I’m looking forward to all the meltdowns from the Democrat Kamala voters and Never Trumpers today. Will any of those who promised to leave the U.S. if Trump won actually leave? Very few did when Bush won in 2004 and Trump in 2016. Will there be screaming? Group screaming? Just unhinged behavior? Riots destroying Democrat run cities?
Takeaways from the US presidential election
Republican Donald Trump was on the verge of a convincing win over Democrat Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, avenging his own loss to President Joe Biden four years ago.
How did Trump pull it off? He had the fortune of running when Americans were frustrated by high prices and, to a lesser extent, illegal immigration across the U.S. southern border.
Oh, suddenly the Credentialed Media noticed that Americans feel poorly about the economy.
The national exit poll of voters conducted by Edison Research underscored what public opinion surveys had long shown: Voters are in a bad mood and have been for some time.
Three-fourths of voters surveyed by Edison said the country was going in a negative direction. Of those voters, 61% went for Trump. Of the voters who called themselves “angry,” 71% backed the Republican.
Voters who said the economy was their top concern broke 79% to 20% for Trump, according the poll.
What, they didn’t think the federal government running the food sector via a “price gouging” law/executive order would work?
Voters who believe abortion should be a legal procedure in most instances surprisingly only backed Harris 51% to 47%, suggesting Trump’s efforts to blur his position may have partially negated one of her largest advantages.
Now, that’s an interesting exit poll. It suggests that abortion is not as big an issue as all the Kamala ads stated.
Perhaps most notably for Harris, the three-fourths of voters who said they felt U.S. democracy was “threatened” split their vote evenly between the two candidates.
Obviously, they didn’t think Kamala was the answer.
Though many blocs of voters were supporting the Democratic or Republican candidate in similar numbers to 2020, according to the exit polls, Trump was showing greater strength with male voters of color and with voters under 45 compared to four years ago.
Those under 45 realized that holding on to their college years Liberal leanings isn’t putting food on the table or paying the energy bill.
He also appeared to be holding onto enough women supporters in America’s suburbs to prevail despite Harris’ best attempts to pull them away. The national exit poll showed Trump with a 51% to 47% edge with suburban white women voters.
So, all that push for women to have abortions didn’t help when food costs are up over 21% on average? Huh.
BTW, Washington D.C. went for Kamala 90.4% to 6.6% with 94% of the vote counted. A total cesspool of leftists who either live in the projects or work for the government.

Here in Missouri, where Trump won convincingly, 59% to 40%, voters overruled our Republican-dominated legislature’s ban on abortion. Thousands of Missouri voters picked Trump AND supported abortion rights. That said, our crafty Republicans have repeatedly ignored Missouri voters.
7 of 10 states voted in favor of abortion rights.
Maryland, Arizona, Colorado, New York, Montana and Nevada supported abortion rights.
Florida (60% needed, only 57% yes), Nebraska (allows first trimester abortion), South Dakota did not.
Ya think the reason Kumala hasn’t yet conceded is due to a bigly hangover or is she just being her old bitchy self?
Trump/Vance – MAGA
Robert Francis Kennedy JR is to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, which encompasses NIH, FDA, CDC, Medicare, Medicaid, HIPAA, Administration of Children and Families, Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund and other functions.
RFK Jr is on record as anti-vaccine, anti-fluoride, pro-roadkill, HIV denier etc.
Guess you missed it, Rimjob…
Bwaha! Lolgfy
We are now unbuttoned by what has been…
the last 4 years.

So you’re a MAGA MOTHERFUCKER? What’s mommy think of that?
The next election will be interesting since neither Trump nor Biden will be in it. I doubt Harris will win her primary (which is why she didn’t have one this time). Will the Left learn their lesson about their leftist anti-American policies not playing well with Americans? or will they just go back into the closet and pretend to be moderates again?
With both parties becoming more entrenched to their most extreme elements, is it even possible for Democrats to pretend moderation or will their own people turn on them?
We have Trump for 4 years. No Covid. A Republican House and Senate. No doubt every Democratic party judge will try to undermine any attempt to roll back the Biden/Harris/unknown person administration agenda. No Russian collusion scandal. Let’s see if anything gets done for the American people.
There is no doubt that this was another close election in a long string of them. The Democratic party is very strong in their ability to turn out votes, even if their candidate is a baloney sandwich or a senile old corrupt guy. It makes me sad that half of America hates America and wants to destroy it all the while enjoying the benefits of being in America.
Maybe it wasn’t very smart to:
-Put Trump supporters in jail
-Try to put him in jail
-Try to kill him
-Install a cheap floozy without a primary
-Trot out Liz Cheney (lmao)
-Use killing babies as a talking point
-Endorse the mutilation of children
-Throw open the borders to unvetted illegals
-Label opponents as garbage or un-American
-and so on…
Bwaha! Lolgf
Washington D C, more 90% democrat and they try to tell us that conservatives can get a fair trial there?
In 2020, the dumbkopf from Delaware defeated His Majesty of Mar-a-Lago 81,283,501 (51.3%) to 74,223,975 (46.8%). As of 3:21 PM EDT, Mr Trump is leading the kook from Kalifornia 71,962,206 (51.0%) to 67,137,366 (47.5%). This means that President Trump is getting very close to his 2020 vote total while the ogress from Oakland is 14,146,135 behind the nincompoop from New Castle County’s totals.
How did this happen? Some will say that it’s evidence of fraud in 2020, and perhaps it is, but I have a different idea. I’ve noted many times on this fine site that Joe Biden won because so many states sent out insecure mail-in ballots to registered voters during the panicdemic, and people who were normally just plain too lazy to go to the polls and vote found it easy enough to mark their ballots and put them in the postage-paid return envelopes. This year, when they had to get off their lazy asses to go and vote, they didn’t, and the numbers at least hint that those lazy assed people are almost all Democrats!
The Fascist from Florida won! Uneducated white men and misogynist Latino men are in the fascist camp.
Mr Dana and other racist, misogynist white men still prefer that only white, Christian men vote. So yes, the Republicuns hate democracy and try to make it as difficult as possible to vote. No surprise there.
Thanks for the mandate, loser.
“Difficult to vote..” How so? “Fascist camp” How so. Again, it sounds like Johnny constantly repeating his “trillion dollar tax cuts for elites” BS.
The socialist from St Louis forgot an important qualification:
That’s only white, property-owning, Christian men vote. the way the Framers envisioned it! Please make a note of it.