How do they plot their comeback when they barely acknowledge why they lost?
From despair to action: Democrats plot their comeback
Democratic officials are combing through granular election data, reevaluating their digital strategy and reaching out to Donald Trump’s voters as they attempt to pull themselves out of the political wilderness.
In 27 interviews across half a dozen states, the party’s elected officials, labor leaders and strategists described widespread acknowledgment that Democrats must win back working-class voters, particularly Latino men, and others without college degrees who helped hand the election to Trump. And in anguished conversations in the halls of Congress and state party headquarters from coast to coast, despair over the scale of Democrats’ losses are giving way to plans to combat their crisis.
From mill towns in the swing state of Pennsylvania to Latino neighborhoods in bustling New York City, a refrain is crescendoing: The Democratic Party, which lost the presidential popular vote for the first time in 20 years, desperately needs an overhaul. And while party elders in the nation’s capital begin to debate their path as Republicans prepare to control every branch of government, state leaders are drafting their own autopsies.
Will they start talking about getting tough on illegal aliens? How about shifting from supporting women instead of men with mental illness who take the spots of actual women? Become pro-business? Pro low taxation and government? Aren’t these the same people who denigrate those in small towns and middle America as rubes in Flyover country? Hate on Christians and Southerners?
Two swing-seat Democrats who outperformed Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania and New York are urging their colleagues to lean into economic issues and border security concerns that rank top of mind for voters — and ones Republicans have effectively wielded to ignite their base and lure swing voters.
Rep. Chris Deluzio, the only swing- district House Democrat in Pennsylvania who kept his seat this year, overperformed Harris in deep-red Beaver County, particularly in old mill and factory towns.
No one actually believes this will happen, do they? Also, for those like those “swing seat Democrats”, will they actually vote the way they campaigned, or will ones like Deluzio vote hard left after campaigning more like Trump?
Back in state party headquarters across the country, Democratic officials are poring over the details of their losses in search of solutions. East Coast labor leaders are making plans to travel to Middle America to connect with voters who have left their party in the Trump era in hopes of recalibrating ahead of the 2026 midterms.
The ones these East Coast labor leaders hate?
Rep. Tom Suozzi, a Long Island moderate, beat a Republican this year in a district that was trending red by leaning into the main issue bedeviling his fellow Democrats — immigration. He promised to tighten up the southern border at a time when New York has been a hub for an influx of migrants competing with low-income residents for scarce housing and jobs. He too is urging fellow Democrats to listen to Trump voters.
Will he vote as such? Because there’s the rub: if they campaign more like a Republican but vote like a Democrat that will be remembered. Also, it can drive their unhinged Democratic Party base away, even to the point of trying to primary them.
Democrats also plan to look to their deep bench of governors and emphasize populist pocketbook policies — from expanding access to school lunches to canceling medical debt. Meghan Meehan-Draper, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association, said state leaders will play a leading role in the party’s overhaul.
“They’re the best path forward because they’re the ones focused on things like jobs, health care, public safety, public education, infrastructure,” Meehan-Draper said. “And they’re the last line of defense because they also are focused on protecting their constituents’ fundamental freedoms like reproductive rights, voting rights, upholding the rule of law.”
That doesn’t look much like they’re shifting their beliefs: just how they’ll lie on the campaign trail. And, really, despair will turn to moonbattery.

The knee-pad women, whose name will not be spoken, only stole state elections in states without voter ID. ALL voter ID states she lost.
Neither the erstwhile Repubicuns (currently the Trumpubicuns) nor the Dems are interested in the needs of ALL the American people, or even the majority. The parties are interested in power and are currnently dominated by headstrong extremists – The Wokes vs the MAGAts!! The MAGAts squeaked by in the last election, but of course, declared a mandate, a landslide, a crushing defeat, LOL!
The moderates in either party are outnumbered and outgunned by the zealots! Zealots are good, but not when they are in charge.
