing authoritarianism. Anyhow, it was in London
(Reuters) London’s Metropolitan Police arrested two men, aged 25 and 72, on suspicion of criminal damage, the force said.
“This activity is vandalism purporting as protest and we will continue to have a zero tolerance attitude to actions such as this,” Deputy Assistant Commissioner Andy Valentine said in a statement.
England is not fooling with these people anymore
Pink-haired Just Stop Oil activist Phoebe Plummer has been sentenced to two years in prison for throwing soup on a $90 million Van Gogh painting.
What’s your reaction to the sentence? pic.twitter.com/1dUlQE95ux
— Creepy.org (@creepydotorg) November 3, 2024
(Weird. Sometimes twitter embeds are working, sometimes not. Had to do it a different way)

Only 2? Make it 10.
2:15 AM and he’s dancing! – Pres Elect Trump dances to “YMCA” in Warren Michigan Monday Night after final campaign stop – Video
2024 Election Maps by county and state
Good. Sounds as if she had her day in British court. Damaging property is against the law, even in England.
Recall that in the US several hundred protesters have been sentenced for damaging our Capitol Building.
Except for BLMers and antifa and other government provocateurs.
They received a slap on the wrist if any punishment at all.