There have been all sorts of prognostications of the Arctic being ice free, and none of them have come to fruition, yet, no one has been forced to apologize or been fired. Al Gore famously stated that it would be ice free in 2014.
An Ice-Free Arctic Could Come Before 2030, Study Finds
Ice loss in the Arctic has long been a sign of climate change, but an Arctic entirely free of ice has still seemed a long way off.
Not so, according to a recent study, which found that the Arctic could see its first ice-free day before the end of the decade.
The term “ice-free” is approximate since small patches of ice will cling to Greenland and the northern edges of Canada long after the rest of the Arctic has melted. Researchers measure the amount of frozen Arctic in “sea ice extent,” meaning areas with at least 15 percent of sea ice concentration. The Arctic is considered ice-free when there are less than one million square kilometers of sea ice.
It is hard to predict when exactly this will happen. Models consistently underestimate ice loss, and global weather patterns affect conditions at the Poles. But this most recent study found it could be as early as 2027.
Combining 11 different climate models, researchers Celine Heuze and Alexandra Jahn examined over 300 scenarios for the future of ice in the Arctic. Nearly one-tenth of them showed the first ice-free day occurring within the next 10 years, with the earliest prediction only a few years away. Even conservative models estimate the Arctic will be free of ice within 30 years.
Ah. So, they really do not know, they’re just guessing with their computer models, and, as usual, focus on their “worst case”. But, they give themselves an out with the 30 year prognostication. And if that doesn’t happen, no one will remember this one.
We can prevent this, though
According to researchers, the good news is that “if we could keep warming below the Paris Agreement target of 1.5 °C of global warming, ice-free days could potentially still be avoided.”
So, give up your money and freedom to government and we can “do something.”

ARCTIC Summer Ice Hasn’t Declined in a Decade, Climate Scientists Covered It Up. The press and the global warming crowd deliberately suppress the fact that ANTARCTICA has had record cold, snow and ice accumulation for decades. Even the last few years, ANTARCTICA , snow and ice have hit record numbers.
The number of catastrophic hurricanes and tornadoes has dwindled the last couple of decades.
The so-called doomed Great Barrier Reef is thriving and growing.
The oceans have not risen appreciably other than the normal waxing and waning of ice melt and evaporation cycles
That all may be true Bill but watch out for that CO2:
Arctic sea ice area/extent and volume has decreased. Arctic sea ice older than two years is almost all gone.
But relax, MAGA! Co-president Musk has targeted NASA and NOAA for cancellation. No more ice extent and volume measurements to bother you!
No more analyses of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets!
Trump has “targeted” neither for “cancellation”. Are you going to spend the next twelve years lying about everything to try and scare people?
Mr White,
Are you denying that Mr Musk and Mr Ramaswamy (the DOGE-boyz) put NASA and NOAA on his cancellation list.
Will president-to-be Trump be able to resist the worst impulses of the newly formed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), headed by billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, who recommended cancelling a long list of government functions (e.g., Veterans Healthcare) to save 0.5 trillion budget dollars in year one?
You had a typo. You typed twelve when you meant two. Two is when the GOPhers lose the House in an actual landslide. This MAY keep the GOPhers in line. Maybe not. You underestimate the American voter.
I have been known to underestimate the American voter more than once. This was not one of those times.
Yes, I are. Mostly because your citation is from a very left wing non independent source, CBS. They have been front and center among the media liars for the last ten years. I have no reason to believe them now. Since they lie in favor of the left 100% of the time you have no reason to doubt them unless you too are tired of the lies.
You and CBS are confusing cutting with cancelling. NASA and NOAA like a hundred other agencies are “scheduled” for an audit and a complete “going over” in search of waste/fraud/abuse primarily then to identify redundancy and obsolete programs to be cut.
Are you going to pick and choose every leftist leaning agency to fight NOT to make more efficient? Are you going in with us to attempt that which has been promised but never delivered by every president/administration since Eisenhower, to trim the federal bureaucracy? If so why? What benefit is it to the American taxpayer to carry this burden any longer? Does it like flooding America with illegals somehow help the democrat party and therefore you are going to fight it?
Spell out these “worst impulses” for us uneducated bitter clingers. What can an unfunded powerless department in an advisory capacity only do that would be their “worst impulses”? And there you go once again with that age old envy the left throws around so often. Being billionaires does not disqualify men from using their experience and intellect from contributing to America’s prosperity, does it? How much will we pay theses men? Nothing! So here we have some of the richest and most successful businessmen on earth and you sarcastically question their capability? Why? Because unlike the thieves and grifters on the left they can’t be bought with promises of “10% for the Big Guy”?
Spare us your envy, jealousy and selfishness. Learn to be graceful these men want to help and try some gratitude.
Mr White,
As I’ve said many times before, the new breed of conservatives just deny anything they don’t want to believe. Tell us – where do YOU get your trusted information? The Cove? Gateway? FOX News? You’ve not supplied any citations to support your contentions. Ever.
We do not question their abilities – we question their motives.
Billionaires Musk and Ramaswamy have very obvious conflicts of interest.
