Yeah, it’s that time of the year, and the USA Today decides to jump into the cult, rather than, say, running some heartwarming stories
Are we seeing fewer white Christmases due to climate change?
Will we have a white Christmas? The annual question reaches peak curiosity this week, but as the planet warms due to human-caused climate change, the probability of seeing snow at Christmas is becoming increasingly unlikely, recent studies and reports have shown.
“With a warmer climate, it is likely that more winter precipitation will fall as rain rather than snow in many parts of the country,” said a 2021 report from Climate Central, a nonprofit science and communication organization. “Climate change threatens symbols of the holiday season from Christmas tree growth, winter recreation, and cozy drinks to Arctic wildlife.”
But impacts go beyond holiday traditions: Reduced snowfall and less snow cover on the ground could also affect water supplies, transportation, travel, and recreation for millions of people, the Environmental Protection Agency said.
Reports show that as the globe warms, snow, overall, is decreasing. In fact, between 1972 and 2020, the average portion of North America covered by snow decreased at a rate of about 1,870 square miles per year, an area roughly the size of Delaware, according to the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab.
Um, duh. That’s what happens in a Holocene warm period. No need to involve witchcraft, er, anthropogenic climate change. Anyhow, the cult propaganda continues on and on, but, fails to highlight if this is different from previous Holocene warm periods, which, is rather required to be Science.

On Delta you can track your flight. On final to Minneapolis, it was 17 degrees below zero at 5000 feet. I ain’t buying this global warming BS.
The Earth’s surface is warming (fact 1) from CO2 we’re adding to the atmosphere (fact 2)from burning fossil fuels (fact 3). The debate is about the effects.
Not a fact, an unverified hypothesis
Are you once again denying that the Earth is warming?
Are you denying that CO2 has increased?
Are you denying that CO2, as a greenhouse gas, causes warming?
Are you denying that the increase in CO2 comes from fossil fuel burning?
You’re denying it’s an unverified hypothesis. Nothing you’ve said contradicts that. Simply stating that ff burning has increased CO2 levels doesn’t demonstrate that’s the cause of the warming
AGW is an unfalsiied scientific theory, which as you know are never ‘proven’, but are accepted based on evidence.
Here’s some verified evidence.
The Earth’s surface is warming.
The atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased some 50%.
The increased CO2 comes from fossil fuels.
CO2 absorbs infrared radiation, and reradiates it in all directions.
Infrared radiation (measured in the stratosphere) is decreasing, i.e., the stratosphere is cooling.
Has it been ‘proven’ that global warming is caused by human generated CO2? No!! Scientific theories can always be falsified and rejected!
The rabid right-wing opposition to the theory of CO2-based global warming has nothing to do with science, but comes from opposition to any action that might interfere with captitalism and consumption. Note too that the nu-right now objects to science, scientific experts, government and media reports.
Skepticism is valuable, as is critical thinking.
Ok, agent whoever you are, probably from Tel Aviv, you have to be a complete imbecile to believe that CO2 has the ability to trap heat. Are you not aware that when an atom or molecule absorbs a photon (aka “heat”), it re-radiates that heat in a random direction. This is basic particle physics. CO2 has no magical property that only re-emits photonic energy “down” instead of “up” into space. The word salad they have to jump through about meaningless wavelengths doesn’t at all refute the absolute scientific FACT that when a particle absorbs a photon, it re-emits that photon in a random direction. This is LAW. In fact, you have to be doubly imbecilic to even consider the term “greenhouse gas” because a greenhouse works by STOPPING CONVECTIVE HEAT LOSS. Accepting a MISNOMER as SCIENTIFIC FACT makes you like, super-dumb. Like, a whole new classification of ultra-stupid and easily controlled to the point that Pavlov would be jealous of the results.
Also, THERE ARE NO ‘FOSSIL FUELS’, RE RE. How deep are oil wells? Oh yeah, 10,000 feet deep? How deep do we dig for fossils again? Oh yeah…from the surface, to, what, a few hundred feet down? What kind of an imbecile even accepts that “fuel” comes from “fossils” KNOWING THESE BASIC TECHNICAL DETAILS? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE.