1. The American working class needs more (more pay, stable prices, better & affordable healthcare, affordable housing, more hope for the future). The question is how to address those needs.
2. The federal debt is too high. The question is how to address that.
3. All while we assure civil liberties for ALL Americans (whites, blacks, Hispanics, gay, straight, religious, non-religious, trans). But how?
4. Our information ‘technology’ has outstripped us. Hatred has become a valuable commodity.
So, now what?
5. Global warming is real but can’t be seriously addressed until we address 1 and 2.
6. Asshole countries (aka The Sphincter of Earth, i.e., Russia, China, Iran) remain a threat. Cooperation should be favored over confrontation, but it’s not always easy and we must stay leery.
What’s especially ironic is that the Great Replacement Theory is dead!!
Hispanic males like Trump!! If the current ‘illegals’ become citizens they’ll vote Repubicun!!
While Trump now want a Reagan-style amnesty? Stay tuned. We’re in the age of transactional politics.
Ex-president Trump nominated the billionaire, gay, Soros-acolyte, Scott Bessent to be Treasury Secretary. He’s a stock market darling! He formerly supported Gore, the Clintons and Obama. His husband was a NYC prosecutor. They have 2 children.
He pledges to cut the yearly deficit to 3% of GDP, produce 3 more million bbls of oil a day, deregulate and cut taxes. He favors tariffs but believes Trump’s original gambit of universal 20% tariffs will be significantly decreased in negotiations with trading partners.
Massive wealth has no politics!! Our plutocracy is putting billionaires in charge! Will this help the working man?
Exactly who do you think the democrats have had in charge since Obama, farmers and truck drivers? NO! Billionaires, that’s who. I know, they were they good rich guys because they are your rich guys.
I’ve noticed you seem to absolutely hate anyone with wealth who aren’t dems. I think that’s the reason you hate me so much because my parents are rich. There seems a constant undercurrent in your rants pertaining to non-democrat rich people. They are evil. All the while you never do the deep dive on your own.
We have no idea if you are rich or not. I dislike you because of your political beliefs and general assholery.
True-Between heavily blue California and NewYork, Trump picked up almost 3 million more votes than in 2020.
They can plot all they want but they’ll have to do it without the DOJ.
Such a waste of time and taxpayer’s money.
He will likely do all those things and the Dems will win bigly in 2026 and 2028.
So how much hardship will Americans (and trump) tolerate? We’ll see. Elon needs to realize that the Americans are not his employees that can be hurt at will. Will the oldsters here suck up and tolerate a cut in Medicare and Social Security for the betterment of the nation?
Especially as the likes of Trump and Musk are raking in billions..
It’s amazing how crazy you radical get when politicians politic. When you quote “according to an X post that Elon Musk agreed with” you are falling for the exact same shit that caused the Trump landslide Nov. 5.
Then you add more silliness inferring that Elon “hurts” his employees at will. Are you really that bad a businessman or is it that billionaire envy you harbor so well? Do you really believe Trump will make “cuts in Medicare and Social Security for the betterment of the nation?” You just cut and past anything from any leftist post without thinking about it.
Then you add the TDS “Especially as the likes of Trump and Musk are raking in billions..” Your billionaire envy is showing again. You really can’t take it can you? The very idea that men like Trump and Musk are so successful kills you. It’s that die hard commie deep inside. Your envy of those of us with wealth is staggering. It infects tour entire being like a deadly poison. I feel sorry for you.
We had no idea that being a fireman paid so well. Our apologies.
Some of our billionaires like Trump have been lucky. Or smart by choosing a rich daddy. Unlike you and I who earned our millions, Mt Trump’s daddy gave him a grubstake of more than $400 MILLION!! Hard workiers like you and I didn’t rely on unearned family money. Disclaimer: Some 45 years ago we did received a $1500 no interest loan from my in-laws.
Unfortunately for America, Trump and Musky believe they know what’s best for America. They don’t.
Of course, my point was that working class Americans made to suffer by the lunatic Musk will resent Trump and Musk raking in billions from their actions.
