By your fault, I mean it’s the fault of the British elites, politicians, and climate cult groups for creating the issue
Why are UK homes so rubbish at staying warm? We asked the experts
A cold snap has swept across the UK this week, with temperatures plummeting to lows of -11c in some parts of the country.
These low temperatures are set to continue, with the Met Office issuing another weather warning as Storm Bert brings in 70mph winds, rain and snow this weekend.
While the lower-than-average temperatures continue, many of us are still hesitant to turn up the thermostat thanks to skyrocketing energy bills.
Even when we do crank up the heating, many find it difficult to keep the warmth inside leaving us reaching for an extra jumper or spare blanket.
So what is it about the UK’s heating system that leaves so many of us wanting? Here’s what we know about why the UK is so rubbish at heatings its homes properly, the challenges it faces, and how we make it fit for purpose.
They mention damp old houses and poor walls (meaning the insulation), but, then
Even though heating our homes can be a struggle, the UK now pays the highest electricity prices in the world — four times the price of the average bill in the US.
The energy price cap is predicted to rise by another 1.2% in January, making the average household energy bill £1738.
Gas prices are not much better. “We’re massively over reliant on natural gas,” Thomas said. “Other countries have a more diverse selection of heating sources being used in homes.
Why? UK government policies related to the climate scam. That 1738 pounds figure can’t be right for a month, can it? That’s $2,178 US.
“A third of people are in arrears with their energy supplier,” Simcock said.
“The average household in arrears owes about £1500 pounds for electricity and £1300 for gas.”
“We are hearing from people that they will only heat one room of the house. We’ve heard from parents who will give their bedroom to their children, and they themselves perhaps need to sleep in the living room, so that they only have to heat one room or two rooms,” Martiskainen told Yahoo News.
“We are a G7 country, one of the most wealthy countries in the world. So how is it that we are allowing six million households to live in fuel poverty?” she added.
Thank your government for joining a doomsday climate cult.
So, if the current system to heat our homes isn’t working, what are the alternatives?
Many of the experts Yahoo News spoke to voiced their support for installing heat pumps.
Which do not last that long and are expensive. How about just rolling back all the policies that make reliable, dependable energy so expensive?
Another option is district heating.
“District heating heats half of Paris and is in use quite a lot in parts of Scandinavia and parts of eastern Europe,” Thomas explained. “It is essentially where you have one massive boiler or – in the future – a massive heat pump producing very large quantities of heat that’s then pumped directly into people’s homes through underground pipes.
“You don’t have the heating source in your home, hot water is directly pumped into your home.”
And who would be in charge of this? The same government instituting terrbile energy policies? And, considering how far down the authoritarian road the UK government has gone, would you trust them to be in charge?

The GDP per capita of Great Britain is less than the GDP per capita of the poorest state in America, Mississippi.
And who would be in charge of this? The same government instituting terrbile energy policies? And, considering how far down the authoritarian road the UK government has gone, would you trust them to be in charge?
Back in the spring of ’68 I was in Moscow. A few days before by visa expired I put clothes into the cleaners. The block the laundry was in lost their hot water… I arrived in Brussels smelling bad.
The Concierge at the Westbury took one sniff and arrange a private showing with a tailor…
The Commies did return my clothes a few months later…. the underwear was moldy and they had washed the suit… Bastards.
Why people voted for Trump?
Firstly, Trump is not overly charming, like Barak Obama was charming, suave, and Debonair. People voted for Trump for one reason.
HIS POLICIES resonate with the nose holders who love his policies but dislike the man.
Fine….People try to make this personal against Trump. He’s a felon, an A-hole, Orange…whatever.
But that’s not what got him votes. What got him votes is his policies to put YOU—the American people—first, which resonates with everyone BUT the elites on college campuses or in penthouses in New York City or a dying MSM that spends hours with spittle flying over how evil Trump…THE MAN……is.
So, the left is learning that to fight Trump, you have to fight his policies, not the person. Four years after losing the 2020 election, Trump’s tariffs were still in place by Biden. THOSE EVIL POLICIES OF TRUMP remained in place for quite some time before Biden finally relented to his base to end them, even though Trump’s tariffs remain in place today.
POLICIES are why Trump won….ORANGE MAN BAD who is HITLER as a ploy to defeat him FAILED miserably!
-11C = 12.2º F. Cold, but not that cold. There are only a few places in the United States which have never gotten that cold, and every place in the United States outside of Alaska is south of the southernmost latitude of Great Britain.
I would guess that none of the rooms at 10 Downing Street or Clarence House are chilly.