Yeah, but, they ignored the gender confused elephant in the room for a long time. They went with it. They didn’t complain about it. Now they’re upset?
Centrist Dems seize opening at the DNC: ‘I don’t want to be the freak show party’
Centrist Democrats are revolting.
As they begin to dissect their collapse in the presidential election, some Democratic National Committee members are concluding that the party is too “woke,” too focused on identity politics and too out of touch with broad stretches of America.
Those existential concerns, according to interviews with more than two dozen DNC members, are shaping the earliest stages of the race for DNC chair and, in the absence of a formal party autopsy, blame-casting among members about the causes of Vice President Kamala Harris’ defeat.
“The progressive wing of the party has to recognize — we all have to recognize — the country’s not progressive, and not to the far left or the far right. They’re in the middle,” said Joseph Paolino Jr., DNC committeeman for Rhode Island. “I’m going to look for a chair who’s going to be talking to the center and who’s going to be for the guy who drives a truck back home at the end of the day.”
Or as one DNC member from Florida put it: “I don’t want to be the freak show party, like they have branded us. You know, when you’re a mom with three kids, and you live in middle America and you’re just not really into politics, and you see these ads that scare the bejesus out of you, you’re like, ‘I know Trump’s weird or whatever, but I would rather his weirdness that doesn’t affect my kids.’”
Well, good luck. The moonbat base runs the party. The wacko groups that back the Democrats, who are out there demonstrating, who give lots of money, won’t allow it. The so-called centrists (are there many?) have sat around and watched the freak-show for decades and just gone along on the rafting river of rainbow anger tears. How will they possibly change the Democratic Party?
“I do think there’s this whole sentiment that we just went too far out there on identity, and it allowed the Republicans to really attack us at every turn as a result, and that we just essentially did not focus on just the everyday issues of Americans,” said one DNC member from California, granted anonymity to speak freely.
“I’m not interested in anyone who is moving further away from the center,” said Cindy Bass, a Pennsylvania committee member from Philadelphia. “The center is where we have to be.”
And what do they consider to be the center? Is it the center of the Democrat Party which is now still pretty far left? Will they still 100% support transitioning kids, showing them pornographic books in schools, have purple haired teachers festooned with piercings, have biological boys with mental illness on girl’s teams and in their locker rooms? Will they still support abortion at any time with zero restrictions? Will the still support government forcing social media to restrict free speech? How about no cash bail? All the laws that cause a spike in lower level crime? Confiscating firearms? All the DEI and Woke stuff? Identity politics?
We don’t know, because they aren’t saying.

Them not saying says it all. Have you seen any change in Dowd? Even a small admission his party is so leftist radical Pol Pot is a conservative? Have you seen him say he’s wrong? About anything? They never admit their failings so they can never be believed cause it’s all lies.
We’re the majority now.
Jeff is ignorant and will not accept education. I just ignore him.
YET ANOTHER reason why this nation needs WAY MORE than two “allowed” parties in power. The republicans can’t manage to stick to any principles, neither can the democrats. One appears to support personal freedom but hates economic freedom…and visa versa. The libertarians at least used to love ALL freedom, but can’t seem to maintain any principles either…especially when it comes to presidential candidates. People need REAL choice. But an even better move would be to cut 95% of the government’s POWER at ALL LEVELS so nobody ever has to worry about their future. The market can provide EVERYTHING society needs, all while putting CUSTOMERS, NOT POLITICIANS in charge of what gets done, by whom, and for what cost.
I’ve been trying to come up with a good scheme to get money out of politics, a difficult notion, I know. :-) But if they changed the rules so that no group may donate more than an individual person and include all ads made on a persons behalf, not just donations, that might level things out. I’d also ban contributions from outside the jurisdiction being voted on. No more big money from outside screwing up local elections.
Maybe not constitutional or even possible… but I think it would work.
Don’t frustrate yourself. Our system was broken the minute they formed political parties. Also, these are lawyers, all crooked, and they can get money out of a turnip.
yeah, I know the founders were opposed to political parties.
Democrat men buy their underwear at Victoris Secrets.
That’s okay, Democrat women buy theirs at Duluth Trading.
Most of the quote “CONSERVATIVE POD CASTERS” used to be Democrats.
Joe Rogan voted left. Tim Pool voted left, Jimmy Dore voted left…on and on it goes.
Now, they voted for Trump.
The Democratic party moved far left, leaving these people behind and holding the bag. These people were/are anti-war and anti-cultural war. It is the cultural war and the endless wars that have driven them to become fans of Trump, who wants to end wars.
But ending The Ukraine/Russia war is a NO NO. Here is why.
Looking at the Ukraine War vs Russia, two stark things stand out.
Russia is the wealthiest country on the planet, with over 75 trillion in resources, followed by the USA, which has 45 trillion.
Ukraine has 12 trillion, which NATO is trying to defend so much so that NATO and the USA have tried to COUP the leader of Pakistan, who is a Donald Trump type. Extremely popular and very neutral when it comes to wars.
Why is that important? Because Nato and the USA use Pakistan as a staging area to send weapons and food to Ukraine through a narrow corridor using another Nato country as overflight. With the current Pakistan leader, the LORD OF WAR operation is in danger of ending, forcing the Ukrainians into a desperate plight and NATO into directly flying supplies into Ukraine with the chance of an international incident and dragging NATO into conflict with RUSSIA.
There are two positions in the USA…The LEFTIST DEMOCRATS and the PUTIN RUSSIAN WAY, as told to us by the MSM, CIA, and anyone else who wants a piece of Russia’s massive resources.
This war is being fought to fund black rock and vanguard, not for righteousness. And if the West somehow defeats Russia without nuking the entire world, then Ukraine will owe its soul to the West, and its massive resources will be divided up like marbles in a game of chase.
The Cultural war is a ruse by the Deep State to keep the eyes off what they are trying to pull off in Ukraine, Iran and Russia. It is why Centrist Democrats will soon be joining the ranks of the dinosaurs. They will either join MAGA or become extinct.
A follow up on Imran Khan the former head of Pakistan.
His career in politics began soon after, but it took years for him to make a serious impression. By the time he was elected PM in July 2018 he had long cultivated an image as a pious reformer and widened his appeal with promises to fight corruption and fix the ailing economy.
Sound familiar?
Barely four years in, he was kicked out of office by opponents in parliament, making him the first prime minister in Pakistan’s history to be ousted in a vote of no-confidence.
Sound familiar?
Imran Khan was ousted in Pakistan in? Imran Khan, the deposed prime minister of Pakistan, was ousted from power via an opposition’s no-confidence motion in April 2022. He was replaced by Shehbaz Sharif as prime minister2.
He was ousted in 2022. What was happening in 2022?
On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which started in 2014.
When stuff happens around the world, it is just part of a jig saw puzzle that has meaning to many things. One only has to put the pieces together. It’s what analysts at the CIA do all day long. Trust me, Im a doctor.
Pakistan to Supply Ukraine with 230 Containers of Military Equipment Despite Ties with Russia
Curated By :
Majid Alam
Last Updated:
April 13, 2023, 22:46 IST
Shit don’t happen in this world without a web behind it.