Musk’s corporations have at least $15 BILLION in current contracts with the US government!!! If he can push Trump to relax even more environmental regulations he’ll benefit. Your taxes are already paying Musk!
Congressional Repubs are right now discussing how to ‘streamline’ Medicare and Social Security. I hope you don’t rely on either of those functions!!
Post WWII the US trimmed the national debt to nearly nothing while building universities, schools, the middle class, interstate highways, bridges, dams, libraries and airports. This was reversed starting in 1981 when the debt was tripled under Presidents Reagan and Bush I. Later, a Republican Congress and President Clinton once again slashed the annual deficits (with a booming economy!), in part, from VP Gore’s Reinventing Government programs. Unlike the BILLIONAIRES, who consider working less than 80 hrs a week being lazy, the Repubs and Clinton didn’t threaten to fire millions of workers.
The ‘vision’ of these BILLIONAIRES is that lazy thieves comprise the working class.
Like you I get my information from a variety of sources none of which would I consider far left nor DNC propaganda outlets. Unlike you I figure my conservative outlets are tilted too however experience has proved they do not quite rise to the level of disinformation leftist outlets do. Probably because leftist outlets have been getting away with it so long they feel entitled.
I don’t usually use citations because I learned long ago that appeals to authority are a logical fallacy. That’s how you got caught up in believing all that Russia, Russia, Russia Covid masks and distancing shit and biden won in 2020. You allowed “experts” in authority to direct your opinions but failed to consider both sides.
When you make comments here it’s like God on Mt. Sinai. You don’t put out opinions, you make LAWS! That’s just not me. I put out my opinion and look at others. My comments are my opinions, not the Laws of Hammurabi. I also consider as many sides as I can see. But I am partial to the conservative side. You of course are completely open minded, always consider other peoples positions and once you decide can never be wrong and therefore never need to apologize. I think that’s called “cock sure”.
BTW, one of my sources I consider is your opinions which I read here. Occasionally I agree with you until you delve into you cult stuff like climate or start slinging silly excuses for denying science about abortion or genders. Then I gotta bow out.
I’ll give you an example: Trump has stated (often) he wants to not tax tips and overtime. I think both should be taxed as income since they both are. I see no reason in fairness nor logic why certain workers should have part of their earnings tax exempt. Now overtime is a little trickier as that would pertain to everyone getting overtime. But tips are only certain sectors so that’s not equitable.
See? Not citations. No “experts”. Just my lowly deplorable opinion.
Chickie Little Man
Musk’s corporations have at least $15 BILLION in current contracts with the US government!!! If he can push Trump to relax even more environmental regulations he’ll benefit. Your taxes are already paying Musk!
These contracts are for doing things that the government wants.
Would you shut down NASA? Deny internet service to the flyover folks?
Chickie Little Man (???)
This was reversed starting in 1981 when the debt was tripled under Presidents Reagan and Bush I.
Chickie, quit telling lies by omission and distortion.
As you, the tax cuts that Reagan got through Congress caused revenue to double. But spending went up because the Democrats tripled spending. Presidents do not make the budgets. That’s Congress’s job.
You’re lying or ignorant. The president signs the spending bills.
Personal income tax revenues fell while payroll tax revenues increased! He cut income taxes and increased Social Security and Medicare taxes. Defense spending was increased significantly.
Mr White,
I forgot. Mr Musk wants his Starlink low Earth orbit satellite system to become THE system for supplying high speed internet to rural areas. He is in direct competition with fiber-optic companies already working. Musk is in a position to influence the decision.
Fiber optic is faster and more stable and reliabie than Starlink. The monthly charges for both are similar – $60-100 for fiber optic, $120 for Starlink (+ $500 – 2500 startup/equipment costs). Starlink is good for providing high-speed internet to underserved areas but also requires dishes to be installed, which can be an issue for apartment buildings.
Instead of saying I trust science and experts, it would be more honest to say “I don’t have the cognitive capacity to think critically for myself”.
davy boy,
That’s an amazing admission. God bless you!!
If your GP suspected cancer and sent you for a diagnostic procedure and of 10 oncology experts, 9 recommended chemotherapy but 1 recommended prayer and vitamins, who would you believe? The nine or the one?
Experts are experts for a reason.
I’d believe all of them, I’d get chemotherapy, take vitamins and pray. You, as a heathen most likely don’t realize it but prayer helps many people heal. Plus, God sometimes answers prayers with the right doctor.
Pray all you want if it makes you feel better.
It seems you problem with Musk and Vivek stems from your own inability to deal honestly and fairly in a fiduciary position. I happen to trust these two men to do the right thing in these particular circumstances because I know I would. My projection comes from a different place and a different brand of character than yours. It seems you democrats just can’t trust people mostly because you can’t trust yourselves. LOL
Chickie Little Man
Musk’s corporations have at least $15 BILLION in current contracts with the US government!!! If he can push Trump to relax even more environmental regulations he’ll benefit. Your taxes are already paying Musk!
These contracts are for doing things that the government wants.
Would you shut down NASA? Deny internet service to the flyover folks?
Chickie Little Man
I buy the car.
Doesn’t mean I made it.