If only you had stopped eating meat, took cold showers, and given your liberty to government this wouldn’t be a problem. Anyhow, cBS News is seemingly the first big media outlet to trot out the old “heat trapping gases make snow worse”
Good grief, these people. This is the ravings of a cult.

Our esteemed host began:
The left know about showers? Who knew?
The right knows about liberty? Who knew?
We wouldn’t expect a democommie to know what Liberty is. You guys censored free speech on the net, try to confiscate guns, refused to give Trump or the 1/6 defendants a fair trial, and that’s just a start.
Two things disappeared in 2020 we have no explanation for: 1. The Flu, 2. Biden’s disappearing 16 million votes. Both indicate a loss of Liberty.
Love you brother but the reduced flu in 2020 can be explained by greatly reduced travel and greatly improved personal hygiene.
I figure the flu disappeared in 2020 because the leftist/commies renamed it Covid and every sniffle suddenly became Covid instead of the flu.
Realize that both Covid and influenza are diagnosed by assays (science!).
Influenza was down for the reasons Mr Lewis explained – hand washing, masking, reduced exposures – working from home etc.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
Covid and flu are both diagnosed by doctors, not assays. Doctors make the diagnosis and doctors make the determination on treatment. I’m tired of you bullshit. My three siblings are all doctors. They make the diagnosis and they do the treatments.
I have no doubt some of the downtick of flu was due to those things. But when the flu was taking 40-60,000 people a year then Covid appears and it drops to 12,000 it can’t be just because people washed their hands. You really do believe anything the narrative tells you.
That statement may have been true pre Obama/Biden/Harris but today along with the constant government lying it is no longer believable.
Some things are conspiracies Elwood. Covid was one of them.
On some issues, you’re idiotic. ‘Nuff said.
We can’t argue Covid or 2020 election with you.
the laws of thermodynamic and entropy have been overturned? who knew? when will the greenies trot out the perpetual motion machines?
If you would, please explain how you feel the laws of thermodynamics and entropy must be overturned to explain global warming.
2000-“Will children know what snow is…?”
Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary – Vindicating Trump | Full Movie
Other areas can have less snow!
Water freezes at 32°F or 0°C. Frozen water is frozen at 31°F or 20°F or 10°F but at 31°F the atmosphere can contain more water vapor!! Hence, more snow. This ‘nonsense’ is now taught in schools!!
Anyway, former Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) proved global warming was a scam by bringing a snowball to the Senate.
Chickie Little Man (??)
Given that warmer air can carry more water….
But where does the cold front come from in a world that has warmed?
The severe bad weather in the spring, with its tornados, thunderstorms, etc. Occur when a cold front runs into warm air. So it would seem that man made global warming would lead to warmer cold fronts thus reducing the interaction with warm fronts reducing bad weather in favor of just rain.
If the mean temperature of the Arctic increases a couple of degrees, it’s still cold!
The colder air still undercuts the warm moist air.
Chickie Little Man
Try reading what i wrote
“warmer cold fronts thus reducing the interaction with warm fronts reducing bad weather in favor of just rain.
More snow!!! That’s great news, more snow = more runoff = more water in the Great Lakes = higher lake levels = more places I can get into with my boat.
Life is good.
We have ‘global warming’ because on day one the Federal government doled out lucrative grants to anyone who’d write a paper saying global warming was real. Zero grant money for those who said global warming was not real. Wanna see global warming disappear? Have the government dole out lucrative grants to all those who will write papers explaining how global warming does not exist.
While they’re at it how about billions for research showing transsexualism is a lie, EV’s suck and create more environmental damage than they solve and joe biden is a fuking liar for stating 1000 times he would not pardon his rapist drug addled scumbag son?
We are not going to be bullied any more, lied to or cheated out of our election victories. Death to traitors!
Not sure how billions for research will show transgenderism is a lie. It would be a lot cheaper to just push dishonest stories on FOX, Daily Caller, Gateway etc. On the other hand,Fat Donnie’s primary objective is to get taxpayer dollars into the bank accounts of his family and buddies.
Why are you so angry? Has Fat Donnie not promised enough retribution against “the enemy from within”? Are you hoping Fat Donnie cracks down on those who mock him?
I’m not angry I’m tickled pink. Just watching you people twist in the wind is reward enough for our landslide and the best is yet to come.
You are all liars. Is senile joe still technically president? I see blowjob harris is back on the mainland spreading discontent (and her legs no doubt).
