…is horrible heatsnow due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a trans cop assaulting colleagues with a penis pump.

…is horrible heatsnow due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on a trans cop assaulting colleagues with a penis pump.
Small Business Saturday: NC soap company donating profits to Helene victims | Morning in America – Video
First Bro Elon Musk on retired United States Army lieutenant colonel who was the Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council (NSC) under then-president Trump: “Vindman is on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs and has committed treason against the United States, and will pay the appropriate penalty”. That’s at least 5 years in prison or even the death penalty!
Lt Colonel Vindman has lived in the US longer than Musky and served 22 years in the US military. Musk fled South Africa to stay out of the military there. Vindman, during his Army career, earned the Ranger Tab, Combat Infantryman Badge, Expert Infantryman Badge, and Parachutist Badge, as well as four Army Commendation Medals and two Defense Meritorious Service Medals. He received a the Purple Heart for an IED incident in Iraq. Trump denounced Vindman for his testimony to the House regarding the infamous Trump-Zelenskyy telephone call. Vindman has long been a target of the MAGAt Movement.
Said Vindman to The Elon: “I served in the military for nearly 22 years and my loyalty is to supporting the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. That’s why I reported presidential corruption when I witnessed an effort to steal an election. You, Elon, appear to believe you can act with impunity and are attempting to silence your critics. I’m not intimidated.”
In other words, FU! Elon will have to run to Big Daddy for satisfaction. It will be interesting to see how Big Daddy beats up on the guy who punched Elon in the nose.
Imagine the BILLIONS Elon can save by squelching all these useful, if not harmful, so-called environmental regulations!!
Money, money, money!!
You are a malignancy in the body of America. The minute Elon Must sided with Trump he was a marked man by you and your commie comrades.
You always imagine everyone is propelled by the same nefarious and evil reasons that propel you. They are not. Your deep hate for anything associated with Trump not to mention your total jealousy of any person wealthier than yourself causes you to project your nefarious and narcissistic motivations onto others. Funny how you always look for the worst in people. Non communist people that is.
You no more know Musk’s motivations for leaving S. Africa any more than I do. I suppose he left to go to college in Canada. Then to the US for business opportunities because he seems to be that kind of person. You really need a lesson on how not to be an asshole and accuse everyone you don’t like of some personality fault. But I guess that’s just the way a person like you operates.
Therein lies the rub. Because he had business problems at a Tesla plant now according to leftists like you and your propaganda wing at the NYT everything Musk will ever do, touch or be a part of for the rest of his life will be bad. Couple that with his friendship with Trump and he’s another Hitler. You people will never learn that painting everyone in your opposition as an evil fascist is plain stupid. What actually marked a turning point for a billionaire who once was seen as a pioneer in renewable energy and an ally of environmental causes was joining Teem Trump, the Republican Party and helping to defeat the corksucker Harris.
And that is all you needed.
Man you leftists are shallow!!!
All of us here but you and H (where is H?) can see how obvious you are with you statements and quick change of loyalty depending on the person’s voter registration. You fool no one!
Elwood, Vindman’s service record means nothing. His reporting corruption, nothing..
If it’s true that he’s taking money from a foreign government and using his position to further Their goals ,instead of being solely invested in furthering the goals of America, then he pays a Heavy price. Maybe his life,at the end of a rope Live,at the stadium, on Pay per View.
You lefties would have creamed your jeans if you could do that to Trump.
No doubt Big Donnie and his boy-toy, Little Elon can craft some phony charges against patriotic Americans like Lt. Colonel Vindman and hang him on Pay per View. Will Big Donnie and Little Elon split the profits??
And actually Big Donnie was convicted of 34 felonies. His convictions do not justify the death penalty.
Little Elon and Big Donnie man the make a winnin’ team! – Johnny Cash
Hail Victory!!
Speaking of treasonous acts…
About $10 MILLION of Russian-sourced money made its way into the right-wing media group. There is no evidence that the podcasters knew the source of the cash.
Russia! Russia! Russia! Vlad Putin has a good thing going (as his country rots).
Things like genocide happens when good people, take that road where nothing is done about serious misdeeds, committed by the Democrats. The history of the DNC is one of genocide, which they gave us in their first president, Andrew Jackson, with his trail of tears. All because gold had been found on Indian lands and were trying to claw back some of the Treaty’s Congress had granted them.
