They may be wonderful people. Hard working. But, transgender folks have a much higher instance of mental health problems, and especially suicidal thoughts. Do you want them around military grade weapons? Should the US military be paying for all their medical stuff? Should men with mental illness be around women? In their dorms, their locker rooms, showers?
Trump plans to kick transgender troops out of the military with 15,000 service members to be 'medically discharged' on his first day in office, report claims
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) November 25, 2024
From the link
President elect Donald Trump reportedly plans to issue an executive order on his ‘first day in office’ to ban transgender members of the military.
The controversial order would cause as many as 15,000 active service members to be ‘medically discharged’ – deeming them unfit to serve, according to The Times.
Trump seeks to issue the executive action on January 20, 2025 or Day 1 of his term, the Times said, preventing any transgender people from enlisting in the military as all branches continue to struggle with recruitment.
{Pete Hegseth] suggested that you can’t integrate trans people in as easily as people of different races were integrated ‘because being transgendered in the military causes complications and differences.”
Hegseth also said that transgender people were ‘not deployable’ because they are ‘reliant on chemicals.’
What’s the point if they cannot actually do the job? If they cannot be deployed? How many are constantly missing duty because of their condition? Well, now we’ll wait and see. The United States military is not a social experiment or a ticket for reassignment surgery.

The ‘transgender women’, meaning natural males, must regularly ‘dilate’ their artificial ‘vaginas’ frequently, or, being male, their bodies will see these ‘vaginas’ as open wounds, and try to heal them. That is a special medical consideration which renders them unfit for the conditions found un combat, in which soldiers can be stuck out in the field for days on end.
The ‘transgender men’ would be naturally female, with all of the physical characteristics of women when it came to fighting duty: shorter stature, weaker bodily strength, lack of the ‘quick-twitch’ speed of men, and a hip structure less suited to sprinting or long-distance running.
I can see why the ‘transgendered’ would want to join the military: free medical care for optional procedures and medications, along with paid-by-the-taxpayers surgeries that would otherwise cost tens of thousands of dollars. Well, f(ornicate) that!
LOL. How corrupt must one be to be booted by Team Trump?
Epshteyn alledgedly was trying to gouge cash out of potential appointees, e.g., Treasury Sec to be Bessent.
Key word “allegedly”.
Apparently Rimjob thinks that’s a synonym for guilty.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
Is The Pissant accusing the Trump Transition Team of slurring Boris for no good reason?
They seem to think Boris is guilty.
“Allegedly”, Rimjob.
Learn the meaning then learn to spell it correctly. Then try a little reading comprehension, dumbass.
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Huh. Didn’t know one lawyer’s pronouns were “they” and that “they” comprised an entire transition team.
Later on in the AP article: “Epshteyn isn’t accused of doing anything illegal — securing fees for access to senior government officials is the bread and butter of Washington’s lobbying establishment…”
Pop quiz: How did Hunter Biden make his money?
We know you communists don’t believe in justice or fair play but a “review” by a lawyer does not make a man guilty. Except in Dowds eye. And only if he’s not a radical anti American dem like himself.
We won, you lost. Get over it or report to the asylum with all your “wymyn folk” who are shaving their heads and screaming at the sky.
Hey Dowd, over the last three weeks my parents have been to Mar A Lago six times. That should get you all worked up over wealth.
Report: Trump Admin To Boot Most Of The Openly Delusional Personnel From Military On Day One
There, fixed it for ya. Hopefully the covertly delusional soon after.
We should then get to work building the dozen or so new prisons we’ll need to house the criminals currently running the Pentagon along with their NSA, CIA, FBI, CCP and MIC handlers.
Mistakenly posted earlier on the wrong comment thread, oops
The military should also boot all those mentally ill employees who delusionally believe that Trump won the election in 2020.
Since Trump won in 2024 you have nothing to gain by still delusionally claiming he was cheated in 2020. Just give it up and admit the truth. You will be better for it! You will be on the road to recovery! Once you give up that delusion you can examine your other delusions!
If it’s a delusion then why on earth would Jeffery L. Keene and every other snowflake leftist keep complaining about it? Fact is you cheated, refused an audit and thereby proved you cheated. So that makes all of you liars.
Seems yu need to check out your own mental illness of TDS before you worry about us. After all, we won!!!LOL.
Is your daddy writing for you too?
Why worry about it, Abortion Boy? Because the delusional Head MAGAt will be president soon. Duh, dumbass. His delusional MAGAt troops will do whatever he tells them.
Does your daddy know you’re still banging teen girls, telling them if they get knocked up, daddy will pay?
You and Porter W. Good are delusional!
Pointing out the truth that you’re a daddy’s boy seems to irk you more than the abortions!!
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (?)
You lost.
Elections have consequences.