What you mistakenly, even laughably call “fossil fuels” is created by a bio-chemical process within the earth. It is an eternal fuel supply, and it can never be exhausted or totally consumed. LOL @ “fossil fuels”. What a ridiculous term. Oh yeah, you’re burning up dead dinosaurs…that just…died…and then…you know…tunneled a few thousand feet down to become oil…somehow. Just…wow. Do you get paid for this? I certainly hope so. Because there’s no way you’re stupid enough to believe it if you can figure out how to read.
There are 2 sources for all climate on all planets in all solar systems in the galaxy.
1: The output of their companion star, which starts very hot then gradually diminishes over millions of years.
2: The temperature of outer space in this particular region of the galaxy.
There are 2 “buffers” which turn the more sudden changes of solar output and galactic space temperature into the long-term sine wave we call “climate”.
1: The physical land of the earth.
2: The oceans of the earth.
The land acts as a short-term buffer. The oceans act as a long-term buffer.
This is how simple climate is to understand.
The thickness of our atmosphere? Is a literal after-effect of this buffering effect caused by the OCEANS. The more heat the oceans buffer, the more moisture is driven into the air, the “warmer” and “wetter” it gets. And the THICKER it gets.
Why is Mars’ atmosphere so thin? NO OCEANS BUFFERING HEAT.
One day, every scientist on earth will witness, via telescope, a great miracle. One day, Venus’s temperature will drop low enough, from solar cooling (as evidenced by our own planets’ desertification), that her temperature will dip below the equilibrium point, and all of science will get to witness the creation of Venus’ oceans. It will be a rain that will probably last for years. And it will be the stuff of legend.
Your knowledge of science is polluted, corrupted, and wrong.
What do you have against Jews from Tel Aviv? Yikes.
Do you not know what fossil fuels are? Does the term confuse you? Or are you just being a pedantic asshole?
from Merriam Webster
fos·?sil ?fä-s?l
: preserved from a past geologic age
: being or resembling a fossil
: of or relating to fossil fuel
“What do you have against Jews from Tel Aviv? Yikes.” Where would you like to begin? I can take you from Genesis chapter 3 all the way through to COVID. And all the great historical tidbits in between. For instance, I suggest you check the dates, and you will find that the Jewish acceptance into Europe directly preceded the “dark ages”, and their expulsion directly preceded the Renaissance. And then there’s the Holodomor. Wiemar republic. The so-called “Russian revolution”. The ADL’s creation to protect a known murderer and rapist, Leo Frank. The Federal Reserve. The USS Liberty. 22 canonized saints who were white Christian children murdered by Jews. Ahh, the murder of Christ (let his blood be on our Children…ahhh…accepted.) You tell me what area of history you’d like to talk about, from the “Spanish Flu” to the LGBTQ agenda, and I have every base covered. There isn’t a preconceived notion you have that I can’t shatter. You might call it “pedantic”, feeling lesser in the fact of obvious empirical historical knowledge on a scale you can scarce comprehend, but I get that. It’s ok. I’ll give you a reading list, if you’d like. I’m here to enlighten and assist, but I’m not afraid to do it in the same manner that disturbs or even insults the uninitiated and poorly educated.
The whole point about fossil fuels is that the fuel we dig out of the ground DOESN’T COME FROM FOSSILS. You clearly have access to a dictionary. Why didn’t you use it to look up the word “misnomer” instead?
Now toodle off unless you have something important to say, or ask, or would like something enlightening to read.
See how truthful and damning statements tend to shut a Jew right up?
Useless pedantry.
But yes, by all means supply us your anti-Semitic reading list!
Mein Kampf
Barnes Review
Goyim Defense League
Turner Diaries
Daily Stormer
Anyway, scratch a MAGAt, find a Jew-hater.
Do you also hate Muslims, Blacks and gays, or are you a uni-hater?
Most MAGAts have learned to hide that anti-Semitism because they hate Muslims even more! Note that not one other commenter here as pushed back against your expression of Jew-hate.
Go fuck yourself, cocksucking white supremacist.
Reports are wrong, skewed, and downright falsified. The data IN those reports is, and that false, skewed data is used to mislead the public and create this idiotic climate cult. Winters are COLDER, not WARMER than they were when I was a kid. Earth is COOLING. As it gets cooler the patterns change and less snow is seen in areas where more USED to be seen at this time of year, but climate cultists depend on the VERY short memory of the average person as well as the willingness to swallow their lies and fake data.
