And Democrats wonder why they lost the election? And why they are losing the working class? Do women voting for Democrats agree with this tragedy that keeps occurring?
An illegal Honduran migrant has been charged with raping a woman on a popular hiking trail outside Washington, DC just days after he was released from jail on another sex crime charge — and it’s the first sexual assault of that kind in the town for more than a decade, according to authorities.
“This is the only stranger rape that we have had in the town in my more than 12 years as chief of police,” said Herndon, Virginia, police chief Maggie DeBoard in a press conference Tuesday.
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin slammed local officials for allowing the serial sex pest to be released back into the community — instead of being turned over to ICE and deported.
“I am heartsick for this victim and outraged that local Fairfax County officials recklessly release violent illegal immigrants who should have been prosecuted and deported,” the Republican told The Post.
“This is a dereliction of their most basic duty to keep people safe. Prioritizing violent illegal immigrants over the safety of Fairfax residents is unacceptable,” he continued — adding that Virginia is not a sanctuary state.
Democrats do not care. They’ve been releasing people after sexual assault from jail, and, when it comes to illegals they will move them out even faster to avoid ICE coming and grabbing them.
Officers arrested 31-year-old Denis Humberto Navarette Romero Monday on charges of intent to defile and rape.
The suspect is a Honduran national residing in the US illegally, and his rap sheet dates back years, Herndon police say.
Romero was released from jail just four days prior to his arrest Monday at the Washington and Old Dominion Trail about 25 miles west of the capital.
This is who Democrats are. Are you enjoying having these violent criminals in your cities, Democrats? What will you think if the next person assaulted or killed is you, a family member, or a friend? You good with that? It’s bad enough they go easy on criminals to start with, now they invite criminals from 3rd world nations. This guy has a long history of crimes, including sexual ones, yet, Democrats do all they can to make sure people like Navarette Romero are never deported.

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When President Merton Muffley said to General ‘Buck’ Turgidson after it appears that General Jack Ripper of Burpleson Air Force Base had sent the 36 B-52 bombers to attack their targets inside Russia, that General Turgidson had assured him that such a thing couldn’t happen after he instituted his human reliability program, he responded:
Let’s tell the truth here: the great majority of the illegal immigrants are not here to commit crimes, but, if we didn’t allow any of the illegals in at all, the ones who do commit crimes wouldn’t be here to commit them in the first place.
We want and need immigrants, but we can and should set up a hard, impenetrable barrier, and accept only those immigrants who are of decent character. They must be married, and have been so for at least two years, they must already have children, to note the stability of the family, they must pass a background check, must have been churchgoers in their old towns, and they must pass drug tests. They must not come from Venezuela. No single males allowed!
Elon Reeve Musk (a S African/Canadian citizen) entered the US in 1992. He became a US citizen 10 years later. Mr Musk left South Africa for Canada to avoid compulsory military service (his mom was Canadian)
Is Mr Musk, with at least 12 children with multiple women, of “decent character”. He has had sexual relationships with female employees.
More gossip? I guess when you’re fat and repulsive with the personality of a Nazi on cocaine diving into other peoples sex lives is all ya got.
When you’re a fat, repulsive liar with the personality of a fascist on cocaine, personally attacking others online is all ya got.
Musk has at least 12 children by several different women, including twins with Shivon Zilis, a Director in Musk’s company, Neuralink.
Said Musk, admitting the affair…
Rich celebrities, even physically repulsive ones such as Trump, Musk, Harvey Weinstein, Steve Bannon, Hegseth, Matt Gaetz, etc, can have sex with attractive girls and women. Sometimes the women even consent!!
Did he force himself on any of them?
Is a productive member of society?
You really have to twist yourself into knots to come up with that comparison.
Wealthy celebrities like Trump, Bill Clinton, Elon, Epstein don’t ALWAYS have to “force” themselves on women. Some vile men use their positions to enable their, er… positions.
A famous celibrity once said, “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful… I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
The key word there is “let”.
Elon Musk is my favorite African American.
Mine too. But Thomas Sowell and Clarence Thomas are a pretty close second.
Who was a worse person than King David? Looking down from his palace, he saw Bathsheba, bathing in her garden. Inquiring of his minions who she was, he was informed that she was the wife of Uriah, one of his top soldiers. That she was married didn’t bother him at all, and he sent his servants to bring her to the palace.
The Bible tells us that they copulated, but does not tell us whether Bathsheba was actually willing, or coerced by the commands of her king.
When David discovers that he has knocked up Bathsheba, he sends for Uriah, who had been with the army in the field, urging him to sleep with his wife, so the child could plausibly be his. When that fails, he orders his commander in the field to put Uriah in the front of the battle, and then suddenly withdraw all support, leading Uriah to be killed.
So, King David was an adulterer, possibly a rapist, a fraudster, and a murderer. Yet David understood God better than almost anyone else, and overall, he pleased the Lord. God promised David that the Messiah would spring from David’s own bloodline, and the genealogies had both Joseph and Mary as descendants of David.
Saul of Tarsus was the greatest persecutor of the early Christians, yet God chose him to become the most unlikely of Apostles.
It’s strange how the worst of people — at least as our 21st century socialist from St Louis would judge them — can become the greatest of people.
