Is she this dumb or this brainwashed into the Progressive cult?
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson was slammed on Wednesday after she compared a Tennessee law banning gender transitions for minors to past laws banning interracial marriage.
Jackson and the other justices heard over two hours of oral arguments during the U.S. v. Skrmetti case, which involves the constitutionality of state laws banning gender transition medical procedures for minors.
U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar argued that state laws have the effect of “sex discrimination,” since the minor’s gender is key when determining specific medical treatments for those seeking to transition.
Prelogar is a wackjob, as well
After Prelogar’s remarks and exchanges with the other justices, Jackson said that she saw a “parallel” between U.S. v. Skrmetti and the landmark Loving v. Virginia case in 1967.
“Interesting to me that you mentioned precedent, because some of these questions about sort of who decides and the concerns and legislative prerogatives, etc., sound very familiar to me,” Jackson said. “They sound in the same kinds of arguments that were made back in the day—50s, 60s—with respect to racial classifications and inconsistencies. I’m thinking in particular about Loving v. Virginia, and I’m wondering whether you thought about the parallels, because I see one as to how this statute operates and how the anti-miscegenation statutes in Virginia operated.”
Jackson also said there was a “potential comparison” between the Loving case and Skrmetti and wondered if Virginia could have banned interracial marriage by following Tennessee’s reasoning.
Got that? She compared banning giving children all sorts of drugs and mutilating their bodies to banning interracial marriage. Now, just imagine a President Harris packing the Court with a bunch of barking moonbats like KBJ.
Oh, and
Rice: "How many minors have to have their bodies irreparably harmed for unproven benefits?"
Sotomayor: "Every medical treatment has risk. Even taking Aspirin."
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 4, 2024
How did it become so important to mutilate children to Democrats?

Right-wing social media and Mr Teach are all in a uproar over what that dumb Negress Supreme Court Justice said!! LOL. Surprise, surprise, surprise!
She wants to cut off boys dicks!!
Of course, the justice was making a nuanced argument about civil rights, which escaped Mr Teach and the RW social media legal beagles.
Don’t worry boys and girls, the right-wing Supremes will allow the Tennessee broad ban on treatments to survive. In many cases, the government knows best on how to live your life, and your own healthcare needs.
And no one is cutting of childrens genitals, despite what emissions come across dumb Donnie’s lips. The broad Tennesse ban was about using hormonal treatments in minors. The opponents of the ban claim the decision belongs to the parents, the patient and their doctors, not the State.
Carry on, boys.
Dumbest commenter posts dumbest comment. Adds a little racism too.
Carry on, dumbass.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
So dumb it’s “Rimjobesque”.
LOL. OBSESSION! A New Odor Emanating from The Pissant
Huh. So the justice who doesn’t know what a woman is just made “a nuanced argument about civil rights.”
I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting you really believe what you just said.
Chickey Man (???)
And no one is cutting of childrens genitals, despite what emissions come across dumb Donnie’s lips.
The ultimate step in gender-affirming medical treatment is surgery, which is uncommon in patients under age 18. Some children’s hospitals and gender clinics don’t offer surgery to minors, requiring that they be adults before deciding on procedures that are irreversible and carry a heightened risk of complications.
The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021.
As you Lefties often say re gun deaths….One is too many…
If they “found” 56 you can bet there were at least twice if no ten times that. Leftists have been lying about everything for years including Covid deaths, number of abortions and any other “medical” issue they can turn political. We know they are compulsive pathological liars so expect it.
These people keep using the term “sex assigned at birth” like some dude sits there in the paternity ward pointing to males and females like Nazis in death camps did with prisoners. One’s sex is determined (not assigned) at conception by the chromosomes.
The term gender dysphoria is a psychology term because it’s a psychological not physical problem.
Remember the Democratic party chain of lies.
Step 1: That isn’t true
Step 2: Well, it’s true, but it’s not as bad as our opponents claim.
Step 3: Well, it is as bad as they claim, but there’s a really good reason.
Step 4: Racist, Sexist, Homophobe.
They are already on step 4.
Have you had your genes karyotyped? If not, how do you know you have a normal Y chromosome.
In fact, a single normal gene, SRY, on the Y chromosome determines the progression to maleness. Get this, there are XY women and XX men!! There could be 10,000 or more XX men walking amongst us! Maybe you!
Trans men and women are different. You hate things that are different. You wish they would disappear or at least hide.
As kindly as possible, I’ll type, you do not know what you’re talking about.
