Democrats don’t do jokes, unless they involve their political foes getting hurt
Does Trump want to annex Canada?
President-elect Donald Trump cracked an old joke about annexing Canada, and Ottawa is still trying to figure out if it was meant to be funny.
Canada as the 51st state is occasionally a topic of conversation on both sides of the border. Homer Simpson once dubbed his northern neighbor “America junior.”
When Trump dined with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last Friday at Mar-a-Lago, the president-elect reportedly tried his own hand at manifest destiny humor.
Trudeau, who traveled to Florida with a small delegation days after Trump threatened across-the-board tariffs on imports from Canada, used his face-time with the incoming president to warn that the measure would punish the Canadian economy.
Fox News sources claimed that’s when Trump floated the idea of statehood for Canada, “which caused the prime minister and others to laugh nervously.”
Sure, a massive super-country would edge past Russia for the largest in the world by land area — and further integrate heavily interconnected supply chains.
But Canadian nationalists have long warned against Canada becoming the 51st state, including during a tense national debate over continental free trade that dominated the 1988 election. As the Canada-U.S. free trade deal expanded to include Mexico, Canada maintained its sovereignty.
Did Politico miss that it was a joke?
Canadian Cabinet ministers were hounded Tuesday by reporters looking for a reaction to the joke — including Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who was at the Mar-a-Lago dinner.
“In a three-hour social evening at the president’s residence in Florida on a long weekend of American Thanksgiving, the conversation was going to be lighthearted,” LeBlanc said. “The president was telling jokes. The president was teasing us.”
LeBlanc’s message: Chill out, everybody.
Chill out, right? But, they needed 14 more paragraphs. It’s a joke, people. Unfortantely, most other Credentialed Media outlets also run on way to long with this, mixing in this and that and the other.
Oh Canada!
— Donald Trump Nation (@DonaldTrumpNat) December 3, 2024
The media needs to lighten up quickly, because Trump’s term hasn’t even started yet.

It’s already starting.
This is the Dems Trump Playbook 2.0. This is exactly what they did in 2016-2020. Every word out of Trump’s mouth was parsed into Stalin/Hitler is speaking again.
Cenk(of the young turds) used X to say he would help Elon and Vivek with DOGE yet, in the same breath, talks about how he hates Trump because Trump wrote a post on X or Truth Social. Now, he is setting himself up to fail. He was on Tim Pool’s podcast talking Trash about Trump while pretending to want to slash the defense budget in half. He can’t be serious about thinking Musk would hire a Trump-hating sycophant to help with DOGE, but there it is.
When he is not selected his narrative for the next four years will be how they don’t want to do things the way CENK wants them done, therefor Trump is Hitler and Stalin and should be incarcerated once he leaves office.
The left will never stop calling Trump Hitler/Stalin. They will never stop the cringe-fest, and every word out of Trump’s mouth or ANY of his cabinet or appointees to help him run the government will encounter two things. Setups so that they will be impeached or taken to court at the first opportunity or so trashed that they will be unable to get anything done without the weasels in the Low-income MSM fighting for their funding from the deep state.
I have zero problem with Biden pardoning his son. I would have done the same thing. We all knew it was coming, and the Dems are now feinting outrage over Biden doing what every one of them would have done.
Trump will never pardon himself. He will love being taken off to prison for Trumped up charges and spending his last few years being the martyr that the Democrats don’t need. It takes courage to fight the good fight as any person sees there own good fight……Trump’s will be the hysteria the right will swarm to the polls and destroy the left in election after election once Trump leaves office.
DO IT. DEMS, I will Write you a check NOW. DO IT. not because you will win but because the ineptitude of your actions will entertain us for however long you attempt to keep a two-term President in prison for politics’ sake.
Big Donnie could NOT stay stupid stuff, but that’s his schtick. Chaos generator.
He could nominate qualified individuals. But he wants the chaos.
The few remaining normal Republicuns are unhappy with Big Donnie., and the American people refused to give him a landslide or a mandate.
With a very unpopular Dem President AND Dem candidate, the voters delivered a lukewarm win for the Republics. Narrow White House, a small majorities in the House and Senate. They won’t impeach him, but they may get little done. And if the Republics decide to play hardball, in two years they’ll lose the House. Bigly. Even the Senate could be in jeopardy, depending on how angry Big Donnie makes the voters.
They did not vote for higher inflation, a recession or 20 million deportations.