The future is COLD, and it’s not caused by humans. Humans can affect pollution levels, NOT the climate. Start wringing your hands about the right things, because the leftist climate cult is going to come to an abrupt END. Soon.
That’s okay, the radical left still has White privilege and Christian Nationalism to cry about.
White Christian Nationalism is the only thing that can save us.
Big Donnie agrees with you, as do most of the con-menters here.
Rimjob, you’re getting your ass kicked metaphorically and intellectually and you’re still too stupid to realize it.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
Suck my balls, MAGA47 Loser!!! LOL
That you believe that shows how stupid you are!!!
Elwood, the atmospheric CO2 levels were several thousand parts per million higher (~7000) and the average global temperature was approximately 15 degrees Celsius higher (~25 degrees C) during the Cambrian period (prior to human existence) than today (<1000ppm and 10 degrees C). Neither CO2 nor CH4 is the problem but H2O, in the greenhouse gaseous form of water vapor, is a major heat sink and much more likely the culprit in rising global temperature (see Hunga-Tonga). A lot of climate policy is driven by computer generated climate modeling in recent decades. It's interesting to note those models have become worse at predicting future global temperatures than earlier generated models from the 1970's and 80's.
Not exactly. In general, water vapor levels vary with temperature and IS a potent greenhouse gas. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air.
Water vapor in the air is a RESULT of temperature, not the CAUSE of temperature. There are no “greenhouse gasses”, it’s a ridiculous term and a misnomer of the highest order. Greenhouses work by preventing convection, not by giving gasses magical heat-trapping properties.
More pedantic assholery. Do you not know what they mean by greenhouse gas?
Gases that trap heat are called “greenhouse gases”. Water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane are examples.
Water vapor is both a cause and result of a temperature increase. It’s not hard for a non-pedantic to understand. Look up ‘positive feedback loop’.
“Do you not know what they mean by greenhouse gas?” You really are an idiot of the highest order. THE TERM “GREENHOUSE GAS” IS MADE-UP PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT, YOU MYOPIC LITTLE NITWIT.
Are you Jewish? Full disclosure.
This nitwit is obviously paid to be here. It runs and hides when properly confronted.
Yes! It is certainly our fault! Just like it’s our fault that 800,000 years ago the half mile thick glacier that dug out the Great Lakes and all of the Minnesota and Dakota lakes melted.
Elwood, the atmospheric CO2 levels were several thousand parts per million higher (~7000) and the average global temperature was approximately 15 degrees Celsius higher (~25 degrees C) during the Cambrian period (prior to human existence) than today (<1000ppm and 10 degrees C). Neither CO2 nor CH4 is the problem but H2O, in the greenhouse gaseous form of water vapor, is a major heat sink and much more likely the culprit in rising global temperature (see Hunga-Tonga). A lot of climate policy is driven by computer generated climate modeling in recent decades. It's interesting to note those models have become worse at predicting future global temperatures than earlier generated models from the 1970's and 80's.
Water vapor in the atmosphere is what thickens it and is a RESULT of solar radiation, it doesn’t CAUSE warming because IT IS CAUSED BY WARMING. Something cannot cause itself. That’s just ridiculous. When the H2O in the atmosphere drops low enough, the deserts take over the planet (have you ever seen Mars? Hmmm…it’s a giant desert…) and the oceans slowly evaporate into space, and rather quickly, as the decrease in atmospheric water vapor will cause the atmospheric PRESSURE to drop, lowering the boiling point of water. When the atmosphere reaches the point where the boiling point of water is equal to the daily average temperature, you get Mars. Mars is what happens when the sun cools to the point that the oceans no longer evaporate enough water vapor to thicken, and hence warm, the atmosphere, which thins it, which results in a drop in air pressure and a drop in boiling point and POOF they drift away into space.
That’s 100% factually where Earth is headed right now. And it’s the only place Earth CAN head.
And as I stated earlier, one day in our very near future, Venus’ oceans will leave her atmosphere and rain down to become the new Earth.
Warming is good. Longer growing seasons, lower heating bills, fewer road accidents, etc. I always wonder why people are so happy about mild winter weather but also feel global warming is a bad thing.
