No more coddling a nation which hates the United States. A nation which would like to destroy the US. Which calls the US the “Great Satan.” No more giving them pallets of cash and access to the oil market to sell their product and make money and them put it into terrorism and their nuclear weapons program (available non-paywalled here)
Trump’s team wants to bankrupt Iran with ‘maximum pressure’ plan
US President-elect Donald Trump’s team wants to ruin Iran. For this purpose, a new plan of ‘maximum pressure’ has been developed, according to the Financial Times.
According to the agency’s sources, the new Trump administration will resume its policy of “maximum pressure” to “bankrupt” Iran and its ability to finance the development of nuclear weapons.
Moreover, the agency’s anonymous sources noted that Trump’s foreign policy team will seek to tighten sanctions against Tehran, including vital oil exports, as soon as the president-elect returns to the White House.
A national security expert familiar with Trump’s plans stated that he was determined to resume the maximum pressure strategy to cripple Iran as soon as possible.
Iran has a choice to make: continue their violent ways, continue supporting and arming Islamic terrorist groups, continue causing problems in the middle east, continue trying to get nuclear weapons or look for peace. Trump and his team will not accept the attacks on Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah, and the others, nor what the Iranian backed Houthis are doing. As shown by his previous term, Trump does not want war: he does want peace. He’s kinda going with the “talk softly and carry a big stick” method, though, he will at times talk loudly.
Iran cannot win a war. Most of their offensive weapons are outdated, and their defensive aren’t that great, as Israel just showed with their attack in October. It wouldn’t be a war: it would be a rout. And, how many Iranians, particularly the young ones, will be happy if the crazy Islamic caliphate leaders are deposed/killed?
Speaking of Iran’s nuclear weapons program
(Jerusalem Post) The Israeli strike at the end of October on Iran’s military complex in Parchin significantly hindered Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear bomb, according to two senior Israeli officials.
The sophisticated equipment destroyed in the attack was essential for shaping and testing plastic explosives that encase uranium in a nuclear device and crucial for initiating a nuclear chain reaction.
The equipment was previously used by Iran before it froze its military nuclear program in 2003.
Fortunately, Iran is not very good at this whole nuclear weapons thing, and keeps giving Israel opportunities to gum up the works.

Guess it’s time for democommies to break out their Iranian flags (from their anti American flag drawer) and march to the colleges.
It is an open question whether Israel’s strike on Iran was a success or an abject failure. But, the problem in the Middle East is not Iran, it is Israel’s genocidal war against the native Palestinians and Lebanese, both Muslim and Christian. Netanyahu and his psychotic thugs intend to seize all the lands between the Euphrates and Nile: south western Turkey, half of Syria, all of Lebanon, all of Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia, all of Sinai and the Nile delta south to Memphis.
Trump and the lunatic Zionists who now control the Presidency, the Congress, the Media, the Financial system and everything that matters are fully on board with war and genocide. They will give us WW III and burning American cities.
The esteemed Mr Sykes wrote:
Israel was attacked — again — by the Arabs, as was the case in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973. In each case, Israel granted the Arabs a ceasefire when the Arabs were getting their candy asses kicked, without destroying the ‘Palestinians’ completely, which meant that each time Israel left enough Arab fighters, and their boys growing up to fighting age, alive, albeit with their noses bloodied, to regroup and fight again. Prime Minister Netanyahu seems determined to avoid making that mistake again, to kill or seriously injure all of the Arab fighters, and terrorize enough of their boys growing into fighting age, to the extent that they’ll never try again.
Realistically, what is the alternative?
From your keyboard to God’s monitor screen! The Israelis have made their small part of the desert bloom, and were the Jews to control all of the land you mentioned — see Genesis 15:18-21 — that whole area would become as God promised, a land flowing with milk and honey. We would have a Western democracy in a land which is now fought over by dozens of wannabe dictators and authoritarian governments. This earth would be a better place were that to happen.
It would take a lunatic to say that the media are under the control of the Jooooos, given that the vast majority of the credentialed media backed the crackpot from California, and, even with the election over, are trying their best to undermine former and future President Trump. Only a few media sources, such as the New York Post, and the free speech social media site Twitter.
And while Mr Trump will begin his second term on January 20th, the last time I looked the dummkopf from Delaware was still President; the Senate is still controlled by Democrats, and are promising to confirm around 40 nominated federal judges to try to further hamstring Mr Trump.
Trump has picked his target for a war. MAGAts claim that our military is to protect America and Americans only. The Flake from Florida will award Ukraine to Russia because our military is to protect America and Americans only. The Flake from Florida will attack Iran to protect Israel and Israelis, who are capable of protecting themselves.
Mr Dana approves of the US going to war to fulfill ‘god’s’ promise. Why doesn’t the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent ‘god’ just do it? Why does ‘he’ allow ‘his’ people to suffer so?
Curiouser and curiouser
Having already been in office four years and demonstrating he is NOT a big supporter of war like the democommies, one would think trying to tie Trump to a war is silly. But not you. You slyly ignore all the evidence (as usual) and plow right in eyes wide shut.
Can you produce any evidence of one single MAGA supporter who believes that? We believe our blood and money should be used to protect America, Americans and American interests. Or do you think we should have our men die to protect Kiev?
The only thing curious is why you feel the need to always bring God (and in a disrespectful manner) into your politics so often. Do you think you will convince us of your patriotism by insulting our religion?
Haven’t you commies learned after the harris/walz debacle insulting your fellow Americans doesn’t play well in Peoria? Ya know if you were a little less insulting to us perhaps you wouldn’t have had your ass handed to you on the 5th.
I could be wrong. Maybe being nasty, insulting anti American-Christian-Jew-White worked out the way you wanted. Keep it up we love it!
Maybe it’s just the result of living in the old slaving state of Mossurrah where your mother and father are sister and brother that makes you so willfully ignorant of those around you and how you appear to them. But c’est la vie.
Our estimable Mr Dana brought the gods into the discussion, not me. He has made clear that he supports the biblical call that Israel dominate the region from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Should we base our foreign policy on the beliefs of ‘stone age goatherders’?
I could be wrong but, at least to me, this seems dumb.
Your religion is not beyond criticism.
The esteemed Mr Dowd wrote:
Our incoming King from Queens has said nothing about the United States attacking Iran. Mr Trump does not like war, but certainly does approve of sanctions, and that’s what “maximum pressure” means. If Israel attacks Iran again, I’m sure that it will bring an additional gleam to Grover Cleveland 2.0’s eye, but if there’s one lesson our former and future President has learned, it’s that military action does not always go as planned.
Somebody is behind on their meds.
You may not know this Sykes but “Trump and the lunatic Zionists who now control the Presidency, the Congress, the Media, the Financial system and everything that matters are fully on board with war and genocide.” DO NOT NOW control any of those things. They are all controlled by radical left, mostly pro communist/muslim, Trump and America haters. Why is it every time the left starts losing they scream “genocide”? On Oct 6 Gaza was at peace under an agreement on Oct 7 the muslim religious radicals attacked the Israeli’s and started a war. Now because they’re getting their asses kicked they scream genocide. Fuck’em.
Moslems are an existential (use their words against them) threat to Israel, the US and the free not theocratic world. Anyone including you who sides with them is our enemy. Yes, YOU are the baddie!
Just a Rimjob from another mother.