If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled boat engines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on self defense in Nevada.

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23 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    And so it may be safe to say that the presidential election of 2024 is finally over. It ends with over three million fewer votes cast in 2024 than there were in 2020. Is that fishy? With so many allegations of chicanery swirling around the 2020 election, the answer is obvious.


    Bwaha! Lolgf Losers!
    MAGA47-Daddy’s Coming Home!

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Derrick Evans

    JUST IN: The 1,547 page CR would allow for Congress to BLOCK an investigation into the January 6th committee.

    As a Jan 6th Prisoner, I find it appalling that they put me in solitary confinement, & now they are trying to give themselves immunity for their own J6 crimes.

    Fuck that!

  3. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Solitary??? What a lying putz.

    Evans reported to FCI Milan in Milan, Michigan on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. FCI Milan is a low-security Federal Correctional Institution with a detention center around 50 miles outside of Detroit.

    WASHINGTON — Derrick Evans, a Jan. 6 rioter who admitted in court that he committed a felony crime against police officers when he stormed the Capitol while yelling “Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!” lost a Republican primary race against Rep. Carol Miller in West Virginia, NBC News projects.

    Evans pleaded guilty to a felony count of obstructing or impeding officers during a civil disorder and was sentenced to three months in prison in June 2022. Evans struck an apologetic tone after he admitted under oath in court that he had, in fact, knowingly committed a felony crime on Jan. 6, 2021, but he has since rebranded himself as a “political prisoner” and spread conspiracy theories about the attack in which he took part.

    Before Evans pussied out he was saying on his livestream video,

    “We’re taking this country back whether you like it or not!” he shouted at police officers protecting the Capitol. “Patriots ain’t being quiet anymore. Patriots ain’t gonna stand down to tyranny anymore! Patriots ain’t gonna stand down for stolen elections anymore!”

    Why did he plead guilty? What a cowardly piece of shit he is. Fuck Derrick Evans.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      3 months for yelling.
      No big deal to the swindler Rimjob.

    • Dana says:

      The incredulous Mr Dowd wrote:

      Evans pleaded guilty to a felony count of obstructing or impeding officers during a civil disorder and was sentenced to three months in prison in June 2022. Evans struck an apologetic tone after he admitted under oath in court that he had, in fact, knowingly committed a felony crime on Jan. 6, 2021, but he has since rebranded himself as a “political prisoner” and spread conspiracy theories about the attack in which he took part.

      I am waiting for the general pardon for the Capitol kerfufflers, when they can all say what they really believe now that they will be off probation and can’t be thrown back in jail by the Geheime Staatspolizei.

      A lot of the political prisoners apologized, as part of the deal struck for a lighter sentence. Mr Dowd wants to call that cowardice, and who can say how he would react when faced with a choice of probation on a few months in jail versus several years?

      Sadly, incoming President Trump cannot give the political prisoners their time back, but at least any fines paid can be restored to them, and probation revoked, along with their records being expunged. Those still behind bars can be freed, and give the finger to Joe Biden and Merrick Garland.

      Also sadly, it seems highly unlikely that either Mr Biden or Mr Garland or any of the members of the Reichsjustizministerium could actually be prosecuted and jailed. Mr Biden has already been noted as being too foggy of memory to stand trial.

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Mr Dana approves of violence against America and the police, at least as long as the assaulter is an aggrieved white conservative deluded into believing the election had been stolen, in which case all is acceptable.

        The young Republicun who shot at candidate Trump was executed by the government without a trial!!

        US Presidents are now above the law according to the Supreme Court, so there is little recourse against President Biden, other than assassination.

        The sentenced members of the violent mob on Jan 6 2020 pleaded guilty or were convicted by a jury of their peers. Mr Dana, like so many MAGAts, has lost faith in our justice system and believes that Trumpelon will fix everything by punishing those who oppose them!

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Well when you’re held in solitary long enough in a brutal
          filthy city jail you’ll plead to anything.

          Brandon’s DemoJustice.