Not exactly. In general, water vapor levels vary with temperature and IS a potent greenhouse gas. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air.
Elwood, you need to get your “facts” straight in order to debate the effects. None of your opinions are facts.
the debate doesn’t matter as we only have what… 6 or 7 more years and we will all be dead according to the AOC crowd. I’ve been hearing this non-sciense since the 70’s, pretty arrogante to think we can “cause damage to the “climate””. individuals that fall for the poloticians bs should run around like chicken little and tell me the earth is warming oh wait, the earth is cooling, oh wait the CLIMATE is CHANGING. Didn’t science tell us the earth was covered in ice at one point in our supposed long earth history? Where is all that ice that covered the earth, oh wait i guess the earth did warm up. DUH! you who believe that we are all doomed if we don’t get rid of cheap fossil fuel, why don’t you go live under a rock and let the rest of us enjoy cheap energy. oh wait the guberment and cartels run the oil industry…
You’re very creative. Wrong, but creative.
We’ve noticed that with Trump’s election the MAGAts have become aggressively stupid. Facts and evidence do not change with elections.
They do for you evidently. “Aggressively stupid” is your middle name. You still deny science, ignore crime especially immigrant crime, believe the election of 2020 was pure and honest, and keep that silly witchcraft you call “climate science”.
Your commie cohorts are murdering Americans all over the place the last being the poor lady burnt up in the Great Leftist Metropolis of NYC.
Hell, you’re even denying the whys and hows of the Trump Landslide. We think you sit at home with your eyes closed, your fingers in your ears going lalalala all day long because that’s the only way as America and the world changes you could remain so willfully ignorant.
Why do you speak of puppets as though they’re real people doing real things?
Do you mean Trump and Elon?
Do you mean you’re too much of a fucking imbecile to read and comprehend?
You must be an imbecile of the highest order if you honestly believe any of those actors on tell lie vision are real or have anything to do with actual life. Trump? The actor? I suppose you’re a fan of the other actor imbecile, that Biden puppet. How cute that you support one puppet over the other puppet. How…masterfully clever you are. Getting more and more “Jew vibes” coming from ya.
You don’t care for Jews? Or Biden? Or Trump?
Do you believe there’s a global conspiracy led by ‘conniving Jews’ dictating the actions of actors like Trump, Biden, Putin and Xi?
You’ve come to the right blog, with people who live in a fantasy world of spooky conspiracies where the media, government and Hollywood Jews are trying to exterminate the Western white Christian power structure.
Are you going to start lying again, Elwood? Why? Haven’t you learned yet we don’t buy that crap any more.
There is not one regular commenter on this blog who “live in a fantasy world of spooky conspiracies where the media, government and Hollywood Jews are trying to exterminate the Western white Christian power structure.” Not one! You just made that up and slandered all of us people of good faith because you don’t like our politics.
There really is something wrong with you and your party if we can’t disagree without being called mass murderers and the rest of you psycho projections. Also, not one person her other than you ever negatively mentioned “Hollywood Jews”, nor Jews in any way other than their support of the party that hates them: democrat.
You keep speaking of the “Western white Christian power structure” as if it is bad and as if being White and Christian somehow eliminates us from supporting our own race and faith. Why? We have as much right to promote what we are as blacks, moslems, and your other protected classes do. Aside from the fact we have created the most productive, powerful and freest society ever we have a lot to be proud of and celebrate. Much more than any other social group historically. Why does that bother you? You always seem to hate the people at the top. The winners. The creators. The successful. Why?
Little secret…Elmwood is a Hasbara Sayanim Jew.
I hate the assholes. I hate a society where the rich and powerful use the working class for enrichment and advantage.
It’s understandable that men such as you, with unearned advantages (i.e., privilege), will fight to protect the status quo by ‘any means necessary’, but you’re setting yourselves up for a reckoning. The revolt started with the election of Big Donnie – but the voters wanted change – help for the working class, not funneling more of the fruits of America’s productivity to the Trumps, Bezos, Musks, Ramaswamys, Buffetts, Gates, Waltons, Kochs, etc. Some 800 billionaires possess over 50% of America’s wealth. This fact means some 335,000,000 Americans share the other 50%! Our system, by Dems AND Repubs, is fatally rigged to benefit the super wealthy. Why fatally? Because working class Americans deserve their fair share, since they do all the work.
