This just makes me laugh and drink tears
Many in government are worried about Trump’s return. At DOJ, they’re terrified.
A collective sense of dread has taken hold at the Department of Justice, which drew Donald Trump’s rage like no other part of the federal government during his campaign.
Some career attorneys at DOJ are already considering heading for the exits rather than sticking around to find out whether threats from Trump and his allies are real or campaign bluster. Those threats range from mass firings of “deep state” lawyers to expelling special counsel Jack Smith from the country.
“Everyone I’ve talked to, mostly lawyers, are losing their minds,” said one DOJ attorney, who like most of the people interviewed for this article was granted anonymity to speak freely about colleagues and avoid retribution from the president-elect and his allies. “The fear is that career leadership and career employees everywhere are either going to leave or they’re going to be driven out.”
While alarm over Trump’s return is widespread throughout the federal bureaucracy, it is perhaps most acute at the Justice Department, which was at the center of many of the major controversies of his first term. (snip)
But department veterans say those events pale in comparison to what they expect when Trump gets a second chance to try to remake the DOJ in his vision. They also know Trump’s anger at the department has only deepened in the past four years as it launched two unprecedented criminal prosecutions against him.
If they were doing their jobs properly and not being partisan activists they wouldn’t be concerned, right? No one involved in weaponizing the DOJ against Trump and Republicans should be concerned. Justice should be blind, not a member of the Democratic Party. Citizens engaged in Wrongthink should not be fearful of the DOJ coming after them. They shouldn’t be scared that the DOJ will pursue them for years for daring to wander around the Capitol Building, causing no harm, no damage, no threat, while those who attempted to burn down a federal justice center in Portland are virtually ignored. If they can spy on a president-elect, they can spy on you. If they are willing to threaten states for passing state laws that have no bearing on federal law (remember, the DOJ enforces federal law), what can they do to you? If they can raid a former president and tear his home up they can do that to you. They’ve intimidated parents, deemed non-liberals as extremists, even put Tulsi Gabbard on a no-fly list.
The DOJ should not be acting as the personal police force of Democrats
And then, in early November, the DOJ’s Southern District of New York had the FBI execute pre-dawn search warrants at two homes of journalists believed to be in possession of a diary belonging to Biden’s adult daughter. What isn’t clear, based on facts known publicly, is why the president’s daughter’s diary would be a matter of federal investigative interest, particularly in light of the journalists’ claimed efforts to return the diary to both Ashley Biden and law enforcement prior to the searches.
By now, Biden must feel pretty confident that the DOJ is his personal police force. Outrage over its tactics has been muted and the attorney general doesn’t push back. So it’s no surprise that the administration invented DOJ superpowers this past week to intimidate politicians who hold different views.
And the media yawned. And the DOJ employees who have gone to the dark side should be terrified of being terminated or at least allowed to resign.

Trump’s Project 2025 intends to fire all federal civil servants and replace them with Trump loyalists.
In addition, Donnie wants to be able to use the DOJ to attack his enemies, real and imagined. His buddies in the House and Senate will push back a bit, since many will be up for election in 2026. Obviously, Donnie will order his DOJ to drop all federal investigations of him, and to put whatever pressure they can on state prosecutions (look out judges and prosecutors!!). He will also want to investigate and prosecute ‘the enemies from within” – Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, Cheneys, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, Clooney, DeNiro, Oprah, Jack Smith, Gen Milley (deserves DEATH!), Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, Fabu Willis, Merrick Garland, CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/NYT/WaPo/Google/NPR, election officials and workers, Gen Kelly, Judge Merchan’s daughter, Woodward, Maureen Dowd, Judge Engoron, E. Jean Carroll, John Bolton, Capitol police, Zuckerberg, Jan-6 Select Committee, Michael Byrd, Mueller, Brennan, Clapper, Gates, Buffett, critics of His Supreme Court, protesters/flag burners, Michael Cohen, Cassidy Hutchinson, Comey, the FBI.
Jim Jordan and the House will be busy with investigations. The House and DOJ will be kept busy doing Trump’s work!
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man….Man???
In addition, Donnie wants to be able to use the DOJ to attack his enemies
An enemy of my enemies is my friend.
ED: “In addition, Donnie wants to be able to use the DOJ to attack his enemies, real and imagined.”
So? Not that I don’t enjoy hearing you squeal like a stuck pig now that the shoe’s on the other foot, but if your precious Democrats had pulled their heads out of each other’s rear ends and considered that maybe, just maybe, the unprecedented tactic of using the DOJ to attack their political enemies opens the door to that same tactic being used against them, then you wouldn’t be in this mess.
After all, it was your lord and savior, Barack Obama (h/t Jamie Foxx), who thus saith: “Elections have consequences.”
But understand that Mr Trump has committed multiple crimes. See the difference?
And those arrested and jailed after Jan 6 committed multiple crimes.
Yes, Trump and his thugs WERE enemies of America AS WELL as criminals.
Biden’s DOJ also went after… wait for it… Hunter Biden. And Sen Robert Menendez (D-NJ).
Anyway, we’ll see how much Trump will degrade the American system of governance and whether the system will hold.
For his own faults, AG Barr refused to pursue Mr Trump’s desire to prosecute the ‘Biden Crime Family’.
First of all, no it does not! Stop lying. The election is over your lying failed. Second for the hundredth time Project 2025 was a Heritage Foundation project and had nothing to do with President Elect Trump! The election is over edward/elwood/she/her or whoever the fuk you are. You lost get over it ya pussy. Quit cryin’ cause ya couldn’t steal this one.
