I wonder if Canada will look to shut down their southern border with the United States?
Canada on ‘high alert’ bracing for migrants fleeing US
Canadian authorities are on high alert and increasing border security in anticipation of a potential surge in migrants from the United States due to the upcoming presidential election.
Sergeant Charles Poirier, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police spokesman, told news agency AFP, “We’re on high alert. All of our eyes are looking at the border to see what’s going to happen… because we know that Trump’s stance on immigration might drive up illegal and irregular migration to Canada.”
This follows a previous period during former President Donald Trump’s first term (2017-2021) when a significant number of migrants, including Haitians who lost US protections, sought refuge in Canada.
Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland convened a meeting with ministers to address potential challenges stemming from the US election. She assured Canadians that the government has a plan to manage a possible increase in migrant arrivals, emphasizing border security and control.
This comes at a time when Canada is reducing its own immigration targets to manage population growth and strengthen infrastructure and social services.
So, wait, the uber-leftist Canadian government doesn’t want more migrants? Huh
Following the recent US election, online searches related to moving to Canada saw a considerable rise, particularly inquiries about immigration processes.
Authorities plan to increase border patrol presence and utilize technology like cameras, sensors, and drones to monitor the situation. Information sharing between Canada and the US is also ongoing.
I wonder why the Canadian government leaders like Justin Trudeau don’t want all these illegals and migrants now, when they used to be oh so happy to get them.

It’s great to be Canada with the USA right across the border. They can have socialized medicine knowing that they can bypass lines and wait list by just making an appointment in the USA. They can have a generous immigration policy knowing most immigrants to Canada won’t actually STAY in Canada. And they can cut their military budget to the bone making their military just a hobby for military LARPers knowing the USA pays hundreds of billions for defense and we would never let them get conquered by Russia (But we would let them get conquered by China and India).
Grown up countries pay their own costs of their stupid policies.
Commenter: It’s great to be Canada with the USA right across the border.
Yes, it is. Please realize that the USA is the greatest nation in the history of nations. The most powerful. Among the most free. The greatest economic engine.
Commenter: They can have socialized medicine knowing that they can bypass lines and wait list by just making an appointment in the USA.
More Americans travel to Canada for healthcare than Canadians traveling to the US for healthcare! We know… opponents of universal heathcare will point to the few high-profile cases where a wealthy Canadian wants their face-lift or heart tune-up earlier than the Canadian system provides. The USA has, by far, the most expensive healthcare in the world, but hardly the best.
Commenter: They can have a generous immigration policy knowing most immigrants to Canada won’t actually STAY in Canada.
The commenter speculates about Canada’s “generous immigration policy” without describing it. Like the US, Canada needs immigrants to support population growth and labor needs. Most of their immigrants DO STAY in Canada. Perhaps the commenter is conflating tourism with immigration.
Commenter: And they can cut their military budget to the bone making their military just a hobby for military LARPers knowing the USA pays hundreds of billions for defense and we would never let them get conquered by Russia (But we would let them get conquered by China and India).
Following WWII, the United States of America was THE bastion to prevent the further spread of the voracious Communists of the USSR. Period. You may have heard of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (aka NATO) of which Canada was an original member.
Of course, the United States of America, being the strongest, richest nation on Earth is the anchor of NATO. Duh. The US is responsible for nearly 50% of the WORLD’S military spending, costing us nearly $1 TRILLION/ year, over the years varying from about 10% to 25% of the annual budget. We choose to spend that amount. Other members of NATO are expected to invest 2% of their budgets to defense. Canada invests 1.5% of their budget.
Perhaps the US can deport millions of ‘illegals’ to Canada!!
There will be more when we start raiding job sites.
Canada’s immigration policy:
Overall, the Immigration Levels Plan 2024–2026 has permanent resident admissions targets of 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025. For 2026, the plan is to stabilize at the 500,000 level.
We need immigration programs to align with the needs of employers and the labour market. Our priority is making sure Canada is better positioned to attract and retain the skilled workers needed to sustain the economy and grow our communities. At the same time, we recognize the need to balance our immigration levels with pressures such as housing and infrastructure, which has lead us to stabilize our immigration levels in 2026….END QUOTE
In other words a sane, rational approach to immigration that is not contingent upon millions of people trapsing through south America and Mexico to sneak into the USA from countries 12,000 miles away without vetting or proper documentation.
The MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF CANADA’S IMMIGRATION SYSTEM which used to be the way the USA operated:
IRCC facilitates the admission and economic and social integration of immigrants and refugees who intend to stay in Canada permanently, while protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians. The Department selects economic immigrant applicants to contribute to the Canadian economy, processes family member applicants to reunite families, and processes refugee and protected person applicants to provide a safe haven for those facing persecution. IRCC works with partners to verify that individuals meet admissibility requirements before they enter Canada. To support immigrants and refugees in integrating into Canadian society, IRCC offers a variety of settlement support services through a network of service providers…..End quote.
NOW you know the rest of the story.
The USA just opens the gate and lets the BULLS run the streets of America trampling any in their way. Canada has a sane policy of Selecting people based upon their ability to HELP CANADA SUCCEED. When the left is through destroying the USA they will come for Canada NEXT.