It Starts: UK Spending Taxpayer Money For Climate Resiliencing Your Christmas Dinner

Maybe there are others, but, this is the first climate scam involving Christmas article I’ve seen this year

Taxpayer money invested in boosting climate resilience of Christmas dinner

Taxpayers’ money alongside other forms of finance has been invested in projects that can help to safeguard Christmas dinner staples from the impacts of climate change and other growing challenges, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has said.

The science funding body has been supporting innovators on work that will help the festive meal stay on British tables for future generations – as well as making it healthier and tastier.

This includes the development of alternative proteins, bioengineered super spuds, innovations to reduce antibiotic needs in farmed animals, and food that requires lower energy to cook.

The projects have been supported through bodies like the Technology Missions Fund, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and Innovate UK (IUK).

Seriously, it looks like the UK is more involved in mucking around with citizen lives than China at this point. If the cultists want to do something in their own lives, have it. Stop trying to force it on Everyone Else.

Alternative proteins will be a delicious and nutritious replacement or addition to turkey as the main course’s centrepiece, UKRI said, as it highlighted scientific players making advances in this space.

Oh, honey child, bless your heart. And piss off. Mind your business.

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One Response to “It Starts: UK Spending Taxpayer Money For Climate Resiliencing Your Christmas Dinner”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Not spending on “climate resiliency”. Spending on giving money to their friends in exchange for their loyalty in the next election and to reward them for the last election. Climate activism is all the about the money. It has always been all about the money. Taxpayer money is the largest pot of money, just sitting there waiting to be taken. And if it runs out, government will just borrow more, or create some out of thin air, and give that away too.

Pirate's Cove