This is one of those “we’re not quite sure, we’ll throw it out there” articles, but, it is the kind of environmental articles that actually interests me and doesn’t cause derision for the climate cult, because I do have a problem with plastics and especially microplastics, which are bad for the environment
Microplastics could be affecting the weather, new study shows
Microplastics have already been found in the remotest parts of the world, including Antarctica – and a new study suggests they could be affecting the weather.
Microplastics, which are formed when plastic in the environment breaks down into tiny particles, have also been found in plant roots and human organs – and now scientists believe they could be affecting how clouds form.
The finding could mean that plastic pollution may influence rainfall, potentially worsen climate change – and even pose risks to planes. The new Penn State research builds on previous studies, which showed that microplastics affected clouds.
The study showed that microplastics help ice crystals form inside clouds by acting as ‘ice nucleating particles’, the researchers say.
Using four common plastics, the researchers simulated water droplets freezing inside a cloud. They found that droplets with microplastic particles froze at temperatures 5 to 10 C higher than droplets without plastic pollution.
So, not only are microplastics bad for the environment and life, but, they could be creating snow and rain at higher temperatures than normal, which is exactly along the lines of me saying that mankind is not blameless in climatic changes. The question is, how much? How much more rain and snow is this causing?
In general, clouds cool the Earth by reflecting solar radiation, but certain clouds at certain altitudes can have a warming effect by helping to trap energy emitted from the Earth.
I would like to see more research into this. And more action in reducing microplastics.

Google must sell Chrome browser in move to end monopoly on internet searches, DOJ says
More than 90% of internet searches are processed through Google
Who knows the truth anymore. When you do a search. Duck Duck GO is your best choice. Mostly free from spying and China and Russia aint paying billions to have lies spread all over the place.
Non-Chromium-based browsers include:
Mozilla Firefox
Apple’s Safari
LibreWolf (a custom version of Firefox)
Mullvad Browser (developed in collaboration with the Tor Project)
GNOME Web (Epiphany)
Pale Moon
Not too many and those who proclaim themselves uber secure such as Proton’s browser do not use chrome based browser software which spies and cheats in every way possible.
Hell Samsung phones all use Chrome/Google Technology underneath.
And sadly enough…….Today, browsers from Arc to Vivaldi are based on Chromium, making it the closest thing to a universal standard for web browsers.
The latest browser to make the jump to Chromium was surprisingly Microsoft Edge, which soft relaunched in 2020
GOOGLE is a leach on society. While Elon Musk’s is worth a trillion like Google. Musk is building his AI to try and let people walk again. He is building electric cars the darlings of the AGW world. He is putting star link into orbit to give the entire world internet unlike Dingle berry from Facebook who promised to do so but aint done a thing other than give democrats money and shadow ban anyone who even says something controversial against leftist ideology.
Google is building AI that tells old people to die. The democrats want AI to INCLUDE DEI and CRT and are codifying it right now before Trump hits office.
Apple is not far behind with all their shit designed in China and built in China then sent to the USA to be assembled so Apple can charge 2500 for a cell phone that should cost 1200 dollars but hell if you can charge 2500 why not huh? Same with Samsung who is built on the Chromium platform.
We are slowly being consumed by China. The DOJ knows this too, but too little too late. Hell another 10 years and China will own the Department of Defense and our soldiers will be learning Chinese. <<<<<< Over exaggeration I know but to make a point.
The abstract of the mentioned article:
and a pdf of a related article:
A bit more fulsome minireview on the subject:
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
The albedo effect on land. Illustration: Norwegian Polar Institute. Albedo is an expression of the ability of surfaces to reflect sunlight (heat from the sun). Light-coloured surfaces return a large part of the sunrays back to the atmosphere (high albedo). Dark surfaces absorb the rays from the sun (low albedo)
Back in the day one of the touted solutions for global cooling was to sprinkle coal ash on the snow packs in the global cold regions.
Will MAGA folks petition the Trump administration to address microplastics in the environment?
Global economies depend on plastics.