One is too many. This is an act of torture.
You really got to stop that psycho shit of telling other people what they hate. It’s stupid. You have little knowledge of what I hate or what I love. And we will keep it that way. But I can say Things that are different are not on my hate list.
Right back at ya since you constantly speak of others as if you are some kind of all knowing god.
Why just the other day Rimjob, by far the dumbest commenter here, claimed there are “100s of thousands” trannys amongst us.
Who knew?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Comin to getcha!
Casey Jones,
So over 3 years, 56 teen patients with a previous diagnosis of gender dysphoria had a genital surgery. Proving? Nothing.
There are dozens of possible genital surgeries. Cryptorchidism (over 7000/year), hypospadias (1 out of every 150 male births, 10,000/year), vulvar reconstruction in CAH patients, hydrocele, cystocele, testicular torsion, tumors … most genital surgeries are not for sexual reassignment.
There were at least 150,000 teens with gender dysphoria during the time period. So fewer than 56 had genital surgery related to that. How many fewer?
Got another Copy&Paste from the dumbest commenter (Rimjob) here at the Cove.
Being stupid is not “assigned” at birth.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker
The MAGA Motherfucker copies and pastes his own stupid shit. LOL
I’m just trying to help you dumbasses. You can’t be accidentally this dumb – it has to be intentional.
Add another dumb comment to the long list of dumbest comments from the dumbest commenter here at the Cove.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker Comin to Getcha!
The cowardly MAGA Motherfucker is not coming to get anyone. He’s provent that he’s a complete and total pussy. Meow!
Ckickie Man (??)
Proving? Nothing.
It proves that you either didn’t know or lied when you wrote:
And no one is cutting of childrens genitals, despite what emissions come across dumb Donnie’s lips.
I’ll be generous and opt for the former. After all, stupid is as stupid does.
Casey Jones,
Again. Proving nothing. Try again.
Casey Jones,
I’ll type slowly so you might understand. Thousands of teens undergo genital surgery every year. Several thousands of teen have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. No doubt, some of the genital surgery patients have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, like the common hypospadias.
Do you have ANY evidence these are transition surgeries? If you do, we can discuss that. If not, consider it a learning experience.
Not that you’re interested in learning, but read:
GEt this, Casey. The most common of gender-affirming surgery in 15-17 teens (97%) are cisgender males getting breast reductions!!
Cisgender males are assigned male at birth that want to stay males. They just have too much boobage. In teen males, hormone production often includes a bit of excess estrogen causing gynecomastia. Would you ban these surgeries too?
Why should we believe your numbers when you lefties spent years lying to us about Covid? You’re still lying to us about Biden. And what on earth does “too much boobage” have to do with irreversible sex changes?
Procedures that actually help children are fine we are not talking about that. Repairing cleft lips and palates, repairing limb defects and others actually do help kids. Taking a little boy aside and explaining he is a boy is how you treat dysphoria of a three year old, not cutting his dick and balls off.
The most common malady afflicting MAGAnazis is denial. Don’t want to face the truth – deny it!! One way to ‘believe’ the numbers is to read the citations. Obviously, it’s just easier to listen to Big Donnie et al.
Makes it easy to stay ignorant.
Do you believe, like the Head MAGAnazi Big Donnie, that 3 year old boys are getting de-dicked? Are you that stupid? That’s rhetorical.
The most common malady afflicting democommies is denial. Don’t want to face the truth – deny it!! That’s how you just lost an election in a landslide. Denying your candidate was a moron. Denying your platform was anti American. One way to ‘believe’ the numbers is to read the testimony of doctors around the world and watching the leftists on YouTube brag about the procedures. Obviously, it’s just easier to listen to the homo/tranny/pervert establishment and watch RuPaul.
Do you believe, the LGBT propaganda, that 3 year old boys are not getting de-dicked? Are you that stupid? That’s rhetorical.
Rimjob seems overly concerned about little boys dicks…
Hmmm… wonder why.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Your cult leader, Big Donnie, claims parents were dropping off young sons at school but picking up a daughter.
Are you seriously claiming that surgeons are performing gender-affirming surgeries on 3 year old boys?????
It would be interesting to see if Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson can score high enough on the LSAT to be accepted into Law School today. From what we’ve seen so far she is EXHIBIT A for doing away with affirmative Action.
But Mommy I want to keep my dick.
Bwaha! Lolgf!
Unassailable logic-“If you can’t legally consent to sex you certainly cannot legally consent to a sex change.”
Nancy Mace