Perhaps Mr Musk isn’t the greatest person in the world personally, but he is and has been contributing greatly to our society.
What a charming story!! No wonder Christians are such fascist assholes!!
So your ‘god’ is an asshole? It sounds as vile as Allah!
But we get it. Morality and decency are voluntary. Power over others is the crux. LOL.
The Christian Mr Dana: Perhaps Mr Musk isn’t the greatest person in the world personally, but he is and has been contributing greatly to our society.
That’s debateable, isn’t it. How much ‘good’ should a person do to justify their ‘badness’?
So King David was likely a rapist, like Trump, Weinstein, Cosby, Hegseth, Musk, Catholic priests and Denis Humberto Naverrette Romero, but it’s OK to rape if you later do some good. Got it.
The Jew Harvey Weinstein produced great movies. Hundreds. Why wasn’t he given a break?
Mr Romero used his phyical power to rape, while other men use their money, fame, position to rape girls and boys. Romero will spend his life in prison.
On the other hand, the uber-wealthy Holy Roman Catholic Church has paid hundreds of millions to victims of sexual assault but few of the child rapists went to prison!
Following King David as their role model…
Maybe we should kick the Roman Catholic Church out and welcome the illegals!
“Likely a racist, like Trump, Weinstein, Cosby, Hegseth, Musk..”
Neither Trump nor Hegseth, and as far as I know Musk, have been convicted of rape.
Typical leftist… They denigrate a philosophy when some people fail to live up to it’s ideals, rather than blaming those people for their own shortcomings.
Not all rapists have been arrested or convicted.
The courts concluded that Big Donnie DID indeed rape E Jean Carroll.
Hegseth is once again under investigation for rape. Charges could still be filed.
Having sex with an employee is rape. Just as sex with a minor by an older person is rape, even is the 13 year old gave Big Donnie ‘consent’.
You elected a rapist and a felon!! Maybe Big Donnie can pardon all his rape brothers, and himself. LOL.
Rimjob: The courts concluded that Big Donnie DID indeed rape E Jean Carroll.
Uh, no. Again Rimjob is guilty of lying and/or stupidity or both.
Keep trying, dumbass.
MAGA47 Motherfucker.
The MAGA Motherfucker is lying once again. Just look it up.
Perhaps Big Donnie is only nominating sexual abusers to make himself look better!!
Trump, Hegseth, RFK Jr, Musky, Gaetz, McMahon etc…
You really are stupid, Rimjob.
Suck it, fat boy. You lose once again.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
The MAGA47 Motherfucker aka The Pissant,
You really are stupid, Pissant. And an anonymous coward. For now.
We didn’t claim that Fat Donnie was convicted of rape. He was found liable for sexual abuse, sticking his fat fingers inside E Jean Carroll. For some reason the Fat Orange Man wouldn’t agree to a DNA sample.
Suck it, you pusillanimous little boy. You lose once again.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
Anything else, Rimjob?
Keep sucking it, fat boy.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
Your statement about Trump being convicted of rape is just a few comments above. God you are stupid. By the way, if you are eating wild deer, you likely have mad cow disease.
davey boy,
You are a stupid old man.
Elwood P Dowd says:
November 26, 2024 at 3:34 pm
Anything else, Rimjob?
Keep sucking it, fat boy.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
If the Govt. won’t take care of it then the Citizens must rise up to do so !!!
The accused has been living in VA since 2013, including the earlier Trump reign. And how did then president Trump and Republican governors McDonnell and Youngkin allow this??
Did Trump end illegal immigration during his first reign? LOL. Hardly. In fact the interactions at the border in 2019 were nearly a million (mostly families)!
Most illegal immigrants are fleeing gawdawful political, environmental and economic conditions in Central and South America (thanks, Colombia and Venezuela…). But rather than using these facts for political advantage, we should maybe, possibly, perhaps consider REALLY addressing them seriously. It won’t be cheap (ask Steve “Build the Wall” Bannon).
First we secure our own borders, our own security and our own sovereignty. Then we have the freedom to worry about Columbia and Venezuela.
Building a wall and using other means to physically secure the border and actually enforcing immigration laws is actually pretty cheap. A lot cheaper than supporting the 11 million illegals the dems let in the last 3 years. The saving in American lives alone would be worth it.
Under President Trump, illegal immigration was dramatically reduced, but no, it wasn’t eliminated. Perfect should not be the enemy of good.
It would be cheaper than trying to fix what President Trump accurately referred to as those [insert vulgar term for feces here]hole countries.
The Venezuelan people, once one of the most prosperous in South America, democratically voted in the ‘Bolivarian socialist’ Hugo Chavez, and of course, as it happens with socialists, haven’t had a truly free election since. We should allow them to suffer the consequences of their choices, and keep them out, out, out! America first!
Then petrostate Venezuela ‘elected’ a charismatic. corrupt, marxist authoritarian, Hugo Chavez, when global oil prices were on the rise. Chavez, after engineering the stealing the US election from Trump in 2020, died in 2013. An even more corrupt Maduro took over.
The per capital GDP of Venezuela rose and fell with global oil prices. Their economy relies on global oil prices.
I hope both women were democrats.
‘Liberate’ all of them…Maybe turn them into Siylent Green?