I wonder if the media has any clue that they are loathed, that they are not trusted, and that their TDS actually worked against them? Did any editor at the USA Today consider that Rex Huppke needs some therapy?
Yes, I believe in Santa Claus. He’s more kind than the other guy with a red hat. | Opinion
I believe in Santa Claus.
I make that declaration every year before Christmas, and every year, without fail, I’m mocked (mainly by family members) or labeled “cheesy” by online scolds and various other doubters.
That hasn’t stopped me before, and it certainly won’t stop me this year. If ever Americans needed to believe in a totem of pure goodness, it’s right now.
There’s another large-ish fellow who wears a red hat – kind of the anti-Santa, both in spirit and tone – getting loads of attention and promising us things many don’t want. But let’s dispatch with thoughts of that guy.
Instead, I’d like to ask the Santa doubters out there, young or old or in between, to consider the qualities of Claus – as a holiday spirit, as an idea and as a concept I argue is worthy of belief.
Is this one of those things where the screed writer cannot even type Trump’s name, like used to happen with Bush43? Trump is really living rent free.
To start, Santa represents kindness in its purest form. In the stories and shows and the tales parents tell their children, he is a character who cares about people and builds in kids a sense of hope and whimsy. Who teaches the value of goodness and the ills of being bad.
So, Trump is a big meanie. No mention of Biden commuting the sentences of 37 horrendous people on federal death row. Taking a nap for 3 hours while the families of the service members killed in the bad Afghanistan withdrawal sat around. I’m sure you can add a few things
Santa wouldn’t be denigrating migrants or turning them away
Santa also represents inclusion. He wouldn’t turn away people in need or demean people because of where they come from or who they are. He is for everyone who wants to believe, no questions asked
How about the hundreds of thousands who are criminals? Murderers, rapists, child abusers? Who light Americans on fire? Santa is known for giving coal to bad people.
He is the values we want our children to embrace, the values we grownups could likely use a refresher course on.
Would this like being exposing children to pornographic books designed to make them crazy? How about forcing women to deal with men who have mental illness in their safe spaces and on sports teams?
I believe in Santa Claus, and nobody’s going to persuade me otherwise
And, he’s believing in a way to let his Trump Derangement Syndrome loose.

Of course Santa Claus exists!! We are all Santa Claus – with empathy, charity, generosity, community, helpfulness, goodness, acceptance… After all, isn’t Christmas named for Christ?
Poor moms and dads who sacriice day in and day out for their children, expecially on Christmas! We are all Santa Claus!
Toys for Tots, Christmas meals for the less fortunate, sheltering migrants and the homeless, holiday gifts… We are all Santa Claus!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Festivus!!
Santa also knows “The Science”, since he’s ruled by quantum mechanics. That’s how he can appear in every house on Christmas Eve simultaneously. It’s also why that although you can leave milk and cookies, you should never sneak downstairs to see Santa. If you do, the wave function collapses and only one family gets presents. Merry Christmas from the Nerd Pole. :-)
Love it!!