How long are you going to cry and piss because you lost a fair election? All your bullshit talk about “saving democracy” meant nothing.
You haven’t learned a thing loosing this election have you? You commies are so dumb.
Ms LGB, ya big pussy,
The 2020 election wasn’t stolen. Stop lying!! But we agree that 2024, like 2020, was a fair election and the voters have spoken. The election is over. Trump is the next president.
But if you think Trump has any ideas or notions of running this nation you have a rude awakening awaiting. He will rely on Heritage for staff and policies. They have a cadre EOs prepped and ready for day one.
But if nothing else, you fascists are efficient!! You fascists are so dumb.
Those that oppose Mr Trump (his enemy from within) are not whining, we’re preparing.
I keep seeing MAGAts using the word ‘loosing’ or ‘looser’ when they likely intend ‘losing’ or ‘loser’.
20 million ghost votes for Biden.
Jigs up. The Democrat 2020 fraud was over the top, in more ways than one.
We won’t ask for proof, since it doesn’t exist, but do you have a shred of evidence to support your silly claim?
Sorry, dear boy, it was. We just got the final bit of evidence.
Barry O and Hillary averaged about 66 megavotes. Then, somehow, a man who attracted TENS of people to his lackluster campaign events, who barely emerged from his basement (and even then had to call a lid at lunchtime) and who was obviously suffering from dementia managed to get 81 megavotes? 20% more?
OK, it could have happened. Unlikely, but maybe.
Then Kamala manages a spectacular regression to the mean at 68 megavotes, running against Hitler, with a larger population.
Take your own advice and stop lying.
Oh Stormy,
Sorry dear boy. Got it. No evidence, just claims and assertions.
Listen, we fully understand your reluctance to admit Trump’s Big Lie was a big lie. Take the win and STFU about 2020. You’re embarrASSing yourself.
Autocracies need a history, an arrow in time, to cement their destiny.
Every political appointee must be fired. Realistically, every military officer O-6 and above needs to be assigned to billets in which they cannot exert any political influence; we don’t need political generals and admirals in office. (O-6 includes colonels and Navy captains, who have gone political to ease their way to flag rank.)
I agree with the premise, it’s just harder to execute in practice. Since the military is subservient to civil authority, and that civil authority is by its very nature irredeemably political, the military officers will seem to be acting political when they enact the policies of the civil authority over them. Thus we get generals going all in for DEI during democrat administrations. The real litmus test is, are they giving consistent, legal, and supportable advice to the administration when called on to do so, or are they just following the wind. It is also unacceptable for any military officer (like Vindman or Miley) to reject the authority of the commander in chief and substitute their own judgement instead of lawful civil authority.
The military needs to rediscover their openly long tradition of being apolitical and reject their hidden equally long tradition of being entirely political.
Secret clue: the overwhelming majority of military officers vote Democrat. They are nowhere near as conservative as their reputation implies. The higher in rank they go, the more likely they are democrats. Exercising military authority all their careers imbues them with a sense of infallibility. By the time they are generals, personal liberty for their subordinates is the furthest thing from their mind. The most gun-restrictive places I have ever been were military posts. They never question the legitimacy of their own place in the aristocracy v Serf hierarchy.
Asking about 2/3rds of military generals and admirals to retire would be a good start. Not to make room for Captains and Colonels to move up, but to reduce the weight of carrying all those flag officers. Their maintenance is enormous. The Army has more generals now than we did when we were twice the current size.
Firing political appointees is de rigueur after elections. There are tens of thousands of Democratic party loyalists in the career civil service ranks as well. Those are the ones that need a thorough culling.
But those were not the problem in Trump’s first administration. It was the Republican Never-trumpers stabbing him in the back at every turn that undermined his agenda the most.
Almost all political appointees DO get fired with each administration.
President-elect Trump’s Project 2025 would fire thousands of civil servants to be replaced by political appointees.
Said the hyperbolic President-elect on the subject of federal employees: “They’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people, they’re dishonest people. They’re going to be held accountable.”
For those who claim that the President-elect eschews Project 2025, Trump’s official “Agenda 47” calls for “cleaning out the Deep State” and “on Day One” issuing an “executive order restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats”.
The President-elect and his devotees want an chief executive with absolute power to be able to rule by personal decree.
If they hadn’t done anything illegal or unethical, they’d have nothing to worry about.
Retaliation? Retaliation for what?
If you fear retaliation, that sorta requires that YOU acted first.
Oh Stormy,
YOU can retaliate for acts real and IMAGINED! Duh.
Silly girl.
Yes, but most are are not liberals.
I think it’s wonderful how leftists and communists stole an election then refused even to investigate this miscarriage of law to the point they were murdering and unjustly incarcerating American citizens just to put jerk-off joe in the White House. Now, since they did that we have elected Donald Trump AGAIN! because the people couldn’t stand the stink of the democommies. It’s the lefts own fault. Especially assholes like edward/elwood/she/her who regardless of how much evidence we produced for him refused to see why are pissed. So now elwood lost the election and we will rule for the next 20 years. LOL.
When all they had to do was investigate one election and prove they were honest and they couldn’t even do that. LOL.
And ole dummy elwood is still with his head up his ass swearing there was no cheat even though he can’t prove it. Ha ha. Elwood’s a looser, so’s kameltoe and the whole democommie party. I do hope they all rot in hell together.
I see Ellie is still illiterate and innumerate. Maybe both.
Unfortunately, the “reply” function only goes so many levels deep, so I can’t reply to her directly.
Oh Stormy, bring back that sunny day!
I see that Stormy is still illiterate and innumerate. Maybe both.
I DID reply to her directly!!