Obviously, the Credentialed Media is soft handing this, where, let’s say it was Trump pardoning his child for tax evasion and lying on a gun form they’d be Fire Alarm Category 5
Joe Biden Makes History as First President to Pardon His Criminal Son
President Joe Biden spent his final days in office rolling out a full and complete pardon of his criminal son, Hunter Biden.
“I will not pardon him,” Joe Biden said in June after a jury found him guilty on three federal gun charges.
NBC News reported on the pardon:
The decision marks a reversal for the president, who has repeatedly said he would not use his executive authority to pardon his son or commute his sentence. The pardon comes ahead of Hunter Biden’s Dec. 12 sentencing for his conviction on federal gun charges. Hunter Biden also is set to be sentenced in a separate criminal case on Dec. 16, after pleading guilty in September on federal tax evasion charges.
Here’s Joe
After months of claiming he would not do so, President Biden pardons his son Hunter. @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/uZ1dBCmj3t
— Reagan Reese (@reaganreese_) December 2, 2024
If he wasn’t Joe’s son the IRS would have prosecuted years ago. They might not have found the lying on his gun form, but, he would have been in big trouble for failing to pay taxes. Of course, if he wasn’t Joe’s son involved in the graft he wouldn’t have been making all that money. Joe had to do this quick because sentencing was scheduled for December 12. Interestingly, the pardon is backdated to 2014, even though his crimes were between 2016 and 2019. What happened in 2014? Hunter started working for Burisma in 2014.
But, this opens up a big can of worms: what about other people who committed the same crimes: do they get pardoned? Why do people who committed much less tax fraud get convicted and possibly spend time in jail while Hunter doesn’t?
More importantly, this means that Trump should pardon all the J6 folks, particularly those who never committed any violence.

It was inevitable. I suspect the autopen in the white house has had a stack of pardons loaded ever since Trump won. I also suspect the 25-year olds in the White house has been making them as novelty gifts for their friends.
If Biden had not done this, Trump should have. In America we need to recognize that the term “No one is above the law” was only ever a campaign slogan against Trump. Lots of people are indeed above the law and it has been that way since the founding of our country. It is a rational step to conclude that some people, because of their notoriety, and increasingly because of political party, simply cannot receive a fair trial. Thus, it makes no sense to waste the resources to go through the farce of investigations and trials when the outcome is already predictable and has nothing to do with justice being done. Even when someone is obviously guilty, the taint of corruption ruins everything, including the possibility of a fair trial.
Joe Biden was irredeemably corrupt and he got away with it. Just like with Hillary, no jury would convict her. And in DC and NYC, no notable Republican will ever be found innocent.
Commenter: Joe Biden was irredeemably corrupt
By all means point out President Biden’s corruption…
LOL. Compared to Don Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Manafort, Matt Gaetz, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Musk, Kashyap Patel, Trump U, Trump Foundation…
In many ways Biden’s dishonesty and corruption is not too dissimilar from the Rimjob’s.
Bwaha! Lolgf!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
New sheriff coming to town.
Hunter Biden was only prosecuted because he WAS President Biden’s son. This would have been handled easily if Hunter had been any Joe Bloe.
President Biden lied when he said he would never pardon Hunter, but as we all know, lies don’t count during a presidential campaign.
Of course the President is going to protect his family from Donnie the Mob Boss who has immunity from any crimes he commits as prez. That said, expect Fat Donnie to order AG Pam Bondi to go after Hunter anyway. Her putative subordinate, FBI Director Kashyap Patel, will help her. “I am your retribution”, says Fat Donnie. “That’s a nice country you have there, would be a shame if somethin’ were to happen to it”.
“Fat Donnie” is an allusion to “Fat Tony”, aka Don Marion Anthony D’Amico, the mob boss in Homer Simpson’s Springfield (voiced by Joe Mantegna). Also Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, Genovese NYC mob family boss during the ’80s. But mostly the Homer one.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
Biden has pardoned Hunter because he was fearful that Hunter, when faced with an actual investigation, would turn on him and cut a deal, telling the truth about Daddy’s actions.
But there is the brother, and others, so the investigation is not over.
ED: “Hunter Biden was only prosecuted because he WAS President Biden’s son.”
There’s a law against being the president’s son? There are no other laws Hunter Biden broke?
If you say so.
“And remember, no man is above the law.” -Elwood P. Dowd, June 10, 2023
We can see the reason you alluded to Fat Tony on the Simpsons and Fat Tony Salerno since Trump isn’t fat he’s over weight. You’re fat! Plus Trump has dego black hair all greasy and slicked back, has olive skin, shoots people, he’s I-talian, and all the other attributes of a full on Mafia boss.