Be ready for ’26 and ’28.
Rimjob: Unlike you and I who earned our millions,…
Bwaha! Lolgf! GTFO!
Swindled is more likely in Rimjob’s case.
Thanks for the chuckle, dumbass.
No Jeff, none of that is true.
I swa where Senator Bill Cassidy graduated from LSU Med! The article said Dr Cassidy’s IQ of 132 exceeded the next highest IQ by 40 points!
Like all of Rimjob’s posts he read “it” somewhere so “it” must be true and he just has to share his stupidity.
Thanks dumbass.
Ya see, Rimjob, it ain’t working anymore. You lost.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Wow, drowningpuppies, I don’t know where you got that quote but it looks like the epitaph for Jeffery Lynn Keene of Affton, MO.
That pegs Keenes TDS as well as his deep seated hate of anything American or Christian.
How many abortions are you responsible for this week?
Maybe you could get a vasectomy? That way, like the good christian you claim you are, you could bang every teenage girl in Florida without knocking them up. Thou shalt not kill. Remember? And killing your own babies?
Or maybe like that psycho Musky you believe your little Abortionist sperms are so valuable that The World deserves them be spread widely! Is that why you want the nation to ban all abortions – like Trumpy and Musky you believe you should pro-populate America??
Be honest (as if). You’re a daddy’s little rich boy. Still relying on daddy to cover up your mistakes. Real men make their own way, but you’re like Don Jr, Eric and Hunter. Sad, really.
Porter William Good of Hedingham NC seems like a decent fellow, but you, hardly. Please confirm – commenters LGB (you) and drowningpuppies and blogger Porter William Good of Hedingham NC and Leith Honda are claiming a Jeffery Lynn Keene of Affton, MO has swindled investors of Galera Inc out of $70 million?
What the lil MAGA47 Motherfucker doesn’t understand is that the worst instincts of Big Donnie are a threat to America because HE WON! Donnie and his hand-picked Supreme Court have made himself the King, the Fuhrer, the Supreme Ruler.
Lil guys like you are mere cannon fodder for Dear Leader. LOL.
Donald Trump’s cabinet receives a 59 percent approval rating among all polled people.
What was even more astounding was that it received a 65 percent approval rating among youngsters under the age of 30.
The party that depended upon under 30 year olds and college campus voters still have not taken their heads out of the sand to look at the political landscape.
There is fixing to be a hot war in Russia/Ukraine/NATO as Putin is hiring mercenaries from all over the world to replace his dead cannon fodder…..even hiring Houthis in exchange for missiles to shoot American ships out of the water.
These kids looked around and said Fuck That!!!! NO DRAFT FOR US; I’M VOTING FOR ORANGE MAN BAD, WHO PLEDGES NO NEW WARS, AND STARTED NO NEW WARS during his last 4-year term.
Trump is a rock star right now as Hezbollah and Israel are working on a peace deal with Iran’s blessing since their air defenses were taken out by the Israelis in the first strike a few weeks back.
Lots of reasons the left lost. Woke, Inflation, Incredible rise of housing, Moms are evil for caring what their kids are taught in school, CRIME of the Millennia, OPEN BORDERS with massive influxes of Criminals and drugs into our country………etc…etc…etc.
HELL……….Cenk, of The Young Turks, and Anna, his co host, are becoming MAGA. CENK is volunteering actively to help Musk root out corruption in the Pentagon, and just last night, he said he was posting Anti-war shit that Musk wants to do, and it was MAGA who was cheering him on. The left was calling him names.
HOW DARE ANYONE HELP TRUMP PREVENT WORLD WAR 3. Shredder trucks are backed up at all the agencies preparing for Trump’s next 4 years even though they have an order to RETAIN all documents.
As far as Elwood is concerned….If you guys just stop responding to him…….well thats what they mean by irrelevant.
That’s why the left lost and will continue to lost….they have lost everything except for one demographic……LOW INFORMATION VOTERS.