          Bwaha! LOLGFY LOSER!
          MAGA47-Daddy’s Coming Home

        • Jl says:

          Liberals approve of violence against America and the police, at least as long as the assaulter is a BLM member, Antifa member or their associated followers. The 1-2 billion in damages and over 700 police officers injured was termed “mostly peaceful”. Fixed it for you.

  4. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Trump and Elon (aka Trumpelon) are both now advocating that Congressional GOPhers shut down government until Trumpelon is sworn in.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump abruptly rejected a bipartisan plan Wednesday to prevent a Christmastime government shutdown, instead telling House Speaker Mike Johnson and Republicans to essentially renegotiate — days before a deadline when federal funding runs out.

    Trump’s sudden entrance into the debate and new demands sent Congress spiraling as lawmakers are trying to wrap up work and head home for the holidays. It leaves Johnson scrambling to engineer a new plan before Friday’s deadline to keep government open.

    The stock market tanked today as well.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      It’s a shit bill that Mikey shouldn’t be trying to ram through at the last minute.

      And Rimjob you know as much about the stock market (GRTX) as you do about business. Or anything else for that matter.

    • Jl says:

      Seems like liberals must then approve of a 1500 page spending bill that almost no one has read. Sounds about right…..
      “Dems explain they don’t want billionaires controlling our media unless they’re Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bloomberg or Soros.” Then it’s ok..

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        It was a bipartisan bill engineered by Republicun Speaker, Mike Johnson. The Rethuglicuns have a House majority. Now, they are taking direct orders from private citizen billionaires.

        So long, democracy, and thanks for all the fish.

  5. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Trumpelon decides to shut down the government over the holidays! Layoffs and furloughs and firings, oh my!! Merry Christmas, suckers! LOL

    Thanks MAGA!! Yay, mandate!! LOL

    Emergency aid to rural areas clobbered by hurricanes! Gone. LOL

    Rebuild the Baltimore Bridge? Not on Elon’s watch! LOL

    In 2010, the DOE, under Obama, provided Tesla with a $465 million loan to help develop its first major success, the Model S car. Tesla buyers received federal tax credits of up to $7,500 for purchasing an electric vehicle (EV). The credits allowed Tesla to sell its cars at a higher price than the market might have otherwise allowed. The credits were eliminated for Tesla buyers at the end of 2019, but were restored in 2023 as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. Tesla has sold “regulatory credits” to other carmakers who are unable to comply with increasingly strict emissions rules. In total, Tesla has earned almost $9 billion from selling these credits since 2018. Tesla has received $41.9 million in federal contracts since 2008 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, and the Department of Defense.

    American taxpayers have enriched Elon!! Now, Elon is eliminating taxpayer support for his competition!! LOL. Suckers!!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      How’s Trump shutting down the government when he hasn’t even been sworn in as President?
      Thought Brandon had that job.
      Rimjob, do you ever have clue before you post such nonsense?

      Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
      MAGA47 Motherfucker!
      Daddy’s Coming Home!

      • Elwood P Dowd says:

        Tthe MAGA Motherfucker</strong> is an idiot.

        Kiss my ass, sucker!

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Just keep proving your ignorance, fatbo.

          $74,000,000+ all gone. Poof!
          Not one quarter in the black financially for over 5 years!
          Heckuva rimjob, Rimjob.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Another shit-crazy rant Elwood. Getting slaughtered in the election wasn’t enough you guys want to drive yourselves out of business with the lies, smears and name calling. We love it.

      You do realize that Trump is not president. We don’t know who is because the democommies just threw up their arms and walked away after they were killed in the election. See, they don’t care about America only power.

      Look to Elwood’s rants to gauge how badly they are being stomped. His inability to control himself only shows the insanity of the left. Nice.

      Remember one thing Elwood: until January 20th everything is BIDEN/HARRIS’s fault, responsibility and they did it all!!! If the government shuts down they did it. LOL,LOL

      Emergency aid to rural areas clobbered by hurricanes! Gone. LOL
      During Bidens term.
      Rebuild the Baltimore Bridge? Not on Elon’s watch! LOL
      Elon has nothing to do with it. It’s Biden’s term!!

