Is this peak-Woke on the subject, or, could this get worse?
Let’s see this women erasing insanity
On the court, they seem like any other college women’s volleyball team. At a recent game, the players moved around the court in staccato rhythm, setting and spiking the ball, springing into the air like pogo sticks to block attacking shots, all in their blue and gold uniforms of the San Jose State University Spartans.
Off the court, though, the team is trying its best not to crumble during an unexpected season of tension and tears, confusion and anger. The players are at the center of a drama playing out over one of the most explosive issues in American life: whether a transgender woman can play on a women’s sports team.
Apparently, a man with gender confusion can play, and beat the snot out of actual women, but, most women do not want them playing, at least when it is real women who have to compete against the mentally ill.
Earlier this month, a senior co-captain of the Spartans and the assistant coach filed a lawsuit to stop the transgender athlete from playing in this week’s Mountain West Conference tournament, claiming that she violates Title IX rights to gender equity at federally funded institutions.
I just don’t get why Democrats want biological men with mental illness to play against real women, to be in their locker rooms, their showers, their changing rooms. To take wins away from women which can lead to scholarships and professional success. Beyond that hardcore Liberals are also wackjobs.
Maintaining that fairness in women’s sports while also honoring the inclusion of athletes who identify as women has become a continuing struggle for sports organizations. So far, there has been no foolproof way of ensuring that trans women have no retained advantage over athletes assigned female at birth, and the debate continues over whether trans women have an advantage if they suppress their production of testosterone for a set amount of time. Testosterone is the hormone known to increase strength, muscle mass and endurance.
“Assigned”? You mean they are female per Science? And why do so many males do well on women’s teams when they sucked on male teams?
USA Volleyball’s website says androgenic hormones, which include testosterone, may possibly give trans athletes an “unfair competitive advantage,” so the organization requires documentation that athletes assigned male at birth undergo hormone therapy to compete in the women’s category. On its website, the N.C.A.A. says trans volleyball players are eligible to play if their testosterone level is less than 10 nanomoles per liter — that’s at least four times more than what many experts say is the top of the range for non-transgender women, and in the typical range for adult men.
You mean real women? Wackjob news outlet.

The New York Times said:
Brayden Fleming, who calls himself “Blaire,” has been publicly identified in dozens of sources, over the past several weeks, so the Times is doing nothing but hiding information from readers.
The Grey Lady also used the feminine pronouns in reference to Mr Fleming.
The newspaper uses the silly formulation “assigned male at birth” that the transgender advocates and their fellow travelers like to spout. However, we have known for over a hundred years that males have XY chromosomes, while females have XX, and that the determination of sex comes from whether the sperm which fertilizes the egg carries the X or the Y chromosome. Sex is determined at conception, and simply recognized at birth.
Just think: if sex was actually “assigned” at birth, His Majesty King Henry VIII could have saved himself a lot of trouble by simply “assigning” Mary as male.
Every bird, every reptile, and every mammal has the natural ability to distinguish between males and females of their own species. Only human liberals have managed to “educate” that ability out of themselves.
It is, of course, a non-scientific myth that boys are XY and girls are XX. How many of our commenters here been karyotyped, that is, had all your chromosomes mapped out?
Are you certain you’re XY or XX??
Anyway… Klinefelter syndrome is a common condition that results when a person assigned male at birth has an extra copy of the X sex chromosome instead of the typical XY. Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs before birth, but it often isn’t diagnosed until adulthood.
Or XXY. About 1 in 500 of those ‘assigned male at birth’ (AMAB) are found to be XXY; arithmetic, which AMABs do better the AFABs, suggests America could be infested with over 300,000 XXYs!!
More practically, an observation at birth, ambiguous genitalia, occurs in approximately 1 in 2000 births, which suggests America could have some 160,000 Americans walking amongst us who couldn’t be IDed as a male or female at birth!! How does the doctor decide??
As you all know by now, maleness is triggered by the activity of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome. Sometimes, the SRY gene ends up on the X chromosome by translocation! When that happens the gene rarely functions correctly. These ‘men’ are termed 46,XX males, which is a rare condition – hardly 20,000 prowling America at any one time.
These are just a few examples of the ‘mistakes’ god or nature makes when it comes to sexual development. If you are one of us who has no issues with sexual or gender identity, consider your not only ‘normal’, but fortunate or blessed by the gods.
Here’s a short list: androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), Kallman syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, McCune-Albright syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), Swyer syndrome, Turner syndrome.
Anyway, anyway. It’s estimated there are some 1.3 million Americans who ID as trans.
Is it possible that our hubris outpaces our knowledge? Yes, of course.
All that said, I personally disagree with permitting AMAB trans persons competing agains AFABs in sports of strength! As I’ve stated before, a 7’1″ b-ball center in HS doesn’t get shorter, or always lose the muscular advantages, with transition in college or the Olympics or the WNBA. No in track and field, wrestling, futbol, weight-lifting, swimming, speed skating etc.
Life is not always dichotomous. Not clearly black or white, good or bad, hot or cold, up or down, MAGAt or communist, smart or dumb, even male or female. Almost all instances show gradations.
Please try and show some compassion.
Wrong , wrong and wrong. Women are XX and men are XY. That is absolute. Now a Klinefelter is XXY and that is called a Klinefelter syndrome and thus not normal. It is not required to show compassion as there is no reason for such an action. If the Klinefelter has a penis, which is usual, they are most definitely a male. But is they which to participate in female activities that is called wrong. At the end of the day, I am the one to determine the individuals sex. Oh, as usual you lie, Klinefelter are 1 in 1000.
