See, the problem couldn’t be caused by unsanitary conditions in Democrat run cities, nope, it has to be due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and eating meat
Hearing more about rats? Climate change could be to blame.
Rats! New York residents have long had a toxic neighborly relationship with the notorious rodents, and in the city of Ithaca the pest problems seem to be getting more noticeable.
While city and county officials say there has not been a significant increase in reports of rodents, anecdotes traveling via word-of-mouth and online on platforms like Nextdoor claim there has been a rise in rat encounters locally. A few residents have shared hair-raising stories of rodents scurrying through apartments in Ithaca without much sense of what to blame, particularly as the weather cooled in late summer.
But the seasonal change didn’t bring as much cold weather as it typically would. One local expert said the 50-degree days Ithaca saw as late as mid-November this year may have something to do with the seeming uptick.
In Ithaca, warming winters improve rats’ survivability through the cold months, leading to higher reproductive rates in the spring, said Matt Frye, a rodent and structural pest specialist for Cornell University. Frye works with the pest management industry as well as state and federal regulators to address pest problems in or around buildings.
“If we have warmer winters, we have better survival of rat populations through the winter, which means more individuals that are around in the spring, when they really have a peak of reproduction,” Frye said.
See? Your fault. Even though this has happened numerous times during the Holocene.
Temperatures and climate play a role, but there are other factors at play as well. An abundance of food sources can also attract rodents — typically in the form of mismanaged waste or poorly secured animal food, especially in agricultural settings.
“Rats are opportunistic omnivores, which means they take advantage of whatever they can find,” Frye said.
So, basically garbage in the streets. Nope, still your fault.

Behind the scenes at the post-pardon White House:
Dedicated to that True Believer who accepts every dem lie Elwood.
Rats are adorable. They have co-evolved with humans.
How will King Don keep the Senators in line? How will he punish them when they disobey?
Republican Senators have deep-sixed Matt Gaetz. Hegseth is toast. Kennedy and Gabbard are in trouble. All because of Mitch, Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Cassidy, Ernst. Even lickspittle Graham has criticized the alcoholic and abusive Hegseth.
It only takes four Repubs to cancel a Big Donnie appointment.
Kashyap Patel is also in deep doo-doo.
Donnie has DeSantis as the back-up nominee to the unqualified and sexist Hegseth.
Why didn’t the Trump team have FBI background checks conducted on his rogue’s gallery of nominees?
Always remember: For the MAGAnazis, chaos is the objective.
You are truly deranged. After listening to and repeating the millions of lies put out by that stinking cadaver biden and that whore corksucker harris you begrudge Trump his appointees. It’s okay, we won by an overwhelming landslide and will take over in Jan even though we lose a couple along the way.
To you anybody not a commie is “unqualified”. Then again you believe the daughter fuker and the not-black whore to be qualified so go figure.
Scared, aren’t you.
According to Judge scarsi:
[T]he President asserts that Mr. Biden “was treated differently” from others “who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions,” implying that Mr. Biden was among those individuals who untimely paid taxes due to addiction. But he is not. In his pretrial filings, Mr. Biden represented that he “was severely addicted to alcohol and drugs” “through May 2019.” Upon pleading guilty to the charges in this case, Mr. Biden admitted that he engaged in tax evasion after this period of addiction by wrongfully deducting as business expenses items he knew were personal expenses, including luxury clothing, escort services, and his daughter’s law school tuition. And Mr. Biden admitted that he “had sufficient funds available to him to pay some or all of his outstanding taxes when they were due,” but that he did not make payments toward his tax liabilities even “well after he had regained his sobriety,” instead electing to “spen[d] large sums to maintain his lifestyle” in 2020. According to the President, “[n]o reasonable person who looks at the facts of [Mr. Biden’s] cases can reach any other conclusion than [Mr. Biden] was singled out only because he is [the President’s] son.” But two federal judges expressly rejected Mr. Biden’s arguments that the Government prosecuted Mr. Biden because of his familial relation to the President. And the President’s own Attorney General and Department of Justice personnel oversaw the investigation leading to the charges. In the President’s estimation, this legion of federal civil servants, the undersigned included, are unreasonable people.
Judge Scarsi is not amused by Biden’s submission of a press release in lieu of the pardon itself:
In short, a press release is not a pardon. The Constitution provides the President with broad authority to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, U.S. Const. art. II, § 2, cl. 1, but nowhere does the Constitution give the President the authority to rewrite history.
More lying from Elwoods hero/god.
As I remember, the liberal put rules and laws in place to prevent the killing of rats. Not a joke. Rats are one of the number one killers on earth due to the diseases they can cause.