Democrats Say Mass Deportation Could Cause Massive Recession Or Something

Democrats will try anything to keep the illegals in the U.S., even if they are gang members, rapists, and murderers

Economic fallout from Trump mass deportations could eclipse Great Recession: Report

President-elect Trump’s mass deportation proposals threaten to gut the U.S. economy, shrinking growth and the labor force while juicing inflation, according to a report released Thursday by Democrats in the Congressional Joint Economic Committee (JEC).

Sourcing data from the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the report found that deporting 8.3 million immigrants in the country illegally would reduce GDP by 7.4 percent and reduce employment by 7 percent by 2028, likely resulting in zero overall growth throughout Trump’s second term.

Trump has proposed deporting all such immigrants in the United States — currently an estimated 11 million — and millions more currently protected by humanitarian programs such as Temporary Protected Status, who could lack legal status if those programs were cut.

One thing The Hill forgot to note as the ran with the Democratic Party talking point is that the U.S. Constitution charges the Legislative Branch in protecting the nation from foreign invasion, and that there are numerous laws against illegal immigration. Also, there is no way that number is 11 million: we’ve been hearing that number for decades, despite millions and millions coming in yearly under Obama and Biden.

What do Democrats have against booting out illegals who are criminals? Who shouldn’t be in the nation? Why do Democrats ignore the crime?

Why? Because they want to make them all citizens who will vote Democrat.

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9 Responses to “Democrats Say Mass Deportation Could Cause Massive Recession Or Something”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Also, there is no way that number is 11 million:

    That number was estimated at 30 million at the beginning of the Obama administration. With open border and cash incentives to migrants during the 12 years of Obama/Biden/Harris, that number today is likely 60 million. Anyone who travels the USA and notices just how many foreigners there are roaming about in every city, every state and every suburb, even in the small towns across the fruited plains, would understand that this is not a far fetched estimate. But just like the crime statistics after Obama, there is no way the Democrats in government or the media would tell the truth about how bad it really is or they would spark the the sort of electoral backlash they just saw. The difference is that the problems are so blatant, that media and government lying were not enough to conceal it.

  2. Dana says:

    Laken Riley could not be reached for comment.

    We wouldn’t have this problem with some illegal aliens being “gang members, rapists, and murderers” if the dummkopf from Delaware and his minions had f(ornicating) policed the border, the way they should have. If they had regulated immigration, maintaining President Trump’s policies of having ‘asylum seekers’ wait in Mexico, if they had finished the wall, if they had maintained an attitude that the bad guys wouldn’t be allowed in, illegal immigration would have been dramatically reduced.

  3. Wylie1 says:

    Deport those who oppose deporting illegal felons.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    If immigration were a net benefit, no one would be complaining that they were illegal.

    For those who argue that the USA NEEDS immigrants, please tell us exactly how many we NEED. Surely, adding 20% to our population is enough and we can take a hiatus now. Since none of the first 30 million left, all our cheap labor needs would still be getting met even without an additional 30 million. Quite possible, we can even send a few ten million home and recoup the benefits of lower costs in education, health care, food assistance and other forms of charity. The only ones who would be sad about it would be those parasites who are currently making a profit from government money supporting the immigrant waves.

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      Commenter typed: The only ones who would be sad about it would be those parasites who are currently making a profit from government money supporting the immigrant waves.

      Another conservative commenter here BOASTS of making 10s of millions of tax dollars a year housing immigrants. Parasites like him? Or the landscaping and construction and agriculture and meat processing corporations making millions in profits? Parasites like those CEOs? Major hotel chains? Restaurants? Why have none of those gone to prison?

      Commenter typed: For those who argue that the USA NEEDS immigrants, please tell us exactly how many we NEED.

      Enough! We need enough. but approximately 11,497,601. Clearly if most of the migrants find jobs, our economy needs them. We DO NEED to have a regulated immigration system! Congress, are you listening?

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Can President Trump deport millions without wrecking the world’s strongest economy?

    That’s the question.

    The answer is probaby not. And massive tariffs (the most beautiful word in the language!) against Mexico, Canada and China won’t help.

    Stock market up, inflation down, unemployment down, Russia and Iran on the ropes, domestic crude oil record highs, Assad has fled,

    The most important issue with the US economy is the burgeoning gap between the rich and the poor. Our debt and our trade deficits are too high. Nothing Trump proposes will help.

    Kennedy and Hegseth and Gabbard, oh my. “Make Polio Great Again!” “Women shouldn’t be in combat, but are our best warriors!” “Putin and al-Assad are misunderstood”.

    In the midst of the deep Trump Recession will the American people be entertained with Bondi and Patel and Trump, Oh My, prosecuting the prosecutors and investigating the investigators? LOL. Bread and circuses!!

    This century Repubicun presidents inherited strong Democratic economies – Clinton to Bush, Obama to Trump, Biden to Trump –> and Repubicuns hand Dems recessions. Bush to Obama, Trump to Biden…

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Amazing how many words Rimjob types that have no basis in reality.

      Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        Amazing how many words Rimjob types that have no basis in reality.</blockquote

        Judging by his last comment none of his words have any basis in reality. He complains about "one commenter here" making millions from doing what Biden wants and housing immigrants. It shows how convoluted and confused the radial left is. They call for millions of immigrants creating a demand for housing them and then people like Elwood call them patriotic Americans parasites for doing so.

        Clearly if most of the migrants find jobs, our economy needs them.

        Until every single American on welfare is working, until every American unemployed and under employed has gainful employment we don’t need no stinkin’ immigrants. At least none who are neither very wealthy or very educated in the fields we need.

        Or the landscaping and construction and agriculture and meat processing corporations making millions in profits? Parasites like those CEOs? Major hotel chains? Restaurants? Why have none of those gone to prison?

        Because if we put them in prison where would these “needed” immigrants work?

        The most important issue with the US economy is the burgeoning gap between the rich and the poor.

        Well, you democommies have been in power 12 of the last 16 years so why didn’t you do something about it? You have been bitching about the top 1% for years what would you like to do about them? They are the job creators. Unless you know of some others you are hiding.

        BTW, will that fake Deep Trump Recession begin once you’ve completed Building Back Better?


        You are determined to keep on losing and we are happy to watch. Don’t learn anything, just complain. You do realize most of the people you just raged about including Trump used to be democrats? They wised up but you never will.

        You are the new definition of insanity.

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