We don’t know but did democommies petition the Biden/Harris administration to address the murderers and rapists crossing our borders? Did they have protests and riots about the savage rape and murder of Laken Riley or are they limited to criminals like Eric Garner or George Floyd?
The murder of Laken Riley was a horrific act (she wasn’t raped). The murderer was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences + 27 years, also consecutive. It’s likely he will die violently in prison.
Clearly if the murderer was not in the US she would still be alive. Mr Riley was one of thousands of homicides in the US in 2024. And although the homicide has been dropping since 2020, one is one too many. It’s of no comfort to point out that immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than do the native born.
Why would you conflate the murder of Laken Riley at the hands of violent migrant to the police killings of Mr Garner and Mr Floyd??
The voters tossed Biden and Harris at least in part BECAUSE of events like the murder of Laken Riley.
Like the swindling pedo perv Rimjob really cares.
Bwaha! Lolgfy loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
It’s of no comfort to point out that immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than do the native born.
And the fact remains. IF they weren’t here their crime rate would be zero.
It is a comfort to point out that immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes, given that Laken Riley’s murderer is an illegal alien, not an immigrant.
But why you’d point out immigrant crime rates here is a mystery, unless you’re trying to conflate illegal aliens with legal immigrants.
In addition, the plastics industry has a wish list for deregulating the industry! President Trump had already permitted increased plastics pollution, but Biden reversed it. A new bill – H.R. 9676: Accelerating a Circular Economy for Plastics and Recycling Innovation Act of 2024 relaxes plastics oversight.
Bwaha! Lolgfy loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
I don’t know who you’re quoting but if they are as reliable as those you use for other nonsense arguments they aren’t worth piss.
Seems all your “experts” turn out to be either partisan frauds or liars like Fauci or Gore or Hillary.
We assume by your comment you are against building plastic manufacturing plants in PA and the US. so we must presume you are okay with them being built in China, India, Mexico etc. because that’s what will happen and under zero regulation and gaining zero jobs for Americans.
Is that your plan to “Build back better” finally? Or just your way of keeping the American working man down as usual.
You morons on the left think you’re hurting business with millions of stupid regs but what you’re really doing is killing American jobs, production and economic growth.
When does your Building Back Better start? When? So far you liars have built shit!
Do you not read what Mr Teach writes?
To contain microplastics, you must contain plastics. Mr Trump will make the plastics problem more of a problem. Duh.
Build Back Better? The economy is humming!! New roads, bridges, school construction, companies making record profits, inflation near 2%. But eggs still cost too much, rent and mortgages are too high, and ‘the illegals’!
That is all about to change. And drastically unless Trump and his band of misfits were lying about their plans!
RFK Jr wants to ‘go wild’ on food, science and medicines!!
I can’t wait to see MAGA tears once the shit hits the fan!
The economy’s humming? Then why did you just get slaughtered in a major election losing the WH, Senate and House? Why are so many people on the streets? Look on YouTube at cities like Atlanta, Philly, Seattle, LA not to mention the usual democommie shitholes and see all the poverty and pain you leftists have caused! The is not one blue city doing well. Look at crime. And it’s all on you commie dogs who let everyone into America and every criminal out of prison.
But your supporters in Hollywood do just fine. Your billionaires and millionaires on Wall Street and in the sports arena drive new Bentley’s while the people you lied to and snookered eat bugs and shit in the street drunk on opioids as your illegal aliens import fentanyl to your children and grandchildren.
You all walk around with your nose in the air like your shit don’t stink and everyone else is beneath you but in fact your nose is in the air to avoid the STENCH of your own corruption and cruelty.
I guess you think you did something spouting nonsense about
but it’s all cooked books and phony numbers just like your ballot totals. Everything you do is a fucking lie and we all see it now so the only people you’re fooling is each other. If you believe inflation is “near 2%” then you are an idiot. I bought my house in Tampa in 2018 for $1,280,000. I’m negotiating with the FEMA/insurance ladies at or around $3,600,000. You call that near 2% inflation? In 6 years?
