ZOMG! Potatoes Under Threat From Climate Doom

You’ll no longer be able to boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a *stew*! Lovely big, golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish

An essential Christmas dinner item is under threat from global warming

As climate change hits, the future of some of our most basic crops, and a staple of Christmas dinner, is under threat.

With excess temperatures changing the earth and what grows in it, scientists are now developing potatoes that could withstand heatwaves.

A team of researchers carried out field trials at a single location in the US state of Illinois and observed that an adapted plant grew up to 30% more potatoes under heat stress.

This was done by adding two genes to modify a process called photorespiration to improve efficiency, leaving more energy for greater growth.

Good grief. The weather has always played a part in food production. Warm and cool periods happen. During the Little Ice Age there was a huge problem growing wheat and grains for breads and other foods, which was partly responsible for the French Revolution. It’s always some sort of doom with these people.

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One Response to “ZOMG! Potatoes Under Threat From Climate Doom”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Matt Damon grew taters on Mars using his poop for fertilizer. We’ll make it!

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