Now that Trump won by a landslide you think he’s gonna do to you corrupt bums like you did to him. I doubt it but it’s so cute to hear you whine about being a victim even before the guy is inaugurated.
We are gonna have so much fun during the next twelve plus years. You have all gone totally insane as if you weren’t already there. LOL
We’ve never met, but I suspect you are as physcially ugly as Fat Donnie and as your typings.
Trump did not win by a landslide, please stop lying. It was a very close race.
But keep gloating. Trump has two years. The Dems will definitely win the House in a landslide in 2026. Trump is guaranteeing that. The Dems may win back the Senate in 2026. It’s unlikely Supremes are as extreme and vengeful as Fat Donnie.
Keep gloating, but you gravely underestimate Americans. They did not elect MAGAnazism. They voted for cheaper gas and groceries and fewer immigrants. We can’t blame Fat Donnie for taking advantage of this opportunity to dismantle American governance, since he has nothing to lose. “The DOJ and FBI raided his home with a shoot-to-kill order and sniffed his wife’s underwear”. If he lives long enough, he’ll be president until 2029. After that, he gives less than a shit. All his legal troubles are disappearing.
That’s correct, we have never met but I have seen your picture therefore I know that you are fat. There is no call whatsoever to call me physically ugly. And “fat Donnie” isn’t fat he’s thick. Can you tell the difference? Nor is he ugly. In fact he has always been a nice looking man.
I’m sad you find it necessary to strike out personally at everyone who makes a comment or observation you don’t like but that’s what immature people do. We all realize you’re tied up in knots because after all the cheating and lying your god still lost the election by a landslide. Tough for you. I guess now after insulting and attacking LG Brandon in such vile and filthy ways it has become my turn. Okay, whatever.
As long as you dems keep acting the way you are you aren’t going to win crap back. Just keep disrespecting the majority of Americans and see how far it gets you. People like you have taken the Democrat party from a party of winners to a party of pathetic haters and losers and that’s where you should be.
See you in 2026.
It’s a fact that right-wingers like to insult people but don’t like being insulted.
Yes, you’re an ugly person. Ugly, ugly, ugly!!
Fat Donnie is fat and ugly. He has to poy for sex or just grab ’em by the pussy.
Trump’s antics so far guarantee a Dem landslide in 2026. Remember 2018?
Some strategists suggest letting Fat Donnie have his way. Trade wars. Inflation. Abortion ban. Fat Donnie is counting on running over the people, but they voted for a President not a dictator. To Fat Donnie’s advantage primitive red states like Missouri, OKlahoma, Ohio etc, are severely gerrymandered in the MAGAnazi Party favor. The danger is that the Florida Fatass will turn America into an ally of Russia.
A fitting final note to the most corrupt administration in recent history. Joe claims Hunter was picked on, but he pled guilty to the tax charges- afraid all the dirt about $20M, laundered through fake corporations, family involvement, and God-only knows what else would come out at trial. Thanks to those two determined IRS investigators we know what this family was all about. And so will future Americans.
A question for my peers.
Can a president pardon someone for a crime that has not been charged/convicted?
I think the USSC may become involved.
James, I’m certainly no peer, but what I know… (and is easily discovered)
Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution: The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment.
For example, President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any federal crimes he may have committed related to the Watergate kerfuffle. But this pardon was never examined by SCOTUS.
But pardons cannot extend to potential crimes not yet committed. A pardon for a murderer doesn’t apply to a future murder! It’s unsettled whether a president can self pardon.
Pardons can be rejected by the subject!
Current norms are in President Biden’s favor, but it IS entirely possible that Mr Trump’s Supreme Court could decide it’s time to limit pardons by Democratic Presidents! Given the motivation, legal eagles can always find something. They can always reverse their decision if it impacts Trump’s pardons in 2028.
More silly excuses from the Rimjob. Biden lied to you.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
According to Ex Parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333 (1866), the President’s authority to pardon is unlimited except in cases of impeachment, extending to every offense known to the law
Following your link:
“Grant to the said A. H. Garland a FULL PARDON AND AMNESTY for all offences by him committed, arising from participation, direct or implied, in the said Rebellion,
This specifies a distinct term and case, the “Rebellion.” Other crimes would not be covered. A loosey goosey ten years is not specific enough to meet the requirement.
So, if the offense is not known and not related to a specific event then you cannot have a pardon.