One of your best lines ever, Dana.
Hi CarolAnn,
Yes. We can miss a lot by closing our eyes. Or our minds. Or our hearts.
“I just don’t get why Democrats want biological men with mental illness to play against real women”
Besides being weirdos themselves, democrats, leftists, and progressives are the party of destruction. They want every iota of normal, and yes, it is normal, destroyed. Their goal has always been to destroy every facet of the nuclear family, heterosexuality, the differences between men and women, and above all, step into the place of God. Anything and everything about them is completely opposite of science, logic, critical thinking, etc.. All in an effort to destroy every baseline of civilization while constantly reeking havoc and chaos. They live for this. Unhappy, bitter, joyless, miserable, angry people who have zero skills to be able to work their way up through the ranks and be a contributing members of society. They want to be kings and gods without actually putting in any of the work. Just put on a Party City wig and a sundress, and, TaDa!! Are there blips in nature? Of course. But in 99.999999% of the cases it’s merely individuals with a mental disorder or pure narcissism that compels them to do and say anything for attention and they are being supported and pushed by those who equally have mental disorders and narcissism and want to cause havoc. They want to be the “cool”kids that are hip to the new thing. Instead of actually working hard and being recognized for that value and contributing, they take the quick route to instant gratification, or “likes” if you will. Once all the spotlights fade and their 15 minutes is up, reality comes along and gives them a nice big ‘ole backhand and they realize they have been used, and in many cases, especially when they are surgically mutilated, are now at a higher risk of suicide. I mean honestly, who here heard of such things besides the last few years? Now all of a sudden there are thousands and thousands? This is not coincidence, it’s planned.
Mr Teach typed: Not all Dems agree that trans women should compete against women.
Mr Sua typed: in 99.999999% of the cases it’s merely individuals with a mental disorder or pure narcissism that compels them to do and say anything for attention and they are being supported and pushed by those who equally have mental disorders and narcissism and want to cause havoc
There is no evidence to support your claim. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans with ambiguous sexual/gender physiology and/or anatomy. Another common misunderstanding is that psychology or self-image from early on is independent of the hormones, receptors, organs and metabolism associated with sexuality and gender identity.
Mr Sua typed: This is not coincidence, it’s planned.
Another conspiracy tale.
Rimjob: There are hundreds of thousands of Americans with ambiguous sexual/gender physiology and/or anatomy.
Gotta valid citation there, champ?
Let’s see it.
Otherwise you’re full of shit.
Suck it, Pissant!!
Regardless, you’re full of shit!! LOL.
So you don’t have a valid citation which once again proves my point.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
You poor child. You don’t read or even acknowledge citations. You’re a science denier. Suck it!!
Well you really showed me.
It’s mature of you to recognize it!!
Yeah, not so much as it was a heavy dose of sarcasm. Not recognizing anything other than not getting into anything with people.
Yes there is. The very fact that “transsexuals” have doubled like every five years for the last twenty years or some such nonsense proves they are created not born. Plus, the fact the left needs to insert the term “transgender” into the equation means scientifically they can’t support any more than two actual sexes.
All you idiots who believe in transsexuals are science deniers. There are apparently dozens of sexual based mental disorders but only two sexes. Sorry.
Like everything else the left does they took this and catapulted it into a political cause celeb. They always seem to decide to partner with the worst of humanity, don’t they? The lowest most revolting of the species. Any of you guys ever go on TikTok and see some of these perverted freaks?
We cannot allow the best of humanity be destroyed by the dregs of society. It is our birthright and our duty to carry on Western Civilization and commies, moslems and “transsexuals” an other freaks are not what will propel our culture into the future. All of us here are or should be aware that leftists (people like Elwood) always will select the worst of us to defend because they hate us. They hate our culture, society, freedom, faith, country and everything else that makes America America and Western Civilization the best and most powerful on earth. Self loathing fuks that need to be erased from our society.
Transsexuals are as much a product of grooming as communists are a product of propaganda. Neither are needed and neither should be tolerated. Tolerating evil only promotes it.
Yes, the increase in the number of trans individuals can be used as evidence that they are created.
Is there any other reason why people would admit to being trans? Well yes. If it is more acceptable to society, more people will admit it. Just like the ‘number’ of gays increased.
Transgender is more accurate than transsexual.
Mr LgB wants to eliminate American commies, moslems and “transsexuals”. Note the MAGAnazi Party no longer hates the Hispanics. It’s his ‘birthright’.
We Americans have an obligation to fight back against MAGAnazis like trump and LgB.
Mr LGB wants to eliminate the ‘defective’ and ‘evil’ transgendered and liberals just as the nazis wanted to eliminate the ‘defective’ and ‘evil’ Jews, Poles, Roma and homosexuals.
Rimjob serves up more “whoppers” than Burger King.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA Motherfucker!
Suck it, Pissant!!
Regardless, you’re full of shit!! LOL.
[…] the story to death, but my good friend and occasional blog pinch-hitter, William Teach, reported on Saturday how the Grey Lady finally said something . . . and tried to make it seem as though men males […]
[…] the story to death, but my good friend and occasional blog pinch-hitter, William Teach, reported on Saturday how the Grey Lady finally said something . . . and tried to make it seem as though men males […]