Will the Fish Wrap, er, NY Times, come to the real conclusion?
Harris Had a Wall Street-Approved Economic Pitch. It Fell Flat.
When Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to a locally owned brewery in New Hampshire to talk about helping small businesses — a major plank of her economic platform — she made sure that one group of Americans felt included: millionaires who wanted to keep more of their profits from selling stocks and real estate.
“If you earn a million dollars a year or more, the tax rate on your long-term capital gains will be 28 percent under my plan,” Ms. Harris said in that campaign speech this fall. “Because we know when the government encourages investment, it leads to broad-based economic growth.”
The moment stuck out. In remarks that her campaign had pitched as a major address to the middle class, Ms. Harris offered a striking concession on tax rates for the wealthy — an olive branch that she used to present herself as more business friendly than President Biden, who had sought a higher rate.
Raising the capital gains tax is a striking concession? How does raising the rate incentivize investment? She is an idiot, or, at least her puppeteers are.
Her speech underscored just how much the advice of her allies and donors from Wall Street and Silicon Valley — as well as her own longstanding belief in pragmatic, incremental progress over sweeping, ideological change — was driving her messaging on the economy.
If the big money folks on Wall Street liked the plan, you know there were measures that would see them make a boatload of money. You know, the people who were dropping big money on her campaign. Seriously, this is giving me deja-vu for something I wrote on Hillary Clinton way back in the day, but, I’m not going to slog through at least 210 Hillary Clinton posts, but, really, she talked of raising taxes while taking lots of money from the Elites. Obama as well. Maybe the post was on him? Or both?
Mr. West, who served as a top Justice Department official in the Obama administration but has little background in economic policy, also flagged social media posts from her campaign and official accounts that he thought were off Ms. Harris’s economic message, one of the people said. He and Brian Nelson, a longtime adviser to Ms. Harris, were in frequent contact with business executives and Wall Street donors during the campaign.
Anyone else getting the idea she listened to her rich donors and uber-Progressive wackjob supporters but not the working and middle classes?
The result was a Democratic candidate who vacillated between competing visions for how to address the economic problems that voters repeatedly ranked as their top issue. Ms. Harris neither abandoned nor fully embraced key liberal goals for confronting corporate power and raising taxes on the rich. Instead, she adopted marginal pro-business tweaks to the status quo that both her corporate and progressive allies agreed never coalesced into a clear economic argument.
It was, to put it bluntly, a shitshow, and voters knew it. They knew her whole “price-gouging” schtick was BS and a means to patronize what she thought were stupid voters. I think a lot of voters realized that Kamala was an empty suit who treated the working and middle classes with derision on a wide variety of issues. And that the Democrat party has been doing this.
Voters ultimately preferred Donald J. Trump’s broad but vague promises to cut taxes and shake up the global trading system. And as frustration with the historic increase in inflation has led to losses among governing parties across the world, some Democrats doubt that Ms. Harris could have prevailed even with a stronger economic message.
She had to have a realistic plan to have a real message. People saw what Trump did his first term before COVID hit, so, he didn’t have to lay it out. Anyhow, this is a long piece that does, in fact, touch on the fact that her so-called policies stunk and drove people to Trump. No one trusted her. And no one wants to be treated as a dunce. Telling us that Wall Street approved of the message didn’t actually help with her Democrat voting base, either, because they hate Wall Street.

One of Jeffery’s bitches:
Ah, she’ll get over it when she has to hit the streets to “earn” her meal money.

Never happen. Her husband is wealthy.
Ah, The Abortionist still whining. LOL.
Speaking of bitches, have you knocked up any yet today? Ya know, In Florida it will be almost imposssible for them to get abortions so you just might be responsible for your sins. Would your daddy pay to have them travel to a normal state for the procedure?
Why do you find pleasure in deliberately hurting me about my murdered children? Why? Is there nothing else worth harassing me over? You are a very cruel and nasty evil person. Knowing that I am against abortion in most cases you call me “The Abortionist”. Why? Racist, White supremacist, Islamofobe, misogynist, and all the other political names are not enough you find it necessary to deliberately hurt me personally.
That’s how commies commie, I guess.
Why do you find pleasure in deliberately hurting me, my former colleagues, friends and my family? Why?
You, The Pissant and a few others want me to stop commenting, but if my address, telephone number, grown children and former business connections haven’t stopped me commenting, what will?
You know how to stop it. Simply try discussing ideas and policies instead personal issues.
I thought we had settled this a while, but then you started with your personal BS again.
Not that I really give a hoot, but at least in this instance there seems to be a willingness (almost) for a little self-reflection and to acknowledge the duplicity of the left’s economic and financial policies, if only in a halfhearted, backhanded way.
But my sentiment here may be influenced by witnessing the last 15 years or so of the establishment media shifting their general day to day practices. They went from burping out a near constant stream of essays denying their obvious and well documented left-wing bias to a full-throated embrace of it. All the while pretending that it was all normal healthy journalism and anyone that brought up the subject was a tinfoil hat wearing toothless hillbilly.
So maybe this attempted bit of introspection by the NYT really isn’t all that significant after all.
Introspection my Irish ass. I want a reconing!
Belonging to the left is a mental illness that all must endure.
Bare the cross and take it like a man or woman, whichever you identify as.
I usually try to sympathize with these people, but they are irreconcilable and inconsolable, so I stopped trying. The left’s crocodile tears are such sweet music to my ears.
Try this song to assuage your anguish, folk.
It appears Arizona is going for the Steal. This time from Kari Lake. they still haven’t all the votes in.
Any election you lose is stolen? ‘They’ stole the election for Gallego but not for Trump?
Do you understand how unreasonable that is?
So now it’s Edward? But just as blind, dumb and stubborn as you were when you used the name Elwood.
I DID NOT say the election was stolen. I said it looks like they’re going for the steal. Do you understand the difference? Try and think. ^ days after the election and AR still can’t turn in a count. Doe that not sound like typical leftist result fixing to you?
Seeing abnormalities and suspicious ballot handling for no reason in AZ. Do you understand how unreasonable that is? Especially after a well documented election fraud just four years ago?
Relax looser, your minority status is safe so you can all commiserate with your millionaire and billionaire election rigging pop stars, media morons and academic “experts” who are neither smart not expert at anything.
God bless America you commie pigs.
Happy Veterans Day to all you patriots.
Hi CarolAnn,
Although you have absolutely no evidence to support your belief, you still insist the AZ Demococrats are attempting to steal the election. 92% of the votes are counted. In close races, it’s important to count every vote, don’t you agree.
You DO realize your beliefs that the 2020 election was fraudulent are unfounded, unreasonable and delusional, right? We fully understand how embarrassing (not that MAGAts can be embarrassed!) it would be to back off your obveiously false claims now. It was a ploy all along. We all know it. Just let it go.
Understand, that if a candidate is ahead by 40,000 votes with 30,000 outstanding votes, it’s easy to declare the winner. But is a candidate is ahead by 15,000 with 25,000 outstanding every vote is counted before declaring a winner. See how that works?
As of today, Ruben Gallego has 1,556,441 votes and Kari Lake has 1,490,136 votes. Gallego leads by about 66,000 votes with some 200,000 to still be counted. Gallego has led from the outset, with Lake closing as more votes come in. How the F are the Dems cheating? Several news orgs have declared Gallego the winner, the AP has yet to declare.
God Bless America, you fascist sows.
Happy Veterans Day to all you Veterans. Thank you for your dedication, service and sacrifice.
You guys won, bigly. Why are you still so angry? Do you have issatiable bloodlust? Is that it? Must be a sad existence!