      So all the benefits and payments made to Tesla under the Biden/Harris administration is somehow Trump and Musk’s fault? Elon did the exact same thing that Kye did, took advantage of a foolish government giveaway the democommies created but now you demean them? You have no one to blame but Biden/Harris and the democommies in Congress that passed this shit. Maybe next time you’re handing out taxpayers money willy-nilly you should stipulate it’s for democommies only, no Whites-Christians or MAGA patriots need apply. LOL

      • Elwood P Dowd says:


        Sorry, but you’re a moron. The bill that Trumpelon shit-canned would have helped those Americans in NC, KY, TN, GA and FL that were trashed by the hurricanes. The private insurance companies haven’t done a very good job, have they? The weak Rethughlicuns, who crafted the bill, are terrified of Trumpelon’s money buying their House seats for a challenger.

        Isn’t it hypocritical of Musk to rely on taxpayer help and then oppose it for his competition? And it’s not just that he opposes it Iit’s a free company), it’s that he now has the government power to eliminate help for competitors! That, by definition is fascism.

        Trumpelon wants the House and Senate to answer to them and them alone.

        In 2020 the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that corporations and other outside groups could spend unlimited funds on elections. The introduction of SuperPACs allows millions in anonymous ‘dark money’ donations!!

        • drowningpuppies says:

          That, by definition is fascism.

          Uh, no. Ding ding ding.
          Wrong again.
          Suck harder, Rimjob.

    • Jl says:

      Yah-you nailed it, J. Elon must be in it for the money! A couple hundred billion doesn’t buy as much as it used to…
      Speaking of Tesla, from 2008 to 2024 Democrats were in control all but 4 years. But yes, Elon and Trump….

    • Elwood P Dowd says:

      The BILLIONAIRES of Trumpelon threatened to invest MILLIONS in primarying GOPhers who don’t follow their orders.

      The House had reached a bipartisan bill to keep the government open. Trumpelon, made up of two private citizens, ordered the rotten, coardly House GOP to not pass the bill. LOL. BILLIONAIRES tend to be refractory to harm from a government shutdown.

      Mooks like Musk are Democrats when the Dems are in office and Rethuglicuns when the Rethugs are in power. Do you really believe that a President Trump will cut the $15 BILLION contract that Elon has with US taxpayers? LOL.

      There was a time when Republicans were idealistic. Now the Rethuglicuns are just transactional. Trumpelon has made the decision that the best way to hold power is with the supermoney of the superwealthy! Americans used to have control of the election processes, but Supreme case after Supreme case took the control from the masses, awarding it to the wealthy. BILLIONAIRE ‘geniuses’ like Elon, Ramaswamy and Trump know what’s best for America and Americans. Don’t get drowned in their wakes, suckers.

      Did you vote for Elon? LOL.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob really losing it.
        And it’s beautiful!

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          It is beautiful to watch as he and his lying grifting party freak out because they have lost power. Since 2009 the democommies have mostly been in power (when they show up). Yet they still want to blame the Republicans and mostly Trump for everything they’ve fuked up.

          They, with their TDS, anti White rhetoric, Christian bigotry and filthy, hateful rhetoric have turned The US into a nasty crap pit run by hateful leftists. They have destroyed so many great American cities with crime, filth, corruption and wall to wall illegals and human shit it is hard to believe. The communists who the democommies refuse to admit now control their party are moving steadily toward the glory of next Tuesday and the effort to collapse the US.

          What you see here with the Elwood Reaction is the complete failure of people who never accept responsibility, never apologize and never feel guilt for what they’ve done.

          The Elwood Reaction is already crying over Trump and Musk and they haven’t even been sworn in yet. LOL

          And look at his pathological hate for “billionaires”. I guess the NewDemComs really do want to “eat the rich”. Elwood must lead a very pathetic and unhappy life. And he tries his best to make those he meets as miserable as he. LOL

Pirate's Cove