60% of people in the US desire deportion of the 30 to 40 million illegals imported by the Dems.
I absolutely support annexing all of Canada other than Ontario and Quebec. Allow Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and the maritime provinces to apply for statehood, but leave British Columbia as a non-voting territory. Improve health care for the Canadians by dumping their socialized medicine system!
The biggest problem? The Canadian Football League teams are junior varsity as far as the NFL is concerned, and I don’t see how they could ever be integrated into our real football. Perhaps put the Edmonton
EskimosElks in the Big Ten, where they might be half-way competitive?None of them would do any good in the Southeastern Conference, though they’d probably be able to beat Kentucky. Kentucky football sucks!
Canada, all or none!! The US could use the electoral votes of Ontario and Quebec.
Not sure if Mr Dana has ever spent time in Canada, but those folks would be a great addition to the US. They are old fashioned conservatives for the most part. They can’t believe Americans use 7 mm and .30-06 for shooting white tail deer. They support their healthcare system!! Of course it costs them 1/2 as much as ours costs us. But we have the world’s most expensive healthcare. By far.
We know, we know, US Americans hate the Canadian system yet more Americans duck into Canada for healthcare than Canadians come here. Ask Sarah Palin!
Canada is largely rural. In the US, rural areas have the worst healthcare coverage, too.
For all his ignorance on so many things, RFK Jr is in favor or more goverment-backed preventive medicine efforts (except of course, the vaccine scams). He’s correct about us eating too much ultra-procecssed foods. But would you support tightening regulations on the producers?
Most MAGAnazis would be happy if Canada annexed New England, Illinois, Mid Atlantic and West Coast, getting rid of 90% of the American ‘communists’.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about do you? You just vomit bullshit and see where it splatters. Wow! How the fuk do you presume to know anything about what would make ” MAGAnazis” happy? You don’t even realize using terms like that is what lost you the election in a virtual landslide!
Just like you refuse to admit the truth about Biden being a senile moron you fail to admit Nazis are leftists. They are socialist’s. It’s even in the name, that’s how stupid you are. No wonder your party will continue to get clobbered in landslide after landslide. It’s a beautiful thing!
You wouldn’t want an America without California, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois? The far-right, aka the MAGAnazis, would own America!
Why did the Repubs barely hold on to their House majority during the MAGAnazi “landslide”? The Senate is unlikely to approve the goofiest of Big Donnie’s appointees.
That’s how stupid you are. Nazism makes the argument that superior people have a right to dominate other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements. That sounds just like you!!
Looking forward two years filled with boneheaded Big Donnie actions, you’ll see a Big Blue wave. It’s inevitable. Not even North Carolina style gerrymandering will save the House. A 50-50 state but sending 10 Republicun Representatives vs 4 Democrats to DC. That’s how you do it, kids!
Point is we did hold on to our majority and don’t you forget it.
No I don’t believe any of us want an America without our fellow Americans. That’s you projecting again. When you party has devolved into communism anyone not far left looks far right. There are few far right groups around. Maybe some White supremacist or moslem sects but anyone else no. Nazis and communists hate each other historically but they are both left wing. So are fascists since conservatives are capitalists and fascists are gov/market mix people. Conservatives and capitalists don’t like big government.
Why am I wasting my time here? You know all this you just won’t accept it.
So does communism or were the 160 million deaths just for fun? You gonna start accusing me of shit I don’t believe again? You want to restart our little war?
Just because you don’t like some group does not make them “far-right. You guys live your politics that way and once again through your projection you figure we do too but we don’t. You gotta get it through your skull we don’t make our politics our religion, you do. That’s why there is no room for God in either communism or fascism. The state is your god. It’s in the book.
Ask yourself LGB when has Rimjob ever been right about anything?
Fuck him. He’s a lying loser who gets his jollys lighting you up.
Rimjob: Why did the Repubs barely hold on… blah, blah, blah,… you’ll see a Big Blue wave. It’s inevitable…
Back to reality.
Add the lyin Biden pardon for his crooked cokehead deviant of a son…
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfuckers!
I saw last night some blog that was “surprised” to see Biden rated as the biggest liar ever in the WH. And that included Nixon. LOL
I would be willing to trade some provinces in Canada for some of the states in the US. We could take Alberta in trade Coastal California, Saskatchewan and Manitoba for Western Oregon and Western Washington, and Nova Scotia for the Metro NYC area and I-87 corridor up to Albany, NY.