Well, the climate cult is starting the doomsaying for Christmas a bit early this year. Usually the doomy prognostications start around the 15th
Climate Matters: Climate change puts a strain on local Christmas trees
Christmas trees in Mid-Missouri have been changing with the climate, and Wayne Harmon with Starr Pines has had to change with it.
His Christmas tree farm near Boonville has been in business for over three decades and grows several species of trees. “The pines, they can weather the type of weather we have here in Missouri. The hot, dry weather, if it gets moist, the pines are real hardy.” Harmon said, but others are a bit more of a challenge. “The firs, they’re used to kinda being up in the mountains and getting good rain and having really good soil. So we’re at a lower elevation, hotter, drier weather.”
While firs may not be as suited for Missouri’s climate, they are popular among consumers. “The customers love the firs. It’s become the number one tree in the United States. So we have tried very diligently to provide the firs for our customers.” Harmon said.
That means using a lot more water to keep the more sensitive fir trees satisfied. “We’ve learned over the last 20 some years in order to keep the firs alive you have to baby them, you have to give them water.” Harmon explained, and he says this has been a challenge recently.
“With growing this season, this year it was a little of a challenge. It was dry when we planted and our fir trees, we started irrigating within several weeks of planting. And we kept the irrigation running until about the middle of October.” Harmon said that is the longest time he’s had to run irrigation on the fir trees, except for possibly in 2012 during those drought years.
ZOMG, you mean the weather can change from year to year, and there can be warmer and cooler, wetter and drier periods that last for years? That the weather is not the same every year? This is the kind of anti-science garbage you get from a cult.
Future years may be tough on Missouri’s Christmas tree businesses. The growing season is lengthening, bringing more bugs and exposing budding plants to late-season cold snaps. Dry spells are getting longer, while the wet days in between are getting extremely wet. This combination strains trees with drought while exposing them to mold and diseases after heavy rain events.
So, what would have happened during the Little Ice Age? Or, how about the Medieval Climate Optimum? Roman Warm Period? Oh, right, those were normal and caused by nature, unlike today’s warm period, per cult doctrine.

A leader of the anti-science cult asks: what would have happened during the Little Ice Age? Or, how about the Medieval Climate Optimum? Roman Warm Period?
It’s likely the Christmas tree worshipers had a difficult time finding the perfect Christmas tree.
Can a male become a female? Can a male menstruate? Tell us all about how we deny science. You seem to think science is a static idea decided by consensus. That’s the opposite of science.
Once again, lacking an intelligent response you attack peoples religion with childish Christmas tree insults. Very mature of you Elwood.
What makes a male a male?
What makes a ‘winner’ so angry all the time?
Anyway, my point was I doubt the christians of North America during the Medieval Warm Period missed Xmas trees.
What makes Rimjob such a loser?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Too funny-“anti-science cult”. Science is a process, not a thing.
Processes are things, too. But you’re learning, grasshopper.