…is a world turning to sand from too much heat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the most American Christmas ever.

…is a world turning to sand from too much heat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the most American Christmas ever.
FEEL GOOD STORY – Barstool’s Dave Portnoy donates $60,000 to save TinyBrickOven from closing on Christmas (Video)
Merry Christmas from the family:
Biden style
Bwaha! Lolgf Loser!
Merry Christmas! The Trump almost-adminstration just attacked Wikipedia, telling followers NOT to donate to Wikipedia until the online ‘peoples online encyclopedia’ tone to be more MAGAtty.
Soon-to-be the US federal government is attempting to control media.
It’s hardly surprising that the top MAGAts want to censor any media that doesn’t take a knee to Trump et al. Control of the media is a cornerstone of authoritarianism.
Wikipedia is written and edited by ‘the people’. MAGAts are invited to supply their own content!! Democracry!!
While I might trust Wikipedia on who has the largest ball of twine in Oklahoma, or the distance to Alpha Centauri; it’s useless for anything even the least bit controversial. Try adding pro-MAGA content sometime and those ‘the people’ will nuke it in nanoseconds. And they’re NOT trying to censor it, just urging folks not to support it with money. different thing altogether.
But that’s not the point, is it? NuCons believe in freedom – for themselves.
The federal government telling citizens to NOT support a particular media site IS censorship.
Wikipedia has a lengthy article on Make America Great Again as a political slogan and a movement. Look it up!
NuCons consider ‘truth’ to be propaganda. As Stephen Colbert says, “Reality has a well-known liberal bias”.
You’re citing Stephen Colbert as an expert on…anything?
Agreed. Now what was the collusion between media/social media and government to censor Trump in 2017-2018?
Another suspect as a source, Wiki?
That’s your opinion. Sadly, once again you project your own beliefs. You’re so predictable. You’ve been spouting the same shit for eight years. Nobody believes you any more! LOL
Nope-first of all, Trump right now isn’t the Federal government, so the federal government isn’t telling anyone what to do. Second, telling those not to donate isn’t censorship, but forcing that same media corporation to not print conservative content would be censorship. You know, what Dems did with Twitter, Facebook, ect. Telling and forcing are two different things.