Supreme Count here we come.
You’re a lot dumber than I thought.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man (??)
You should try reading the whole to get the context. But I think you did and know I am correct.
Good Question. It is widely taken as an article of faith that Presidential pardons have very few limitations. The question that you in particular raise has never been contested in court, so as it stands now, the answer is YES, a president can pardon for offenses that has not been charged or convicted. It can also be argued that a pardon could extend to acts that were not even known about and to imaginary acts (like pardoning turkeys). Presidents can in fact pardon themselves. The check and balance on this is “Don’t elect criminals or other irredeemably corrupt career politicians”. It is also very unlikely that any pardon will be contested in court because only a Democrats would be so venal and petty as to want to overturn a pardon or other act of judicial mercy.
My point is that,”Ex Parte Garland, 71 U.S. 333 (1866),”leads me to believe that the pardons, known or unknown, must relate to a defined event, such as the “Rebellion.”
for all offences by him committed, arising from participation, direct or implied, in the said Rebellion,
Just a time frame, in my view, is not specific.
As to the “don’t elect’em” argument, I think our current situation demonstrates vividly that needs changing.
Here’s to Trump taking it to the USSC.
I suspect the founders never imagined that with a whole nation of men to choose from, the voters would elect a senile old man with a lifetime political career of being wrong on every issue, and no accomplishments and that nearly half the voters of the nation would gleefully and enthusiastically support that choice.. until they are told without explanation to support a different choice of someone with equally few accomplishments.
I don’t see the USSC (SCOTUS) doing anything about this. Someone would need to bring that case. That person would need to have standing. that case would need to roll through all the lower courts and yield ambivalent decisions and then the SCOTUS would need to decide that there is some constitutional issue that needs addressing that is worth it for them to reject some other worthy case to make room on the docket. Not likely to happen for what is intended by the founders to be a “last ditch” act of mercy by the government on one or a group of citizens.
I do recall reading some science fiction that the President could create his own death squads to eliminate troublesome opposition and then pardon anyone who is caught. Of course, such a squad would need to be all volunteers serving at their own expense since otherwise the bill to pay and authorize their service them would need to originate in the House of Representatives.
Addendum: If the SCOTUS takes the case and rules on its merits, it is unlikely that they will do anything with limits the power of the president to grant pardons, since that would be a violation of separation of powers and would be a power they do not have. At most, we could expect them to lay out a decision that upholds the founder’s intent for the president to have sweeping authority when it comes to pardons, and not the post civil war interpretation which may have been tainted by recent animus among the court members.
Well, I never saw the USSC doing anything about Roe V Wade, but they did.
I think any citizen could claim harm and thus have standing.
It is obvious to me that the Imperial President must be brought in. Allowing them unchained pardon power must go. I can’t imagine the founders granting king like powers,
Ah yes! Biden shoved it up the media’s ass too!
Good and hard!
Bwaha! Lolgfy!
MAGA47 Motherfuckers!
Once again everything the slimy corrupt lying democommies accuse Trump and by extension us of doing they are actually doing. Just watch till Scarborough. it’s a hoot!
Biden’s presidency started with him denying the existence of Hunter’s laptop and is ending with him pardoning Hunter for all the things found on his laptop.
It would take a whole book to catalog all the times the Biden/Harris/God-knows-who administration has lied to the public on every topic imaginable. Looking back, I cannot identify any topics where they did not lie. By comparison, the lie about not intending to pardon Hunter is a very small one. They haven’t even told us yet about the stack of Just-in-case pardons that will only be revealed when charges are filed.
Read he pardon of Michael Flynn.
As I said above, “Current norms are in President Biden’s favor, but it IS entirely possible that Mr Trump’s Supreme Court could decide it’s time to limit pardons by Democratic Presidents!”
More meaningless ‘yeah buts’ from the loser Rimjob trying to justify the Big Guy’s big fuck you to America.
Keep it up, fatso…
You deserve everything coming your way Jan.20.
I should assume that our socialist from St Louis wrote this tongue in cheek:
The pardon power is explicitly written in the Constitution, and strict constructionists like Justice Thomas would never do such a thing. Mr Dowd’s idea is, admittedly, a good one, but I don’t see it happening.
Jeff and Democrats believe all Justices are activists and since they are not their activists, they must be “conservative activists”. They cannot comprehend that activists are the opposite of conservative. It never enters their mind that strict constructionism has been the even keel for the ship of state since its creation and activist courts are the justices aiming at icebergs.
