Really? This is the best they can come up with?
Mayorkas says government doesn’t have authority to shoot down drones
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday said the government doesn’t have the authority to shoot down drones and believes reports of some sightings are cases of mistaken identity.
Mayorkas appeared on CNN when he was asked about why the federal government doesn’t take down one of the many drones that have been spotted across multiple states in recent weeks.
“Our authorities are very limited,” Mayorkas told CNN host Wolf Blitzer, citing missions involving unmanned aircraft conducted by various federal agencies. “We have various authorities that are discreet to their particular missions. We can’t just shoot a drone out of the sky.”
Mayorkas said officials believe reported drone sightings are “cases of mistaken identity” where drones are actually small aircraft “where people are misidentifying them,” noting that some can be purchased at “convenience stores.”
Again, they do think you, the American People, are stupid. You can bet if the drones were flying over Biden’s homes in Delaware they would be shot down. We can tell the difference between the flight pattern of an airplane vs a drone, and people can easily see the size difference between drones bought at a convenience store (I’ve never seen one at one, but, people like Mayorkas are Out Of Touch) and what is flying over NJ and other states. Drones of any size unlawfully flying over secured installations can, in fact, be shot down.
So let me get this straight: the FBI can figure out if a grandparent took a selfie in the Capitol four years ago, but they can't figure out who was flying drones over New Jersey last weekend?
— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) December 11, 2024

If the Secretary of Fatherland Security says that the United States Government doesn’t have the authority to shoot down drones, and the federal government says that individual homeowners/ landowners don’t have that right either, just who the f(ornicate) does?
Easy solution…… this concept……. noting that some can be purchased at “convenience stores.”
Outlaw the sale, manufacture and dispersal of Drones as a national security risk which of course it is given how Ukraine has shown that simple drones can destroy a tank by flying it and a small bomb into open hatches on moving tanks.
When the war starts with China we are truly fucked because of how many Chinese communists are in this country. 100,000 drones will destroy infrastructure all over the country. Our grid will go down….we will be hacked back to the stone age and the only thing that allows our missiles to fly is that the dumb ass government hasn’t figured out how to connect it to the internet.
The internet is the most vile and evil thing on this planet for the national defense of each country. Why even the DOD decided it was a GREAT IDEA to hook all our secrets to the web where the Chinese, Russians, and other countries have thousands of experts dedicated to hacking us is beyond comprehension.
Al Gore should be executed for INVENTING THE INTERNET….lololol….Thats a joke FBI….Lighten up.
Isn’t Alejandro Mayorkas, head of Homeland Security, the one who claims the US doesn’t have an illegal immigration problem? And that the borders are secure???
Yeah, he’s about as trustworthy and believable as Rimjob.
The Department of Fatherland Security — sometimes known as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt — was created under the younger President Bush, but it has been a miserable failure: it’s abusive toward our rights, but even with that, it has not helped to make us more secure. Lenient enforcement, aided and abetted by ‘sanctuary’ policies in Democrat-controlled cities, have left Americans at risk from unvetted, violent criminals and gang members allowed to pour over our southern borders, all the while investigating loyal and decent Americans who just happen to disagree with the Democrats.
The FBI, not part of Fatherland Security, was investigating ‘radical-traditional Catholics’ as being potentially violent extremists. President Biden tried to create, under Fatherland Security, the
Ministry of Truth‘Disinformation Governance Board’ under Nina Jankowicz, a Democratic partisan, to monitor social media communications and somehow, some way, combat ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation,’ but would have been doing so under people with the same political biases as the lovely Miss Jankowocz.The left should be thankful that effort bombed, because otherwise Miss Jankowicz would be leaving her position in another 37 days, to be replaced by Jack Posobiec or Tucker Carlson.
“McDonald’s surpasses FBI in number of shooters apprehended in 2024….”
Just Imagine if you will where our Nuclear missile silo’s are surrounded by drones with 1 pound bombs.
China or Russia launches its nukes at us. The US responds……only to have 90 percent of the Icbm’s destroyed as they come out of the silos. That would take…..what? 500 drones ready to go by the Chinese or Russians?
If Taiwan wants to end the Chinese threat to their mainland they simply need to have 10,000 drones with 2 pound bombs or 5 pound bombs ready to fly. China decides to invade and every landing craft is sunk with troops ladden with 90 pound rucksacks………Drowns. A thousand drones that make it through Chinese defense slams into ships at sea, heavily damaging and perhaps sinking a few.
These drones can target Missile batteries and Phalanx point defense turrets followed up by a barrage of 300 missiles designed to sink the fleet. With the help of their Aircraft and that of the USA and Japan’s China will be at the bottom of the ocean.
DRONES ARE WEAPONS OF WAR and should not be sold at your local convience store. PERIOD. Yes people can learn to make their own, but then the FBI then follows the trail of those buying parts to build one. Just like they do bomb making materials or Meth Lab materials in order to crash the party of thiefs, drug dealers and criminals.
Drones are weapons of war. They should be outlawed immediately.
It is not necessary to shoot down a drone. All that is necessary is to block its signal. Our military can even take control of a drone that is attacking. But a cheap drone and try to fly it in a sensitive part of a city, you can’t.