You’re not? So we finally found something a communist won’t piss away money on. Glory Hallelujah!
Are you planning on remaining ignorant, uninformed and stuck in your bubble of misinformation all through Trumps second term?
We noticed your pet H as vanished since the election. Think maybe he realized he was lied to for years and now, like us he’s pissed?
Or has he joined the rich leftists and fled to his (now flooded, LOL) castle in England?
We’ve been watching you crazed leftists/commies on TicTok and YouTube for the last week and it is glorious. In the last election the media gave a 78% positive coverage to Harris but only 15% to Trump that’s 68% more but he still won in a landslide. Americans are waking up!
Transgender is considered to be a psychosis and believing that one is the opposite sex is a delusion. Now, Jeff will say that the psychosis is not list in the book of diagnosis, which is a lame argument as not all mental illness is properly identified. Regardless, there is no treatment for this, surgery does not work.
I don’t watch tiktok at all, and only watch music videos on youtube.
My plan for the coming Big Donnie the Whore 4 years is to resist the outcomes of his worst instincts. There is only so much harm He can do by EO, but He’ll certainly try. His handlers, Putin, Bannon, Musk etc are in charge. There is a limit to what evil He can accomplish without a solid House advantage. He will tell Bondi and Patel to pursue charges against Benny Thompson, Liz Cheney etc.
What is H?
You adore Big Donnie the Whore because he is horny bully like you. But at his age, his whoring days may be winding down. His last sex scandal/rape/assault/bribe was years ago, so he may spare us that embarrassment. Yay. To our knowledge, Vice President Harris has not been accused of rape or assault.
doc davy-boy continues to attack me personally although he whines if I respond. Poor boy.
We still don’t understand why MAGAnazis are so upset! You won. Is your total domination of ‘other’ Americans not happening fast enough?
Gender dysphoria IS in DSM-5 and is real. It is not a psychosis, just as narcissitc personality disorder. major depressive disorder, sociopathic personality disorder are not psychoses but are in DSM-5.
Underground aquifers are replenished more from snowmelt than rainwater. So it sounds like more snowfall would be a good idea.
Covid and flu are both diagnosed by doctors, not assays. Doctors make the diagnosis and doctors make the determination on treatment. I’m tired of you bullshit. My three siblings are all doctors. They make the diagnosis and they do the treatments.
I have no doubt some of the downtick of flu was due to those things. But when the flu was taking 40-60,000 people a year then Covid appears and it drops to 12,000 it can’t be just because people washed their hands. You really do believe anything the narrative tells you.
That statement may have been true pre Obama/Biden/Harris but today along with the constant government lying it is no longer believable.
Some things are conspiracies Elwood. Covid was one of them.
Now you are just splitting hairs to make a point. You do that frequently. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders lists all kinds of stuff. IF gender dysphoria in not a psychosis then it’s a neurosis. It matters not. Either way it’s a personality/psychiatric ailment and needs to be treated not encouraged.
That’s where your mental illness pops out all the time: your need to project your own nefarious thoughts on others or in your case “your enemies”. We conservatives have no need or desire to “dominate” others. That’s an area you leftists/commies/fascists have historically cornered the market on. We would just like to see you sick minded nuts take time to talk to us and realize that. But after all these years and all the times leftists (even in America) have deprived others of their rights, freedom and even lives even smart guys like you get sucked into the vortex of propaganda and seemingly can find no way out.
You couldn’t help yourself from calling me a whore and a bully. You can’t control those hateful instincts programed in with your commie agenda. It’s the way you are. You had to call Trump filthy names. Just calling him political names is not good enough. Your leftist program kicks in and you gotta get in the gutter. It’s the way you are.
Your inability to see your own illogic is amazing.
You label the truth as “splitting hairs”. Psychoses and neuroses are different animals.
Back when homosexuality was considered a mental illness, society made it illegal, tortured homosexuals with so-called conversion therapy, discriminated against them in hiring and marriage and even murdered them. Now these persons are much more accepted in society.
So, how to treat gender dysphoria? Counseling for certain. Treatment of the associated anxiety and depression. For many it’s hormone treatments and surgeries.
MAGAnazis would much prefer to not treat gender dysphoria in hopes the victims just stay miserable, and hopefully, take their own lives.
Untreated severe depression is often fatal. Should that stay untreated?
