Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are barking, and the chill of winter is in the air. This pinup is by Bill Medcalf with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- The American Conservative: The Suicide of Britain
- The First Street Journal: Is it possible that our friends on the left prefer journolism to journalism?
- The Gateway Pundit: Judicial Bombshell: Federal Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Trial Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden for 75 Years
- Theo Spark: Consequences of Ignoring Reality …….from Rico
- This ain’t Hell…: Team Biden created customer profiles based on purchase data: Conservatives and Christians targeted
- Victory Girls Blog: Neil deGrasse Tyson Doubles Down On Trans Athlete Stance
- Moonbattery: Female Impersonator Wins Model of the Year
- Legal Insurrection: Trump Meets World Leaders, Attends Reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in France
- Jihad Watch: At the Vatican, Pope Francis puts baby Jesus in cradle draped with ‘Palestinian’ keffiyeh
- IOTW Report: How the Federal Government Weaponized the Bank Secrecy Act to Spy on Americans
- Geller Report: NATO Ally Erdogan Calls For The End of Western Civilization
- Blogs For Victory: A Racism Interlude
- Bearing Arms: 2A Advocates Advise Trump to ‘Replace’ and ‘Reform’ Biden’s Anti-Gun Actions
- Watts Up With That?: How the Trump Administration Can Make Nuclear Energy Popular With Women
- And last, but, not least, Real Science has Nothing Nuclear Winter Can’t Fix
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader
- Starting with The Daley Gator (now over at If You Are Left You Ain’t Right), which has some DaleyBabes. And more babes. And some linkage.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links. And Friday Links. And a free society is armed.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- AcidCow has Acid pic dump.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday Babe. And Palm Sunday. And a floatsam and jetsam.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Rule 5 Friday. And more during the week.
- bluebird of bitterness has your funnies.
- Bookworm Room has the Bookworm Beat.
- Bunkerville has passel of fun and mayhem.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has a Good Monday Morning.
- Don Surber has highlights of the week.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx. And Friday’s Larwyn’s Linx.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 girls with guns. And more during the week.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies. And the week in radical leftism.
- LMAO has cartoons and memes.
- Irons In The Fire has some funnies, and more during the week.
- Izismile has weekend pic dump.
- Klyker has pic dump.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has women who are surely taken. And has something to leave you with. And has more fun all week long.
- Maggies Farm has Links. And more links. And does this all during the week.
- Ned Hardy has photos to remind you life is beautiful.
- Sonoran Conservative has some rule 5.
- The Feral Irishman has Friday Femme Fatale, and lots more stuff during the week.
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies .
- The Other McCain has Rule 5 Sunday. And In The Mailbox.
- The Chive has lingerie.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- The View from Lady Lake has Twisted Hillbilly.
- Theo Spark has clown world.
- This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories. And stupid people of the week.
- Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage.
- Vlad Tepes has interesting stories.
- And wrapping up with Woodsterman, who has Rule 5 Woodsterman Style, and plenty more during the week.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?
Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

An ally of Big Donnie, Tulsi, Iran and Putin, Bashir Assad and his smokin’ wife have fled Syria. Another tyrant falls to be replaced by Islamist radicals. And Putin’s foray into the middle east coming crashing down.
Any other news, Russia has been identified as running criminal money-laundering operations in at least 30 countries. Last week, the United States Treasury sanctioned the key figures at the top of the network.
Can we admit that Russia is a shithole country, even worse than Iran?
Our socialist from St Louis wrote:
Qualitatively, I certainly agree; quantitatively is a matter for debate. But just because Russia and Iran are [insert slang term for feces here]hole countries does not mean I want us to go to war against them.
Our MAGAnazi from Lexington typed: does not mean I want us to go to war against them (Russia and Iran).
Who does? On the other hand America doesn’t need to reward Russia, do we?
President-to-be wants to hand, what he refers to as the ‘demolished Ukraine’ to his ally Putin, and was today making noises about pulling out of NATO, obviously to Putin’s delight. Trump’s nominated DNI, Mrs Williams, has been a supporter of Putin and Assad.
FULL INTERVIEW: President Trump on Meet The Press | 12-08-2024
Putin’s massive international money-laundering system involves crypto-currencies!! Our President-to-be just opened his own crypto-currency company!!
We have no longer have any legal oversight. US and global financial criminals now act with impunity.
Elon Musk donated $273 MILLION to Big Donnie’s campaign efforts. In addition, his companies have AT LEAST $15 BILLION in US contracts!! And he wants to eliminate NASA. That’s a great investment for the world’s second richest man!
BTW, our 800 billionaires now possess over 50% of America’s wealth!!
Nothing to see here, folks. Bend over and take it like a man.
Kinda like your investors in Galera, huh Rimjob?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
Maga47 Motherfucker!
Assad has reportedly arrived in Moscow. Murdering dictators stick together.
Was Mrs Abraham Williams involved?
[…] as always to The Other McCain, Pirate’s Cove, Flappr, Bacon Time and If You’re Left You Ain’t Right for the Rule Five […]