I have a memory of someone for a big outlet reviewing the old Chevy Volt and complaining that her toes were frozen because she didn’t want to turn the heat on as that would significantly reduce the range. Now we learn (again) from the UK Telegraph as cold weather is hitting the UK and winter is coming
Think twice about using hot air blower during cold snap, electric drivers warned
Drivers of electric vehicles (EVs) have been warned they should think twice before turning on their hot air blowers during the cold weather.
Having a battery rather than an internal combustion engine (ICE) means EVs have to use more electricity to generate their own heat.
Experts have warned this could drain the batteries of their electric cars – particularly older ones – and reduce their range.
Unlike with petrol and diesel cars, owners of EVs do not get to enjoy the luxury of the “effectively free” heat which is created as a by-product of simply having the engine running in ICE vehicles.
Instead, they have to use a “more substantial” amount of battery capacity to keep warm, which decreases how far they can drive.
The warning comes as Britons brace themselves for snow, rain and gusts of 70mph in the form of Storm Bert this weekend.
Sounds great! The UK government is trying to force all their serfs, er, citizens into EVs and saying “don’t use the heat” while also making it more difficult and expensive to hear their homes and businesses. Of course, you know the people forcing this on the peasants aren’t doing it themselves. Their fossil fueled limos are probably nice and toasty.
What happens when the windshield is iced over? And snow all over the body? Using heat for defrost? Anyhow, it’s not as big a deal here in the U.S. since our energy costs are much lower, but, good luck with long road trips in the winter.

It’s not just the heater: the batteries themselves are less efficient when they’re cold.
There’s a scene in the movie The Martian in which Matt Damon is testing his Mars rover, and finds that if he uses the heater, he cuts the rover’s range in half. The United States and Europe aren’t quite as cold as Mars, but the concept is the same: converting electricity into heat drains the battery.
EVs are mostly fine for people who are making short trips around the city; it’s when you get to longer trips between charges that range becomes a problem. If you can afford an extra car, great, buy an EV, use it when appropriate, and your far more reliable gasoline engine car at other times. But most of us can’t afford a ‘spare’ car. But, while the distinguished Mr Dowd can afford a spare car, most of us can’t.
The remarkable Mr LGB is the one with million dollar homes, big boats and fancy cars!
I can afford a lot of things, but my 13 year old Mazda is doing just fine. These days, a thousand miles a year is a lot of driving! The redoubtable Mr LGB can give you the VIN of my car.
EV’s are not ready for prime time. Even Elon Musks admits this because of the battery technology lagging far behind.
EVs are not a bad idea for the South, but put them where the sun doesn’t shine and not so much.
One day, they will make battery breakthroughs, perhaps making EVs a thing—a real thing, not just something elites choose to buy because they can afford 120k for a car.
Yes, I understand some EV’s cost 40k. But there is an axiom. You get what you pay for. The world will not burn up in 20 years, and there is no point of no return as the fearmongers keep telling us there is. Even as that point keeps getting pushed out farther and farther and farther.
Whenever you see weasel terms (Experts Recommend, Scientists Agree, Studies Show, etc.) in the lede you can be fairly certain you’re reading an editorial disguised as a news piece. This sort of crap is called Anonymous Authority, the author(s) are attempting to create the impression the piece is somehow meaningful. It usually is the opposite.
Re: the article, all currently available solar, wind, EV and associated storage battery system tech has been rushed to market several phases of development too soon because .gov has pushed so called renewable energy (a misnomer if ever there was one) so they can make believe they are helping to save planet earth. They aren’t. When all that junk tech flooding the green market inevitably becomes useless far before its purported lifespan has been reached, hundreds of new superfund sites are created. This is already the case. As soon as people start figuring this out, they’re going to be rightfully pretty pissed. Not to mention that the sourcing of the raw materials has become an ecological and humanitarian nightmare and almost none of this stuff ever ends up with a net reduction in the use of the dreaded (and “Experts Agree”, dwindling) fossil fuels, another misnomer btw.
We’re doomed.
Relax. Mr Trump favors the wealthy, period. His, and Project 2025’s, long-term objective, is a far right millenium. Addressing global warming slows the accumulation of further great wealth, ipso facto, Mr Trump will put the brakes on all this global warming BS.
The Earth will continue to warm, and all the Earth’s living things will continue to adjust. Bacteria, amoebas, fungi, sponges, worms, phytoplankton, insects, snakes, fish, birds, angiosperms, llamas, trees and mammals, including humans will adjust. Even unliving viruses!!
Should be fun!!