Do you approve of teenage boys having breast reduction surgery when their androgens kick in and some conversion to estrogens caused breast growth? Breast growth in these boys is harmless and will subside yet they are bothered greatly about having boobs in high school. Some are treated with potent chemicals – anti-estrogens. Isn’t that a mental problem being treated with chemicals and cosmetic surgery? Why not wait until they are 18 so they can decide as an adult.
LOL. You call me a communist. You call Vice President Harris a whore and a cocksucker. But you’re upset when I call you a whore and a bully like Trump. If VP Harris is a whore, Trump is an even bigger whore. You see that, don’t you? Or are only women whores? Is that your point?
Cons famously insult everyone with whom the disagree with vile names but then are aggrieved when it’s returned.
Your inability to see you own illogic is amazing.
There you go again, projecting your feelings on others. None of us ever said anything like that. Apologize for slandering us! LOL. Of course we know people like you never apologize.
They are both mental diseases are they not? That’s like saying Cadillacs and Chevy’s are different animals. Yeah, and they’re both cars.
I call you a communist because you are a communist. Almost everything you support including the democrat party was and is currently supported by communists and the CPUSA. Every side you take in politics is the extreme leftist side. That would be communist. I can’t be held responsible when you look in the mirror and see a svelte George Washington. That’s part of your psychosis. You don’t see yourself like others see you. And I do call Vice President Harris a whore and a cocksucker which is okay because of two reasons: first she’s a public figure so that’s okay I would not call you that it would be a personal attack, and second she IS provably a whore and a cocksucker. Her history regarding that is indisputable.
I do see that. And Trump as a public figure especially a politician is fair game in my opinion. But I am neither a whore nor a bully and to call me personal insults like that shows a particular disregard for our interpersonal respect which we should have for one another. My bad talk only came about because you took personal umbrage at my nasty remarks about your favorite politicians. Then you went personal, not me.
I have nothing personal against you Elwood. I do think you are entirely wrong in your politics and totally lost in your religion but there’s nothing I can do about that. What I’ve been trying to do lately is not call you personal insults. It’s difficult because of our history but I’m trying. I’m also amuse how you call ME a bully when it is you who uses personal information I said in good faith to beat me over the head especially after knowing how much it hurts me to have lost my kids to two money grubbing women. I am a big tough fireman but that actually hurts me. Very little does but that does. And it’s unnecessary since it can’t change anything, make anything better or prove any of your points. It does however, show once again your proclivity toward projection when you call me a bully while deliberately hurting and bullying me. But you can’t see that.
I don’t want to continue with this comment so TTFN.
As my dad would say, you have more excuses than Carter has Little Liver Pills.
I call you a MAGAnazi because you are! I call you a whore and a bully because you are. See how that works?
Big Donnie is pubic figure and an admitted whore, and appears to be a rapist and a sexual assaulter. Do you like it when I point that out?
No duoubt Tulsi Gabbard is a cocksucker. Do you know any female public figures who haven’t sucked a cock or two? Pam Bondi? Joanie Ernst? Melania Trump? Ivanka Trump?
Do you believe it’s classy to refer to others sex lives? Why do you do it?
YOU used my personal information to threaten me and my grown children. I had to resort to attacks to shut you up! You understood that because it stopped your attacks. You’ve tried to actually harm me and my family while I hurt your feelings.
I see how you think the problem is I am neither a whore nor a bully. So you are a liar. See how that works?
I should have known it was a waste of time but I tried again.
MAGAnazis exist only in you crazy Karen mind Elwood. No such thing. You’re just making shit up like I do with democommie.
It doesn’t bother me in the least. Like I explained as long as you don’t accuse someone of something untrue you are fine with me. Your problem is you have to step it up to outrageous allegations and lies. Neither of us need that. You don’t need to accuse people of things they didn’t do especially crimes! It serves no purpose. That’s why we can’t trust what you say. You say so much that we all know isn’t true.
Was I actually referring to her sex life? Are you stupid? I was just calling her a dirty name as a politician until you made her previous adulterous cock sucking a moral fact. You could have said “Trump’s a cocksucker too” and that was the spirit in which I said it. You took it personally because she’s “your girl”.
I was trying to let you know we were getting too nasty. BTW, your attacks didn’t shut me up. My conscience did. Something which obviously you have little of. I have not tried to “actually harm you and your family” but I was afraid if you kept pushing I would. Unlike you I don’t destroy lives, I save them.