Try explaining again how it’s “Trump’s SC”. Math still hard?
Next Rimjob whine will be about Trump’s IRS.
Don’t think a pardon will make Hunter’s tax liabilities nor the liabilities of rest of the crime family go away.
I have wondered if Presidents Biden and Trump didn’t discuss this beforehand. Actually, I had been thinking that President Trump would pardon the younger Mr Biden at the same time he pardoned the Capitol kerfufflers, but Mr Biden’s sentencing date was approaching, scheduled for December 12th, so his pardon was needed now. It would be interesting if President Biden pardoned the Capitol kerfufflers, perhaps for some unwritten deal that Mr Trump would not go after too many Democrats.
President Biden promised that he wouldn’t pardon his miscreant son, and I suspect that he meant it at the time, but that was six months ago, and his dementia has been slowly deepening. My guess, and it is admittedly a guess, is that First Lady
Edith WilsonJill Biden was the one who pushed it.Likely, Jill sent an aid down to the autopen room and told the aid to get it done. Then they told Biden about it after the fact… just like they handled his resignation from the presidential race.
The funny part is that Joe Biden states for the record, and his spokespeople confirm, that he has total confidence in the American judicial system… and that that system is hopelessly corrupt, so he had to pardon Hunter.
Biden has only 6 weeks to do all the other things he said he would never do. I hope the rest of his term is as inconsequential and self-serving as this act. Personally, it looks like his administration is still pushing the USA into war with Russia and China. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am getting pretty tired of lame duck politicians pushing the rest of us around as if they were still our representatives. It is clear that those people represent the constituencies that lost the election. Among the many changes I would like to see in the Constitution is that lame duck officials would have no power except ceremonial ones. Congress shouldn’t even meet until the new members are seated. Pardons should be granted during the period when voters still have the chance to punish a president for pardoning Barabbas. I would also like to see congress being required to have 2/3rds majority votes for everything. This would drive power out of the hands of hardline activists in both parties and back to moderation. The alternative would be nothing getting done. And that would be good for all of us too.
JOE lamented that his son was the subject of a witch hunt by his POLITICAL OPPONENTS!! If you replaced Hunter’s name or my son with Donald J Trump’s name in his speech, you would have had a very legit speech.
However Hunter actually did these things, admitted to them, plead guilty and just waited for Daddy to pardon him.
Trump, on the other hand, had charges made up and brought against him by people who should themselves spend the next five years and a billion dollars defending. Then, in the end, the DOJ can say, “Ah shucks, just fukin wid you because WE CAN!”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like the IRS and the ATF and the FBI and the CIA they have lost their fukin minds and think they do not have to be accountable to anyone but the Democratic party.
When did DoJ get any “Political Opponents” of the Democrats? They haven’t hired any in years and everyone knows the current DoJ has the democrats’ back. The current case against Hunter were whitewash to pretend their DoJ was non-partisan when they went after Trump, all the while knowing Hunter would never face any consequences. The Deep state would have his back until after the election, then the universal pardon magically appears. Republicans never cared about “Getting Hunter”. Hunter was just the bag man for the massively corrupt Joe. And Joe is too senile to stand trial, so he is “above the law”. Hunter needs to face justice not for the BS crimes the DoJ came up with, but for the hundreds of other crimes detailed on his laptop, including trafficking in human children for sex.
US Presidents have the authority to pardon anyone. It’s in the Constitution. Remember?
Following the Civil War, Andrew Johnson pardoned most Confederates and also pardoned Dr. Samuel Mudd, who helped John Wilkes Booth escape. Note the pardon of the Southern traitors did not list individuals.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
Carter pardoned all who evaded the draft during Vietnam War. No spec
GHW Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger (look that one up!) where Weinberger’s notes implicated Bush in Reagan’s Iran-Contra misdeeds.
Clinton pardoned his half-brother.
Trump pardoned his daughter’s FIL and made him Ambassador to France. Trump pardoned Michael Flynn and Joe Apaio. Flynn was absolved of any and all crimes uncovered by Mueller investigation. Pretty broad! Flynn had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI (booo!) about his secret contacts with the Russians.
Trump said, “I have the absolute right to pardon myself.” If he does this (does he need to?), THAT will be a case for SCOTUS.
Anyway, the right AND the left have gone batshit, stupid crazy over President Biden’s pardon of his son. To the Supreme Court they cry!! In theory, our Supreme Court does NOT make law. Don’t like it, pass an amendment banning pardons of family, self pardons, pardons by Democratic presidents etc.