…are horrible farm animals spewing world killing emissions, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on a tale of two cabinets.

…are horrible farm animals spewing world killing emissions, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on a tale of two cabinets.
One of her buttons must have come loose without her notice.
Not really surprising for us “deniers”.
Bwaha! Lolgf!
It was a hoax!
Since it’s claimed Trump won a ‘landslide’, why wasn’t there a landslide in the House and Senate? Why were protections for abortion approved in so many states?
“No one is above the law.”
Bwaha! Lolgf!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
For the one hundredth time because you’re so fuking slow: Trump does not want to ban abortion nationally he RECOGNIZES abortion is a state power. We, meaning us MAGA people are mostly anti abortion but we are not for ignoring the constitution and mandating it either pro or con. Unlike you communists we do not vote as a block on every issue. Unlike you communists we tolerate different opinions within our party. And finally, we know how to compromise. You don’t because you are power mad commies.
This is what a landslide looks like Dowd:
We’ll wait and see what the narrow Republicun majoriities in the House and Senate come up with. It’s unlikely that Trump would veto the bill. We hope you are correct.
The nuGOP aka The MAGAnazi Party believe they won a landslide and received a mandate to enact far right wet dreams, of which one is a nationwide ban on abortions.
Of course, Congress is the body for creating federal laws. Would you agree that Congress could pass a law, signed by the President regulating abortion? Challenges to the law would make it to the Supreme Court.
e.g., Abortions are legal through 12 weeks gestation. After 12 weeks only for the well-being of the woman.
Rimjob: …nationwide abortions.
“No one is above the law.”
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Keep demonizing the Republicans with slimy names and see how the next election goes. You never learn do you? Nazi won’t work on patriots because we are not socialist Nazi’s. You are closer to a Nazi than we’ll ever be.
Now, for the 101st time WE DON’T SUPPORT A NATIONWIDE BAN ON ABORTIONS! That’s the kind of shit you leftists force on people. We support the Constitution not the wet dreams of NOW.
What’s the matter with you are you retarded? How many times must I repeat myself?
Of course Congress could. Congress can make a law allowing the killing of Jews but it does not make it legal or moral. They already tried RvW and that was tossed out. Problem is Congress is the body for creating federal laws but abortion is a state domain.
You lost the last election in a landslide dogging about abortion. You wanna do it again? Why are you so obsessed with abortion?
I love making leftists liars eat their words. This is for you Dowd: