This has made NBC News very upset and pushing partisanship in their article, failing to realize that the majority voted for Trump for this stuff, and, even many who didn’t vote Trump want illegals gone
President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview with “Meet the Press” moderator Kristen Welker that “you have no choice” but to deport everyone who is illegally in the U.S., including possibly removing the American citizen family members of those deported.
Trump also said he will move to end birthright citizenship — long enshrined in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution — which would strip rights from those born in the country to undocumented parents.
But, he said, he is open to working with Democrats to pass legislation that would ensure Dreamers — undocumented immigrants who entered the U.S. as children — would be able to remain in the country.
Can you end birthright citizenship for the children of illegals? You can find tons of articles which say yes and tons that say no. The 14th was meant to make those brought here as slaves, and their descendants, US citizens. Consider that children born to foreign diplomats: they will not gain US citizenship no matter where they are born on American soil. It goes to the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” clause in the 1st line of the 14th: are these children subject to the jurisdiction of the US or to the home countries of the illegals? Especially when they are conceived in a foreign country then come in with pregnant mama.
So, a case can be made to deny them citizenship. Could this be made retroactive, or, simply a case going forward? Also, how will this be monitored? That won’t be easy.
As for Dreamers: I don’t agree, but, I have a plan, as I wrote in 2017
Here’s a recommendation: Congress puts DACA into law, but allows 4 year renewals, rather than 2 years, in order to decrease burden on federal agencies. Just like with people who are applying for citizenship, any serious crimes can be cause to cancel an illegals legal status and deport them. And, yes, even DUIs may be considered cause, just like with those applying for citizenship. After 12 years, they can go through the same process as those applying for citizenship in order to attempt to earn full citizenship.
BUT, if we aren’t going to lay the “sins” of the parent(s) on the children, we are going to lay them on the parent(s). In order to obtain DACA status, the parent(s) must self deport, and provide proof at an immigration checkpoint as they leave. They are not allowed back in the United States for 2 years, and then only for a short visit. If they are caught residing in the U.S., or attempting to enter the country illegally, the children will have their DACA status ended and will be deported. After 12 years, they would be allowed to apply for temporary resident status, conditioned on speaking English and having good moral character. This seems fair. The parents broke our laws.
If you don’t agree with punishing the parents, then you’re simply using DACA to create a backdoor amnesty for all.
Rand Paul and Alex Padilla (D) introduced a plan in 2021. The beauty of a plan would be that this would cover Dreamers up to a point, and then it ends this completely. No more. You come in underage you get sent home.
Trump’s comments about his mass deportation plan, a key promise of his presidential campaign, were the most expansive since he won the election in November. The program, he said, will begin with undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes and then advance to “people outside of criminals.” He did not detail which crimes would be included.
“I think you have to do it,” Trump said of his deportation effort. “It’s a very tough thing to do. It’s — but you have to have, you know, you have rules, regulations, laws. They came in illegally. You know, the people that have been treated very unfairly are the people that have been on line for 10 years to come into the country.”
“We have to get the criminals out of our country,” Trump said, later adding: “But we’re starting with the criminals, and we got to do it. And then we’re starting with others, and we’re going to see how it goes.”
Yet, Democrats will caterwaul about removing gang members, rapists, and murderers because it could mean that other illegals get deported.

Mr Teach typed: the majority voted for Trump for this stuff
Actually, no. Mr Trump received less than 50% of the vote. Sad, but true.
He received the most votes, but still less than one-half the total. His margin of victory was 1.47% – the narrowest victory (disregarding the two elections where the loser, “won”, i.e, 2000 and 2016) this century. By contrast, Mr Biden won the 2020 election by 4.45%.
President-to-be Trump, in his rambling interview, also wants modern medicine to look further into ‘the’ vaccine-autism and vaccine-death links. He wants RFK Jr to “go wild” on vaccines.
Too funny-he received 58% of the electoral college vote. The one that counts
Too funny – we elect our Presidents where the loser can win!! 2000 and 2016! Mr Teach incorrectly stated that Big Donnie won a majority. He did not. He barely won.
The argument, that you may have missed, is that Big Donnie won a landslide and has a mandate. More people voted against him than for him. Cool your jets.
Mr Teach correctly stated that Big Donnie (why you’re obsessed with him is anyone’s guess) won a majority of the Electoral college — the only majority that’s ever mattered in presidential elections for the entire history of the United States.
Which would make the loser…. the loser. We all know her name. Both of them.
No matter how much you attempt to downplay it, you still cannot change the basic fact that Trump can once again quote your lord and savior, Barack Obama (h/t Jamie Foxx), and say: “I won.” Decisively.
Now if only we could get you Democrats to stop being such sore losers. Of course, any reactionary attack on your part is just further proof of sour grapes.
And to stop counting manufactured ballots for days and weeks after the election is over.
I’ve said multiple times that Mr Trump won in 2024. Not a landslide, nor a mandate, but he won.
And he lost in 2020. Bigly.
QED again. Your sour grapes certainly shine through. If Bill Clinton can have a mandate with 43%, then Trump certainly has it. Bigly.
Tell you what: You and your cohorts on the left stop calling surgical mutilation “gender affirming care” and we’ll stop saying Trump won by a landslide. Deal?
Trump had an overwhelming victory. It was a landslide. In addition he brought in the House and Senate. The House would have been a bigger win except for the usual Dem cheating. Jeff has no idea as to what happens.
Looks like Big Dowdy decided not to take the deal.
Say it loud and proud, then: Trump won. By a landslide. Bigly.
Too funny-you didn’t refute a thing I said, and I didn’t miss any argument at all. I said he won the majority where it counted-in the electoral college. True statement. “More voted against him than for him”. How do you figure that?
77,237, 942 for Trump, 74,946, 837 for Harris.
Too funny – there was nothing to refute. As I said, Trump won the election, both the popular vote and the ECV. But his popular vote was less than 50% of the total. There were more than 2 candidates.
Dems created the problem.
Trump was elected to solve it.
MAGA47 Mofos!
Daniel Penny found innocent.
Fat Alvin shits himself.
Natives are restless.
Bwaha! Lolgf!
Now the prosecutor needs to be disbarred for bringing a malicious prosecution. Self defense in this case was uncontested. Leftists want to be more like Europe where no on has a right to self defense, so no one NEEDS a gun (Except bureaucrats, aristocrats, and connected wealthy friends who can afford private security).
Obvious case of Lawfare where even though the defendant is obviously innocent, and would certainly be released on appeal, the state put him through this process anyway and impoverished him with the cost of defending himself. He will never get that back. Meanwhile, the prosecutors pay no cost at all since they were using other people’s money the whole time.
Bullshit. Uncontested – hardly. A loud, erratic and threatening man on the subway died in a chokehold. The city’s medical examiner concluded Penny’s chokehold killed Neely. Mr Penny held Mr Neely in the chokehold for a minute after Neely went limp.
Hardly lawfare – hardly an open and shut case since the jury deliberated for parts of several days.
Mr Penny was acquitted by the jury.
Said the D.A. “The jury has now spoken. At the Manhattan D.A.’s Office we deeply respect the jury process and we respect their verdict.”
Go lie to someone who cares.
Rimjob has no other place to go.
Now you’re an expert on chokeholds? Is there nothing you aren’t an authority on?
My Penny was found NOT Guilty! The system worked. Why are you still arguing?
You’re now insisting the prosecutors be prosecuted!
In the good ol’ days white men could kill black men with impunity.
In the good ol’ days white men could bribe a sex worker to insure her silence, and falsify his business records to cover it up. Prosecute that prosecutor!!
You good ol’ boyz are somewhat, a little bit, transparent.
J-how easily you forget. You also said “more voted against him than for him”. If he received the most votes, as he obviously did, then more voted for him.
Arithmetic is not your strong point, eh?
My advice to Trump: If you’re going to make compromise solutions, make sure you get yours first. Don’t be like Reagan and give democrats their part of the deal first. There won’t be a second part once the DNC has their part.
More people voted against Kamala than against Trump.
More people voted FOR Trump than for Kamala.
Mr. Dowd reminds me of Cenk of the Young turds, who says we should eliminate the electoral college and let a dozen ginormous cities run our country. How very democratic of them. Perhaps the very specially Democratic, freedom-loving Alvin Bragg can be the new Dictator along with his henchman Fani Willis. We know these cats got our best interests at heart.
Much like birthright citizenship…..The Electoral College is enshrined in the Constitution. I guess if 38 states want to give up their representation, they can pass an amendment to the constitution outlawing the electoral college cause we are a DEMOCRACY and not a REPUBLIC, according to CENK and the entire left.
Now! Goal Post alert. It does not matter who wins the popular vote but who gets over 50 percent—no wonder the Democrats are wadding through the weeds, looking for used condoms.
Cities don’t vote. People vote. Why shouldn’t we have majority ‘rule’?
The alternative is minority rule, which is the objective of MAGAism.
Anyway… why does King Donald need to use an Executive Order (i.e., Royal Decree of the Monarch) to repeal Section 1 of the 14th Amendment since He will cancel illegal migration as only He can? It only makes a semblence of sense if His Majesty makes it retroactive, cancelling the citizenship of an unpopular class of American citizens.
And Rimjob continues to whine…
Sorry loser.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Mofo!<
(a semblence of sense)
Majority rule is dictatorship by the majority. We don’t like dictatorships.
No, the alternative is a Republic like we have where minority voting rights are both respected and defended. I’m sorry you hate America (along with Whites and Christians) and I’m sorry you never realized the reason we are a Republic is to protect those out of power from despotic rule. Look at yourself. Would you trust you to fairly defend the rights of the minority if you weren’t forced to by law? Would MAGATs as you call them be secure in their property, gun rights, religious freedom if you and people like you could do something about it?
That’s part of your problem Elwood, your proclivity for projection constantly cries about how Trump is literally Hitler and all us MAGATs want to take away your rights when in reality over the past ten years it was your party, people who think like you who took rights away or tried to. The other part of your problem is you strut like you’re superior to us mere mortals, your words are like those of Plato and your wisdom like Solomon. Your flavor of “democracy” is the oppression of those you consider either intellectually or socially beneath you. But when you can latch on to a minority you can convince needs your protection from the nasty White, Christian Americans you carefully groom them to hate their neighbors, homeland and even their own race and sex and join your perverse version of “majority rule”. In short you only favor majority rule when you’re in the top tier of the majority. Kinda like communists. They all picture themselves as the great revolutionaries standing stalwart beside Stalin like in the posters but usually end up living in poverty until they are lined up against the wall.
We know you are unhinged about the last election it shows in your comments, by the actions and reactions of you and your comrades on the View, clowns like Mika and Joe, Joyless Reid, and all the other radicals living in the leftist bubble of media and Hollywood.
You all “knew” Harris would win. The movie stars loved her, the media had wonderful stories about her, the the unions that represented the most slothful of American “workers” (the gov. workers unions, the postal union) just to mention a few all threw in for Kamala. You still had most of the apparatus and operatives you used to steal the last two elections in place to steal this one. What could go wrong?
We got tired of being lied to. Since 2016 it was all lies meant to put you leftists in power and keep you there. But when we had to endure a steady diet of daily insults from all quarters, the news, TV, papers, talk shows, even late night “comedians” and TicTok were politicized radical left to steal the elections. Hell you guys went so far as to censor not only pro Trump commentary but Trump himself. Who ever heard of people who love “our democracy” censoring a guy running for president?
Maybe we just got tired of being called nazis, deplorables, Hitler, haters, bigots, misogynists, racists, deniers and just plain garbage. And instead of looking into our complaints you sluffed them off and doubled down.
So here we are, We are the majority. Maybe we should remodel the union, alter the SC and jiggle the the judges around so as to get all conservative laws all the time.
Or maybe in the name of fairness and the American Ideal we should re-establish the dream of our Founding Fathers and Make America Great Again. BTW, what kind of American can have issue with that phrase? Why on earth would you not join with us to make America great again?
We elect mayors, school boards, governors, representatives, and senators by majority votes. We vote on state amendments.
Our Electoral College was intended to have our Congress end up selecting the President as our Founding Fathers had little faith that the hoi polloi could wisely, or even adequately, select the president. Prior to the domination of the two-party system, they expected the issue would always revert to Congress where the men would decide.
Votes from low population states like Wyoming, Alaska, Maine, North and South Dakota, Vermont, Montana, Rhode Island are worth more than votes from Caliornia, Illinois, Texas, New York and Florida.
It takes only 195,000 popular votes to deliver a single EC vote from Wyomingites, but 721,600 popular votes to deliver each EC vote from Californians.
As they should be and as intended. Six states should not rule our country like a cast system. Which I’m sure you would enjoy until you realize I’d be in the to cast and you wouldn’t.
You leftist just thrive on division. Constantly ducking and dodging to steal power wherever you can.
Amongst other things.
The dems embraced the deep state, made a virus, stole an election, installed a puppet, legalized propaganda, censored free speech, spied on Americans, weaponized the DOJ, imported illegals for votes, and took us to the brink of world war….
And Rimjob wonders why we complain.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Here’s an audio visual for Elwood:
The wholly obsessed MAGA Motherfucker copied and pasted another bit of MAGAfascist BS.
So Rimjob has trouble with the truth. Good.
Live with it, loser.
Did the “MAGA Motherfucker” state anything not true? When you look at yourself and your party it’s no wonder you’re one angry mother fucker. If everything I believed in was prove to be lies I’d be pissed off too.
Everything the MAGA Motherfucker typed but the “the” and “and” was untrue! Lies and delusions are the lifeblood of MAGAism.
You and the MAGA Motherfucker are angry, not me. LOL.
You’re winners! You should be happy! Instead, you’re angrier than ever!!
Sorry Elwood, media like this lying kunt prove my point:
Sorry LGB, I don’t look at youtube links.
Lying kunts like Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro etc?
See Elwood, that’s what you do all the time. I pointed out that Ried is a lying kunt which if you’re an honest guy must agree with because it’s true. I didn’t just make that up I observed it over the course of several years. But with you disagreeing isn’t good enough you are compelled by your need to outdo everyone because you are superior so you had to list a bunch of people that you don’t know anything about other that they are conservative and support Trump. Proving once again your superiority is only in your ego and in fact you are narcissistic and self absorbed. Bravo!
Oh and BTW, I look at everything including YouTube. I have a open mind. You should try it although as a leftist hearing an opposite opinion is like throwing holy water on Dracula. I look at YouTube specifically because I usually disagree. Helps me understand the psychopathy of the radical left. Perhaps you should try it sometime and force open that big genius mind of yours.
Why on earth would you not watch one of earths largest sources of online information? Turn off the YouPorn and turn on the YouTube it’ll do ya good.
You do this all the time. You called her a lying kunt. I called the FOX kunts lying kunts, which you have to agree with becasue it’s true. I don’t watch Reid, so sorry about that. Can you give me some examples of what makes Reid a lying kunt?
Do you label any female you don’t like a “kunt”? Sometimes you use “whore” or “cocksucker”. Does that seem sexist or misogygnistic to you?
YouTube is filled with crap, like tiktok. When you hear something on YouTube that you agree with, do you investigate to see if it’s true? Show me an example, please. I hear plenty of reactionary right “information” here.