This from Rimjob who swindled over $70M+ from investors at Galera Therapeutics while pointing fingers at others.
Fatboy fancies himself a fucking Saint looking out for the little guy.
Oh please!
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
Pissant The Liar can suck my balls. Again! LOL.
He’s such a little attention whore.
And finally one of you anti-Semities comes out of the closet!! You lads can stop pretending you’re on the side of the Jews!! You just hate Muslims more than you hate those Christ-killers! A neo-Nazi broke the ice or you. It was frustrating to hide, wasn’t it. Remember how that witch Ann Coulter called Christians ‘perfected Jews’? Good times.
You hate Muslims, Jews, blacks, gays, trans, Hispanics, non-Christians… everyone EXCEPT white Christian males and the white CHristian females that tolerate their abuse! After all, white Christian men built America, that is, they annihilated the natives, brought African slaves to do the actual building, but today insist on being worshipped as the rightful owners of America!! Fuck off.
“Elwood P Dowd says:
December 24, 2024 at 1:05 pm
I hate the assholes. I hate a society where the rich and powerful use the working class for enrichment and advantage.
It’s understandable that men such as you, with unearned advantages (i.e., privilege), will fight to protect the status quo by ‘any means necessary’, but you’re setting yourselves up for a reckoning. The revolt started with the election of Big Donnie – but the voters wanted change – help for the working class, not funneling more of the fruits of America’s productivity to the Trumps, Bezos, Musks, Ramaswamys, Buffetts, Gates, Waltons, Kochs, etc. Some 800 billionaires possess over 50% of America’s wealth. This fact means some 335,000,000 Americans share the other 50%! Our system, by Dems AND Repubs, is fatally rigged to benefit the super wealthy. Why fatally? Because working class Americans deserve their fair share, since they do all the work.”
You’re not a very bright cocksucker, are you?
Why do you hate Jews? MAGAts have to pretend to like them.
Elwood commented:
Name any society were the rich and powerful don’t use the working class. Any! Don’t you realize that there is a top 1%, 5% etcetera in N.Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, every country in Africa and all the world???
The only difference is here those people in the 1% and 5% keep changing where in commie countries they are the same all the time. There is no way for a new person to become rich. We can here.
Again it’s the same everywhere but here a working class stiff can become a millionaire. Can’t do that in N. Korea.
BTW, who the hell are you to determine what a mans “fair share” is? Are you nuts? You sound like those assholes who think they can best assess the value of a Trump property and go out to imprison him for asking too much. They don’t and neither do you. A “fair share” is the amount the seller and the buyer agree on. No more, no less.
FJB: Name any society were the rich and powerful don’t use the working class.
That hardly makes it right. America can do better. Our tax, labor, bankruptcy, social service, trade, election law, employment, campaign finance and business practices serve the wealthy, political donor class. And too much. We need better balance. The options are: strict authoritarianism, revolt, or reform. 49.8% of voters chose authoritarianism. 48.3% chose reform.
The gap between rich and poor in America is widening. The working class is not keeping up and resent seeing more and more of the fruits of their labors accruing to the super wealthy.
FJB asks who determines “fair share”.
Regarding taxes, the government, with the consent of the governed, decides.
Our top marginal rate (look it up) was over 90% after WWII, and we paid down our massive WarII debt, built highways, roads, dams, bridges, libraries, parks, schools, universities and world history’s greatest working class!!
JFK cut taxes a bit, but Ronald Reagan slashed income taxes to the bone for rich folks and increased FICA taxes on the working class, tripling the federal debt.
The wealthy need to pay more in taxes. George H W Bush had to raise taxes just a little bit, costing him the Presidency.
Today, the working class is struggling. They need support. Over the past several decades every piece of legislation at the state and federal levels put pressure on the working class (who the MAGAts pretend to support) – laws on taxes, labor, unions, trade, bankruptcy, healthcare, employment, wages, benefits, education, student loans, transportation etc.
