The moonbat leftists at the Daily Beast were super excited over this
Biden Slaps Down Trump and Explains the Mystery Drones
President Joe Biden on Tuesday made his first public comments about recent reports of unexplained drone sightings in the northeast.
Asked by reporters what was behind the drones, Biden answered: “Nothing nefarious, apparently, but they’re checking it all out.” He added that authorities are “following this closely,” but so far there is “no sense of danger.”
Biden’s comments were the latest effort from his administration to reassure the public about the sightings. Lawmakers have called on the federal government to provide more answers, and conspiracy theories have spread online. (snip)
On Monday, President-elect Donald Trump nevertheless insisted at a press conference that “something strange is going on” and claimed government officials “don’t want to tell the people” what’s happening. “I think they’d be better off saying what it is,” Trump said. “Our military knows and our president knows, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense.”
Do you see an explanation there?
“There’s a lot of drones authorized to be up there,” Biden told reporters Tuesday. “I think one started and they all got—everybody wanted to get in the deal.”
How about an explanation there? I’ve read a few other articles on this, and none have anything more. It’s been an ever-changing bob and weave for the explanations from Los Federales, and it’s all literally gaslighting. How come not one person or company has come forward to say “yeah, a bunch of those SUV size drones were our”? Certainly there would be official documentation filed with the FAA and the DOD for permission to fly in restricted airspace? Further, they’d be violating FAA regulations by flying over people’s homes. If there is no threat, why did airports and military bases shut down?
There would need to be documented waivers for those drones, so, why is it necessary for the federal government to check it out? The FAA would have written approval. Anyhow, don’t tell us what they aren’t, tell us exactly what they are. Whose they are. These are all the same Talking Points we got when the Chinese spy balloon flew over the entire country.
Anyhow, let’s knock down one conspiracy theory
No, drones aren’t searching N.J. for nuclear material. Latest conspiracy theory debunked.
The latest drone sighting conspiracy theory about a search for missing nuclear material, which got amplified by a New Jersey mayor Tuesday on Good Day New York, has quickly been debunked by federal and state officials.
“There is an alert that’s out right now that radioactive material in New Jersey has gone missing on Dec. 2. It was a shipment,” Belleville Mayor Michael Melham told the hosts on Fox’s flagship morning news program in the New York market. “This is just an example of what I think that we’re sniffing for.”
The mayor was referring to a Dec. 12 notice filed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission reporting a container from the Nazha Cancer Center in New Jersey with material being sent for disposal arrived at Port Newark with damage and missing its radioactive component.
But, the material was a 6 inch device with a small amount Germanium-68 used in CAT scan machines, and was found at a Fedex depot, repackaged, and then delivered on December 10th.
Or, is that all more of the government’s lying? Hmmm. Nah. Just a conspiracy theory.