If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon form of transportation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Screw Loose Change, which popped back up to say goodbye and laugh at InfoWars’ demise.

Just a quick explanation: SLC was all about taking on the 9/11 Truthers, particularly the insane “movie” Loose Change. InfoWars was heavily into 9/11 Trutherism, as was Alex Jones.

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9 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. ckc2000 says:

    I went to SLC exactly one time more than Infowars. Their no more sane than Alex. Good residence to both.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Why I continue to resist Google and and all its products. hell I have even switched mostly from YouTube to Rumble and locals.

    Google’s AI chatbot Gemini is at the center of another controversy after a user reported a shocking answer in a conversation about challenges aging adults face.

    A graduate student in Michigan was told “please die” by the artificial intelligence chatbot, CBS News first reported.

    “This is for you, human. You and only you,” Gemini wrote. “You are not special, you are not important and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.”

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Putative Sec of Defense Hegseth, besides being investigated for sexual assault, knocked up a FOX ‘News’ producer, with whom he was having an affair, which led to the divorce from his 2nd wife. He made the producer his 3rd wife! Classic MAGAt!!

    This would lead you to believe that he is not a good Christian but he has Christian tattoos.

    • david7134 says:

      That is called fake news. Jeff loves to disperse it.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        Dowd has been like a girl on her period since the election. He fails to understand as long as he and his commie party act like kunts nobody will listen.

        That’s not fake news really, it’s gossip. Dowd loves to spread unproven gossip. He’s that kind of bitch. He still continues doing the same crap and making the same mistakes that cost them the election, House and Senate. I love it.

        Doing the same shit over and over and expecting a different outcome. CLASSIC!

  4. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)

    You?? You, a supporter of Muslim killers, writes of morals?

    Shame on you. Shame shame shame.

  5. Doom and Gloom says:

    Fear not Dowd. The protectors of Democracy now are making plans for a shadow government to protect the shadow government they have had in place for 20 years and Trump vows to dismantle.

    The protectors of Democracy will FIGHT TRUMP at every turn. Governors are threatening the people with a call to war on The very democracy they wish to protect.

    The Democratic election officials in PA are openly, on record, and on live TV telling everyone they are going to ignore the Supreme Court ruling and count votes that are not to be counted. Because they don’t give a shit about the law.

    The right has decimated the left, and now their response was to create a cabal against Joe Biden, and when that didn’t work, they intend the same against the laws of this land.

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