It’s an absolute myth that the billionaires and multimillionaires are the ‘producers’ and ‘makers’. They make money. They produce fortunes. With the help of the government they siphon money from workers. Migrants produce your food. Construction workers make your bridges, roads and houses. Autoworkers make your cars. Nurses treat you in the hospital. Teachers care for your children.
See? 100% Jew. Not a single word of denial.
In America, only white supremacists consider “Jew” an insult.
Note how every other con-menter agrees with you!! This is a white supremacist site.
Nah, he’s too cheap and the fur hats are too pricey.
Do you despise Jews too? In America, Jews favor the Dems.
No, I despise the democommies. I have nothing but friendship for Jews. Considering my grandfather was a Jew I should.
You’re the only one using it as such so…….
It is? Name a White supremacist: Dana, LGB, L’Roy, drowningpuppies? You are the only one here who seems to have a problem with Jews. Projection, as usual!
You named four! There are more.
You think those guys are White supremacist’s? L’Roy is black and LGB has two Hispanic girlfriends. I don’t think you know what the term means. I also think that out of everyone here you are the most bigoted, closed minded and hateful. You’re also self centered, bigly.
L’Roy claims to be Black. FJB claims to have two Hispanic girlfriends.
White owners of black female slaves often raped their black ‘girlfriends’. Having sex with Hispanic women doesn’t prove one is not a white nationalist, duh. BTW, non-black Hispanics are causcasians.
Mr Dana routinely states America should be controlled by white, property-owning, Christianist males. Most nu-rightists agree with that but have been afraid to say it out loud.
The nu-right/MAGAts have disguised their anti-Black, anti-woman, anti-Jew, anti-gay, anti-foreigner, anti-atheist, anti-Muslim feelings until they took power. Now, you can come out of the closet once you feel safe to hate.
This twisted “logic” from the most lurid poster on this site.
Rimjob, you really are a hateful pretentious vile illiterate.
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker
Tell us MAGA Motherfucker pick the descriptors you HAVE NOT used this year: cunt, muzzie, bitch, nigger, fag, tranny, globalist, joo, darkie, thug, soros, chink, gook, wetback, illegal, eskimo, redskin, kike…
Pissant, you really are a hateful pretentious vile illiterate.
Those are the derogatory terms you constantly use, Rimjob.
Almost daily.
And now you’re using them again for no apparent reason.
Why is that?
Bwaha! Lolgfy Loser!
MAGA47 Motherfucker!
Says the most vile and hateful man at this blog. Your depth and remorseless hatred of Christians, Republicans, Whites, “non-black Hispanics”, straights, men and natural born Americans is a legend.
You are constantly dividing mankind into groups then dividing Americans into sub groups. Nobody on our side “disguises” anything. We don’t have to. If we harbor any hate it’s toward our enemies and those who would destroy America, our families and social order and blaspheme our God.
You dish out hate like a lunch lady does lima beans. You support everything wrong in America. You support every one that hates America and you are the most traitorous person I ever ran across on the net.
Do you realize the very air you breath and the land you walk on was fought for, bled for, died for by some White person before you? It was Whites who conquered this continent by fighting for every inch. Sorry but that’s how nations are built. And if you’re sorry for us being the winner then I suggest as a sign of good will you leave to another spot of land not won by people you hate in wars you wish they had lost.
Yes, we should all worship and honor those white Christian men that imported black slaves and murdered indigenous Americans.
Listen, FJB, no one is all good nor all bad. The early settlers from Europe were fleeing oppression but their descendants annihilated the men, women and children who already lived here.
We understand that white conservative christian men consider their klan superior to all others, including blacks, native Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, women and gays. You feel entitled to your privilege!
Perhaps you could demonstate just an ounce of humility and support the human rights of those you consider inferior.
I find that so-called christians who flaunt their unearned privilege over those they find inferior to not be admirable.
Noted atheist historian Tom Holland talks about why he returned to the Christian faith.
“Our top rate was 90%..”
Yes, and at that rate the highest earners paid less of the total tax bill than they do now.
As the highest marginal rate came down, the share paid by the top 1% went up.
“The wealthy need to pay more taxes”. Why? They already do. We have one of the most progressive tax systems in the free world.
“When the top rate was 90%, we paid down debt, built highways, roads and bridges…,ect”
Yes, and we actually did all those kinds of things even before the federal income was enacted in 1913