If Trump can get a grip on the waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government why would you be against that? Why would you be against cutting redundancy in agencies or early retirements? Why would you be against reduction of staff? Why would you not be for reducing wasteful regulations and beefing up the good ones?
The only reason I can figure is your own gratification for power. And that’s not good enough.
MAGA, God Bless America
Don’t use home prices in tony neighborhoods to judge inflation. Current inflation (do you know what ‘current’ means?) was just above 2%.
Anyway, I hope the Federal Government and the heavily regulated insurance companies make you and your house whole!! Are you living in a tent or a FEMA trailer now? Are you still receiving your disability payments?
Yes, the economy is humming. That’s not to say we do not have Americans suffering. There are Americans with access to millions, if not billions of unearned riches, who are doing fine. But there are 10s of millions of Americans who do not earn enough money, and who live paycheck to paycheck, who a blown transmissions means they lose their job. And we are the richest nation in the history of nations. We produce $86,600 per capita per year!! That’s over $340,000 for a family of four!! Obviously, it’s not that balanced and it’s impossible to have that kind of equality in a modern capitalist society.
Nearly 30 million Americans have no steady health insurance.
All the people that Musk, Trump and you want to throw on the street because they have federal jobs are people, families, likely with children.
Trump’s silly 100% tariff proposal on Chinese goods (is he THAT nuts) and 10-20% on other countries will be inflationary. Will they encourage US manufacturers to raise prices, too. Yep. Will US businesses fill the gap? Unlikely. Might China and their buddies apply tariffs on OUR exports? Duh.
A 20% payroll tax to support Medicare? Do you know what a payroll tax is?
Getting rid of taxes on Social Security benefits will hasten the death of that program. Is that what you and Trump want? You and he are wealthy so it means little to you.
When Trump and the Army round up a million ‘illegals’, including their kids, and put them in fenced camps in Texas, who will pick your fruits, vegetables; butcher your beef, pork and chicken; cook your filets at those fancy restaurants?
The far-right has little interest in the working poor or even the middle class. Your millionaires and billionaires in Tampa, Palm Beach, Ft Myers and Miami only want the workers quiet and hidden.
Slaughtered in the election? It was a close election. The Senate can’t even get Matt Gaetz through.
He’s quoting that well known and balanced web site….
Rimjob does that shit all the time without citation.
He thinks plagiarism makes him look smarter. Such a dumbfuck! He never offers an original thought.
Do you ignoramuses not understand how to use the link function?
The article I linked in the first post on this discussion.
Copy the link you want…
Highlight the word or phrase where you want to link.
Then click the link button above!
Thank you. ProPublica IS well-known and balanced. You might not of noticed but I had the reference embedded it the short paragraph above the quote box. Click on the bolded red words to open the refenence. No charge for the education.
The editor-in-chief came over from the Wall Street Journal! They have won several Pulitzer Prizes for their investigative journalism. The conservative WSJ has won several Pulitzers as well.
In contrast, The New York Post, FOX News, Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Pirates Cove, Daily Caller, National Review, Blaze Media, Epoch Times and all those other ‘journalists’ youse guys cite, haven’t.
It doesn’t matter who you cite it only matters if they’re right. And yours are not. BTW, Pulitzer Prizes like Nobels and all those lame entertainment awards are leftist bullshit mostly awarded to lefties who bow at the feet of leftism/communism. Didn’t Walter Durant get a Pulitzer?
I was waiting for the objection that journalism awards are fatally biased toward communists. You never disappoint!
It’s a well-known fact that reality has a liberal bias. — Stephen Colbert
Everyone here knows you plagiarized your comment.
The Pissant is a plagiarist, a petty criminal and a juvenile delinquent.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
Regarding links.
You are supposed to display the complete site address. That way any reader can see who the author is without linking.
It’s called being polite.
It’s called being honest.
Bullshit. Is this you boys’ first day on the job??
Always look for the bolded red. That’s a link!
Maybe you can petition Mr Teach to remove the link function button to reduce your confusion.