You have got to stop lying and face reality unless you want another conservative landslide victory in 2028. 80% of “the wealthy” are on your team. Where do you think the Vice Whore got a billion $+ war chest? That includes the movie and TV stars, most athletes, most news and talk show, radio and podcast personalities and almost all the tech , Wall Street grifters, lobbyists, and bankers along with all the people sucking a living off the grift like professors and other “academians”.
Remember when you tried to embarrass someone for spelling” loser” wrong? Well, back at ys with your spelling of millennium.
Anyway, We see how you’re now trying to tie Trump in with Project 2025 when you know he has nothing to do with it. Cute move but it only works on leftists like yourself we are too well informed to fall for your bullshit.
We won, you lost get used to it. Now figure out why the American electorate thinks you’re too far left rather than point your sausage-like fingers at us being “far right”. We’ve explained to you before (you know how many times I have to use that phrase when addressing you?) we have not moved “far left”. We still believe the same things we believed in 2020, 2016. 2000 etc. It is you and your “boys are girls” party who has moved. Even your own advisors are saying it.
Keep going, we will keep winning. You will never beat us until you take a long hard look at yourself and stop projecting. Being more tolerant of the straight, White, Christian majority would help too.
It’s no longer a secret that the Trump transition team is relying on Project 2025 advice for staffing. Mr Trump lied to you when he said he knew nothing of the Project, but that’s what politicians do. And Mr Trump does it best.
Border czar Tom Homan, FCC chair nominee Brendan Carr, and CIA Dir nominee John Ratcliffe were all contributors to Project 2025.
Trump Is Done Pretending He Knows Nothing About Project 2025
How Trump has infused parts of Project 2025 into his administration
Trump’s transition team turns to Project 2025 after disavowing it during the campaign
Trump and his minions are likely to overreach. It will be a race between his attempts to for an autocracy and the people voting out Reps and Senators in 2026. ‘The People’ voted for lower prices and fewer ‘illegals’, not a Russian-style oligarchy or locking up Hillary and Joe. Buckle up.
There was no landslide. The Big Whore, Donald Trump, won by a narrow margin. He didn’t even receive 50%. You know who did? Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama… Any time a Repubicun wins the popular vote they consider it a landslide and a mandate, LOL! Even if it’s by a little bit. W won the popular vote in 2004! W!!
Hillary received almost 3 million more votes than The Big Whore in 2016! That Big Whore’s ‘landslide’ was fewer than 2.5 million!!
But you lads keep believin’. Follow The Big Whore off the cliff!! We won’t stop you. LOL
Is Donnie Trump the biggest Whore ever in the White House? Yes, and it’s not even close. JFK and Clinton screwed around but at least they were effective presidents! The nasty Trump has dragged American morals into the sewer with him.
“Morals”! MORALS! MORALS!!!
From Rimjob???
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
You’re doing it again. You never learn. It was a landslide and we know that because you deny it. All you guys have done since 2015 is lie to the American people and oddly enough at this point you are the only ones who believe the lies. You clowns are high on your own supply.
Any asshole can look up voting records but to fit them into the American psyche at the time requires more than pasting NBC or CBS opinion clips. In todays America 2.5 million is a fucking landslide and Trump kicked the Whores ass, Royally!
President Trump had manipulated the low IQ leftists into believing he is some sort of fool. He is not and his business success should prove it. (Of course nothing is ever proof enough for you).
America was faced with two options. Option one: continue following the perversion and deviancy of the left, lead America down the road to serfdom and delegitimize everything our Founding Fathers sacrificed so much for. Or option two: Try a new way forward. A way of freedom, order and peace unencumbered by the bondage of leftism, communism and the mighty few runnig your life, telling you what car to drive, what to eat, what medicine to take and when, what schools to go to etc.
Furthermore the left today has given us no option. They will not listen to our story, hate us and if they could would/will eliminate every straight male, Christian and non-leftist in America. First you lost your footing and veered off in the direction of Hitler and Stalin then you lost your minds and actually thought we would follow your suicidal course.
We took the election with millions of votes even allowing for the fake ballots and your other tricks. We won! You seem unable to carry on knowing millions of Americans think your ideas suck. As you Chicom pals would say: So sorry. LOL
Clinton in 1992 won only 43% of the popular vote
Morals? here are a few of the “moral” leftists on you perverted team :
Check out the bitch in green she sounds just like you, Jeffery.
If I were foolish enough to buy an EV in their current state up here in Michigan, I’d probably get a Mr. Buddy portable propane heater yo keep in there for emergencies. Or maybe even for day to day heating.
Subjects, not citizens.
EVs are the cars of the future. And always will be
And the Time magazine cover after Clinton won with only 43% of the vote stated “Mandate for Change”.
You can’t hate the media enough….
Experts say using power drains your power. Amazing. Where do they find these experts?