‘Climate Change’ Is Totally Health Care Or Something

No one should be surprised when the cult of climastrology attempts to merge health care and climate doom, because, really, the whole point of the climate scam is Fascist government

Climate crisis meets nursing know-how

Climate change is one of the key public health threats of our modern time. Penn Nursing faculty are spearheading vital research and community engagement at the intersection of climate change and public health.

“Nurses are well equipped to understand the multiplicity of ways that climate change can impact someone’s health,” says Sara F. Jacoby, an associate professor of nursing at Penn’s School of Nursing. Leaders like Jacoby are driving nursing efforts to stand as a frontline defense against health crises influenced by our changing planet and preparing nursing students to be the future of those critical efforts.

How about preparing them to do their f’ing jobs as nurses, not be climate cult members?

Certain Philadelphia neighborhoods—particularly those with little green space amid the dark pavement— can become “heat islands” in the summer months, reaching temperatures as much as 12 degrees hotter than other communities in the city. But it’s not just the physical impacts of extreme heat that worry Jacoby, whose research areas include the social and structural factors related to firearm violence.

“In city environments, one of the most emergent exposures correlated to increased risk for firearm violence is heat, specifically heat islands,” she says. “Climate change will likely make things worse in places where there is already a relationship between extreme heat and endemic firearm violence.”

Right, right, it’s totally the heat that’s causing the residents of Philly and other Democrat run cities to shoot each other. But, these are the cult talking points, meant to create a path to put health care under the banner of global boiling.

You only have to listen to understand the meaning.

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8 Responses to “‘Climate Change’ Is Totally Health Care Or Something”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Relax. The Trump Cult controls the White House, the Senate, the House and the Supreme Court. Global Warming is dead. The most important man in America, Elon Musk, will fix everthing.

    • Jl says:

      Evidence that Trump “controls the SC” is…what? And suddenly, liberals are concerned about billionaires…strange..

      • drowningpuppies says:

        According to Rimjob, Trump has been running the country for the last 4 years.
        Who knew?

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    “Unless we stop the use of the sky as an open sewer…”

    How Rimjobesque of old Al..
    And to think this knucklehead almost cheated his way into the Presidency.

    Bwaha! Lolgf!

  3. SD says:

    CNN’s Van Jones Admits “Donald Trump is Smarter Than All of Us… We Look Like Idiots!” – Rumble Video


  4. Wylie1 says:

    On final approach to MSP the outside temperature was 17 below. Not buying that global warming nonsense.

  5. […] Via Pirates Cove……. Think Climate Change as Health Care […]

  6. ruralcounsel says:

    Those scammers are terrified that the global climate change scam is coming to an end. Gore and Kerry are on the verge of becoming totally un-newsworthy.

Pirate's Cove