The Tribes were the civilized or friendly tribes of the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, our first official genocide, and the Indian agents who would later give them and other tribes blankets infested with smallpox, and gave them death. All Democrats. All under Jackson. Republicans hadn’t been invented yet.
Then that was not quite enough for them, they were the party of slavery, and gave us our second civil war, this time amongst ourselves, and not another nation.
Then after the war they fought reconstruction tooth and nail, which was unconstitutional by the Radical Republican’s, and formed the KKK the enforcement arm of the Democrat Party and their lynching of innocent blacks and their White Republican allies across the South did not end until the 1960s, in effect 100 years of death. We face fascist resistance from them for losing this election. We are in the middle of the calm before the storm, the left are far from over, or being beaten…
The way they have acted since Obama who gave us, he called it a fundamental transformation, and we have had 16 years of in our face destruction to the Constitution, with Obama who allowed the bloodthirsty Islamic savages of Iran the right to develop nuclear weapons, and in essence October 7th in Israel… Now we have Biden poking the Bear, and has restructured the nuclear détente of MADD, and has battle plans for waging a three front nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea. Grandiose to say the least, but then the Democrats installed this demented sock puppet into the White House.
On the home front, Obama first allowed the open borders which started the flood of illegals from everywhere, where we have been inundated with Haitians from a nation that gained their independence in 1800 in a slave rebellion or thereabouts and have never had a stable government in all these intervening years. Biden dumped them on us, by a corruption of immigration parole, which was never to be used for large groups but individuals, and did not care about the consequences on these small towns and cities.
Why should they, as they have a nation and people to subjugate…
Then the drugs they have tacitly allowed to destroy our nation’s people, due to those open borders, not to mention they run all the ghettos in America, and act like the 13th Amendment does not exist, where it’s mayhem every single day and believe they own the black race, hence their votes. Then of course they made the last election about death, of innocent lives with their signature cause celeb, Abortion, everyone gets a say, except the child… mull that over for a while.
Obama, Harris, Biden and the DNC all knew what they were doing, and had turned their backs on the American people and allowed unbridled immigration through invasion to predate our people, and at the same time claim they love everyone, with cartels running the mafia out of business in their cities, which now flow red with blood. The blood of the very minorities and immigrants they claim to love.
Then almost to a man and woman resort to such an artifice to support them and say the DNC are not responsible, for all the above, and end up using mere insult to assuage their guilt, by calling us racists, homophobe, you name they said it, the difference between us them is that we know our enemy.
Was incarcerated by them, since I live in New Mexico and the DNC has run this state for 97 years, and as a Constitutional Conservative was arrested and prosecuted with made up crimes, the only problem with them is they do not see themselves an as enemy, when their crimes are staring them right in their face. We are at the point that they consider themselves as ordained to rule over us, not for us. To the point they could not have free and fair elections, in 2020, which was not the first stolen election, 2008 was also gamed as 10,000,000 voters disappeared, much like Biden’s.
The difference between us is I know our enemy, they can’t bring themselves to the facts that they are and have been bathed in blood since their founding in 1827 right till today, and like I said gave us our first official genocide.
We need to see them for what they are Nazis, reborn. I will rise to the occasion, when the time is right and not hide behind their false notions of law they have denigrated, denied and abused the American people with, the January 6th so-called insurrection will live in Infamy; while they hide behind childish names and judge people they do not know…!
The DNC has had too many chances, and they will take the nation to ruin if they are not stopped, It’s time they are destroyed, whether by the RICO statutes, or they blunder us into another civil war and force of arms, but they need to be put down, 197 years of their terror must end, Germany outlawed the NSDAP, we can do the same…!
By Richard Kirk
In Libertas
But did see, “The DNC… they need to be put down…”
The new MAGAnazi catchphrase…”they need to be put down”…
Big Donnie approved.
Donald nominated Charles Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s father-in-law to be Ambassador to France:
Notice the lack of reference in Jeff’s gray box. And he is so careful to document.
Even someons as old as you should be able to find the story. It’s in every paper.
Even someons as old as you should be able to find the story. It’s in every paper.
And as usual, that is a lie.
You are too old to find the story? davy ‘that’s a lie’ dummy: Science denier; media denier; truth denier; fucking liar. Read and weep…
Nice guy. Certainly sounds like he deserves a pardon AND an ambassadorship.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)]
Vindman won’t he arrested for his supposed good deeds.
He will be arrested for alleged crimes.
The good deeds can come into play at his sentencing.