Everything Working?

I upgraded to WordPress 6.7 this morning, and it left some old files that caused a big problem, to the point I had to reach out to Dreamhost technical support, because I never would have found it. They’re really fantastic. Should be fixed.

Is everyone seeing the normal theme now, or something that looks weird, which is the WP Twenty Twenty-Four theme which I have done nothing to, and is more of a business type theme?

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11 Responses to “Everything Working?”

  1. Dana says:

    Looks fine to me.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Looks fine now.

  3. I went into work thinking the server restart worked, but, I saw it because I was logged in. Had to shut down the fun emoticons thing, though. I never add more weird ones in anymore, because every time it updates it wacks what was there.

  4. James Lewis says:

    About 20 minutes ago it was taking me to another sites….

    Worked this time.

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:


  6. SD says:


    Van Jones and James Carville are not happy these days – CNN Videos (UPDATED)


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